Wii U launched what feels like years ago - Sunday 18th November in North America, to be precise. After literally days of waiting (days can seem like months when it comes to new Nintendo hardware) Europe is finally getting the shiny new system, and we're going to share the experience with you just as we did with the US release.
With many European fans receiving shipping notifications in the past 24 hours, it would seem that some lucky people will be getting their Wii U consoles a day early - including us here at Nintendo Life Towers, all being well. Members of the Nintendo Life team will be posting updates throughout the next day or two, along with a visual guide to the start of a new console generation.
Feel free to add your own experiences in the comments section. You can also email us your thoughts and photos to [email protected] and we'll do our best to include them in the live blog. In the meantime, check out our Wii U reviews to see what we think of the games available so far.
Live Text - Updates will load here automatically, no need to refresh the page.
Tom - Tekken is my sleeper hit today. Plays and looks excellent, and is good silly fun.
Mike - Surprised by how fun Nintendo Land is even in two player mode. It's undoubtedly better with a full team of five, but still a laugh with less. Pikmin Adventure and Animal Crossing rule the roost I think!
Ant - Nice picture Daz!
Daz - Enjoying a fingerprint free Wii U, if only for short while. It's time to power up and start the torturous firmware update.
Tom - That Nintendo Land fix (removing the patch and letting the game reinstall) worked an absolute treat. Been enjoying some multiplayer ZombiU, which was surprisingly addictive.
Daz - the eagle has landed!
Ant - Downloading the FIFA 13 demo now, 1.2GB, thankfully it downloads in the background...
Mike - Looks like I spoke too soon. It lets me copy data to it but I got an error code partway through playing the FIFA demo off it. Y-cable it is!
Mike - Plugged in a 1TB Samsung M3 portable hard drive and it works with no problems. No external power supply, one USB port used. Handy!
Damo - Off to hunt for some batteries for my Wii Remote! Wish Nintendo would come up with a rechargeable version
Damo - Being able to control your television using the GamePad is never going to get old.
Mike - It's Mario time!
Damo - My Wii U sits unplayed as I work through the official Nintendo Life review of the system that will be going live on the site later today! Look forward to it!
Ant - We're having fun looking around Miiverse, do come and say hello! NNID: n-life
Mike - Downloading Trine 2 and the FIFA demo at the moment. I seriously love the buttons on the GamePad, nice and chunky.
Tom - Ready for some Wii U at a sensible time now, after playing until 6am in the morning. Trying a fix for Nintendo Land (deleting and reinstalling the patch), as that was the only issue last night. NSMBU Boost Mode was definitely a winner last night in this household.
Mike - Up and ready for another round of Wii U. I stayed up until 4:30am making sure all the software updates were done and fiddling with Miiverse, so now it's time to play some games!
Daz - not long now!
How is everyone getting on, lots of Wii U deliveries this morning?
Daz - It's getting closer!
Tom - Thankfully NSMBU ran without a hitch, and neither my brother or I feel like sleeping. Tekken it is!
It'd all been going well, but Nintendo Land crashed the system 3 times. Time to try NSMBU, and hope it works!
Hm, those are long seconds... Maybe they mean minutes, but I want some pre-sleep Nintendo Land, darn it!
Mike - Update complete, hooray! Took about an hour, not too bad.
Mike - This...might take a while.
Passing the torch - fnar
Tom - Success! Now for setup and the system update mini game...
Mike - Batman: Arkham City was quite popular at my launch, and pretty much everybody bought a copy of New Super Mario Bros. U too.
Mike - Now, do I run that update tonight or be sensible and get some sleep...?
Mike - Wii U is mine!
Mike - Everybody's in the shop now!
Mike - Somebody else has arrived! Not long until we're let in.
Arrived at the store, and it's pretty quiet. Still, decent bundle deal will include ZombiU, NSMBU and Tekken.
Here's the queue at Oxford St, London for the HMV Wii U launch - thanks @moomootown
JamieO - All you gamers who are getting it tomorrow can yell out "Wii U" to give me tips for Christmas day when I will get mine. Let good times roll!
