The PC-based game Street Fighter X Mega Man is most certainly a nice bonus for long-suffering Mega Man fans, but those same fanatics will no doubt be hoping that it's not the only way in which Capcom is marking the Blue Bomber's 25th birthday.
Thankfully, such fears are unfounded. Capcom USA Senior Vice-President Christian Svensson has confirmed that an entire year of celebrations are planned to mark Mega Man's quarter-century, but he also added that lips are likely to remain sealed for a while yet:
I don’t know that there’s more substantial [things] for me to talk about but there’s a TON more things we have in the works, only some of which will be shared on December 17th. There’s a whole year of things that will happen… you’re only going to hear about what’s happening fairly close to the start of the celebrations at first.
Speaking to Destructoid about the aforementioned Street Fighter X Mega Man, Svensson added that the critical fate of the fan-made title will ultimately decide which direction the multi-faceted franchise takes over the next few years:
We'll be using this (Street Fighter X Mega Man) as one of many means of gauging where we're going. One of the challenges that we have is figuring out what is the path forward in terms of, you know, Mega Man has five brands: Classic, X, ZX, Battle Network/Star Force, and Legends. Some of these things are in the same ballpark as one another, and some of them are completely different. That's part of where the, I'll say, the disagreement comes in — a non-unified vision of where Mega Man should live on exists within our own company as well as it does in the market.
Whatever happens in 2013, it would appear that Mega Man is very much on Capcom's radar. Hopefully the coming year will bring some all-new games, and ones that are better than the rather disappointing iOS title Mega Man Xover.
[source gonintendo.com, via destructoid.com]
Comments 55
Sweet! I can't get enough Mega Man... No hard feelings Capcom.
Capcom has very unrealistic expectations for their series, a lot of the fans are concerned that, in the event that the PC freebie doesn't attract much attention, Capcom will just kill off the franchise.
And with crap like Legends 3 being cancelled because "Fans weren't supportive enough" and the outrage at Mega Man XOver on iOS who could blame them?
Deciding the future of a series based on a fan made crossover title? I'm not a huge Megaman fan but I know quite a few are not happy with Megaman's decisions as of late, don't know how wise this is but I hope they know what they're doing...
Releasing Megaman Legends 3 would be a good anniversary gift.
hint hint
The fan base is why Mega Man 9 was developed in the first place. I don't quite understand the Legends fiasco, but if Capcom wants to get their act together and listen to fan response, I'm behind it.
Nothing will make up for their sin of bringing Megaman Xover into the world.
I plan on doing something Megaman related next year too. I will never understand why "Legends 3" was canceled, I would have loved to have a portable Megaman of that possible quality.
The fans will never forget about legends 3, I was at Comic Con this year and went to see the world of capcom, they showed games (like DMC and Darkstalkers resurrection), but at the end, a bunch of people, including me, said "WHAT ABOUT MEGAMAN!?!"
but inside, I knew the answer, Xover
I love that this game will be free! I think if they bring it to xbox arcade and PSN for free they would get a great response. I can't wait to download it! I also hope they make some more mega man x too!
Cool! In the mean time hopefully they release that Mega Man X Street Fighter game on multiple devices, like the Wii, Wii U and 3DS, and other systems like the Xbox 360, iOS, PS3, and PS Vita.
I just want MM1 To come to NA ASAP
I'd actually very much like if Megaman 9 & 10 came to the 3DS as a dual package, DLC included.
I'm sure it would be a big hit, portable versions of solid titles!
you know, Mega Man has five brands: Classic, X, ZX, Battle Network/Star Force, and Legends.
What?! What about Zero!?
@WaveBoy Dude, you are so blinded by nostalgia. Being the retro loving guy I am even I want MML3 or Megaman X9 more right now than another classic Megaman.
This is nice Capcom but you better deliver on this. Since we're getting a year of celebration one of those things better be the release of at least that MML3 demo.
@Philip_J_Reed Well Zero isn't a Megaman game. It's a Zero game.
I think that's the logic at least.
Mega Man, rise!
I'm pretty excited for a potential revival of the blue bomber. Don't let us down Capcom!
"Don't let us down Capcom!"
Too late.
Too late...
@WaveBoy megaman 9 and 10 were garbage 8 was last good game x series needs elf wars zx needs a 3rd game 8bit megaman games needs to stop comin out not as good as original 6
@WaveBoy x7 and x8 were the lousy 1s mavericks were better bosses didnt really like the man part of old bosses
A full year of shoddy iOS releases!
Classic Mega Man in HD new games not remakes please.
Capcom has just become *bleepin idiotic. "Oh, this computer only thing will determine the future of a console series that's been around for 20-something years." Gah. Shut them down and give Mega Man back to the guy who created him.
Pleassssssse don't let me down Capcom. I very much still have doubts. 12/17 better bring some promising news.
I would just enjoy more GB games on 3DS VC. Dr. Wily's Revenge was my first MM game, & I adored it.
@Philip_J_Reed also i think the Zero series is over it ended with 4
@rockman_zero First thing: PLEASE use punctuation.
Second: MM9 wasn't "garbage". MM10 wasn't great but it wasn't horrible either. I don't know why people are either all for the classic or modern style. We wouldn't have the modern (X, ZX) without the originals and the series would have died if not for the modern games. I agree that some of the modern games don't hold up (MMX6-8 I'm looking at you), but they aren't complete garbage.
Honestly, I hope Capcom finally bridges the generations together. I want a cannon story of how the Megaman timeline leads to the X timeline. Same goes for the X timeline in Z and Z into ZX.
About MMZ: It is part of the Megaman cannon as far as I know. I firmly believe the plots of the MMZ games tie in directly to the story of ZX.
@RR529 I agree I want MMV on VC. We will never be able to play it any othe way. Stupid Capcom canceling megaman collection for GBA.
Mega Man 10 wasn't even that impressive. It was better then 4-6 and especially 8 but disappointing compared to Mega Man 9. We don't need another 8-bit Mega Man. 8-Bit is Enough.
Now, a new Zero game, X9 or Legends 3 would all be most welcome.
@KKSlider so ZX is a Megaman game but Zero isn't?
@Waveboy Ah, I see.
To quote a certain Ensemble Darkhorse:
Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm, Capcom.
so they are going to release a pack of a bunch of the old games in a 3ds eshop collection hopefully?
They're gonna base their future of Mega Man on a fan-made game? If it is incredible or fails hard, it won't matter, because it wasn't Capcom that made it. The only way this would have any relevance is if the people who made the game were to become part of Capcom to help in those future games.
They're all going to scrapped or cancelled. Don't get your hopes up.
I'll try it on PC, since its free. But I'd buy it on Wii U. It looks great.
Just putting Megaman Legends 3 out finally would be celebration enough.
Legends 3, Battle Network 7 and Starforce 4, please! (I know a lot will disagree with me, but yeah...)
I don't think any judge would rule the people running Capcom mentally capable, I mean, they're Stark, Raving, and Jumping Mad.
Free eShop version in addition to a PC version and I'll be happy.
well, if they cant do something new with the franchise, they might aswell just remake in HD or something like that to all of the classic games
How about a new game in each series?
Legends 3
Battle network 7
Star force 4
Command mission 2
Maverick hunter X2
Powered up 2
Megaman 11
Megaman X9
@ecco6t9 Even if it wasn't free, I'd still probably get it.
I'd love to see:
Mega Man 11
Mega Man Legends 3
Mega Man Anniversary Compilation
Why the hell should a free fan-game be what they gauge things by? So lazy. You know what your fans have been begging you for, Capcom, and you refuse to provide. If Legends is honestly still on the table, you know what you have to do.
Ohhhh, so the plan is to gauge how receptive PC gamers are to a fan-made game. That sounds like a very well thought out idea. Clearly, Capcom has their best people on this. I would use the same group of individuals that decided to put DLC on the disc; clearly they're the best in the business.
I would call Capcom Legends if they release 3 Mega Man games in 2013.
capcom wont be getting any of my new money unless they make a mm 11, 9-10 style
Here is some ideas:
Release Megaman Legends 3
Release Megaman Online
Make Megaman ZX 3 (since the 2nd one's end has a secret ending which reveals the true bad guy)
Keep up the Megaman Starforce brand with the 3DS
and more importantly, burn with fire the stupid iOS game
Can't wait for a year of re-releases on iOS! gee, sure I'm glad that Legends 17 or whatever got cancelled... I mean, who on earth would like to play such a crappy spin off! rev up those 8bit side scrollers........!
Mega man legends 3 perhaps?
Street Fighter X Mega Man looks amazing. Bring it to the 3DS and take my money, Capcom!
There's more where it comes from for great entries in the classic series, X, ZX or Legends too.
Here's what we're going to get.
The iOS shovelwaare
A free fan game
Virtual Console releases
A collection of some kind.
No Mega Man Legends 3
Piggybacking off of franchises Capcom actually cares about
There's your anniversary.
I usually don't use bad language online and I apologize in advance if I offend anyone but I simply have to say... F*** Capcom.
"We'll be using [Street Fighter X Mega Man] as one of many means of gauging where we're going [with the Mega Man franchise]..."
Really?? A fan-made PC game is your barometer for feeling out where to take Mega Man? Here we go with this again... Same exact crap they were talking about with Mega Man Legends 3 for 3DS before it got cancelled b/c "the fans weren't vocal enough." Other companies would kill to have a tried and true franchise to fall back on. Capcom does - one could even say Mega Man is akin to their Mario. But for the past few years to a decade or so, Capcom hasn't done squat with the series.
@theblackdragon @c1pher_c0mplet
I agree. The whole Street Fighter x Megaman thing does not impress me. If they think a fan-game is going to undo the serious crap they've ran Mega Man (and fans) through in recent years, they have another thing coming. People are ticked off at Capcom right now. A fan-game isn't going to fix anything.
So Capcom basically publishes a Mega Man fangame that someone else made? I hope they don't think this apologizes for the major shafting they've been giving the Blue Bomber since Inafune left. Cause it doesn't. It's easy enough for them to back-up a fangame as opposed to putting in any real effort of their own. I know Capcom is known for being lazy but this level of lazyness just offends me.
This is less about Mega Man and more about Street Fighter. Change the sprite to Ryu and suddenly you have a Street Fighter game that plays like Mega Man. If the game were about Ryu taking on various Robot Masters from the Mega Man franchise, I wonder how much support they would have given it. When it comes right down to it, Capcom still doesn't give a crap about Mega Man. Throwing some support behind a Mega Man fangame does little to change that in my eyes.
Perhaps I'm just bitter at the amount of fangames (many of which are far better than this one) that get taken down. All of a sudden we have a company in SUPPORT of a fangame? Why now? Why wasn't this level of support given for Streets of Rage Remake and the Sonic 2 remake? They release this but cancel Mega Man Legends 3 and Mega Man Universe??
Now I find out they're trying to gauge future Mega Man titles on a friggin' fan game? Really? REALLY??
stand back ive just got persmission to name all the 8 bosses in mega man 11...
1-stew man
2-discount man
3-sensitive man
4-ham man
5-ziplock man
6-man man
7-luke warm man
8-paper cut man
Ziplock Man? They got my money already!
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