Mike - I'm the first person in line for Wii U in Manchester. Bit weird.
Ant says "I've just been using Netflix, it seems to work pretty well - one big problem though, no digital 5.1, only stereo - oh dear"
Mike - This is what my midnight launch is all about:
Mike - Less than three hours to go! Who's excited?
Tom - Getting ready for the midnight launch AND swearing repeatedly at my phone camera. Still, got my outfit ready!
We've got Tom & Mike on their way to seperate midnight launches, stay tuned!
Daz - DPD are getting sorted for delivery tomorrow. C'mon lads, don't let me down!
Daz - no Wii U for me today, but at least I've now got my first game courtesy of Shopto
" />
Ant says: "We're going to play some games now, what are you guys playing? Who has to wait until tomorrow?"
Tom - After a frantic day (curse you, real life), I'm FINALLY getting hyped ahead of a midnight launch. Like Mike, I've had my texts from GAME (Black Wii U and NSMBU) and plan to pick up ZombiU and one other title -- there'll apparently be a dozen or so games available at a heavy discount. Will be playing all night and throughout tomorrow with my brother, and we're looking forward to a full on geek-day.
Andy says: "Apparently there's a sizable package from Amazon waiting for me at home. Now, it's either my Wii U or they've slightly over-packaged that book I ordered..."
Ken has his system!
Brad says: "I HAZ A WII U!! Racing home to update it!"
Mike says: "I'm getting the Premium bundle with Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros. U. I'm also planning on buying a decent amount of eShop credit and perhaps an extra game if there are any special offers on. I've had my text alerts, I've confirmed the midnight launch and I've just seen piles of freshly-unboxed games behind the counter at GAME -- time to get hyped!"
We're not "allowed" to use the NNID of "NintendoLife" hah!
The update is complete, it took around 60 mins to download & install!
Getting there...
Nintendo Land!
It's-a him!
Daz - it turns out DPD will now be delivering my Wii U tomorrow instead. Bah humbug!
This is torture.
Move faster, time!
I think we'll put the kettle on for a bit.
The EU firmware update has now been put live, we're downloading...
I think we need a rest now.
Welcome to the fantasy zone!
Shall we wake them up?
Two's company.
Ant can't get in there fast enough!
Opening Pandora's Box...
Behold, the Wii U chest of dreams!
Ken says "Ordered the Premium ZombiU pack from ShopTo, with Mario, NintendoLand, Sonic Racing, FIFA 13, Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013, an extra Pro Controller and a Wii U Starter Accessory Kit. TNT website still denies that my shipment even exists, but that isn't going to stop me racing home from work at lunchtime to see if they've tried to deliver it!"
BREAKING NEWS: They are here. Yes, both of them.
RT @BlythJoe: @nintendolife It's here thanks to @shoptonet and TNT
We are officially in our delivery window. #excite
Shhhhh! Everyone listen out for the door!
Don't forget that the Wii U isn't the only piece of Nintendo hardware launching in Europe tomorrow...
Daz - I ordered my Wii U online from Zavvi which should be delivered sometime today by DPD couriers. This doesn't make for such an exciting story, but at least I will get it a day early hopefully
We've set up a ring of security cameras outside the Nintendo Life office to monitor any incoming packages. Come on, Mr Courier!
Comments 111
My body is ready
Will be interesting to see your perspectives over there across the pond!
My retail store called me yesterday and asked if I was going to pick it up tomorrow.. What a silly question
Stores open in NZ in about 9 hours. I cancelled my EB order today because they have no special bundles, like the free Mario U available with the Premium offered elsewhere. Hope I can still get it!
My retail store called and asked if I was going to the midnight launch to collect my wiiu... What a silly question.
Bought mine from an online store.. really hope they actually deliver it tomorrow.
@Mollutje same here. I hate the preorder black hole you're always in, I hope they're sensible enough to send it over today so we get it tomorrow.
It will be here soon no doubt, but it never gets better than day1
I wish all you people in Europe luck in your quest for the U
Tomorrow i will be the first person in my local game store xD at last waiting almost over..
Mine is sat in the back of a courier van somewhere, I have a feeling I'll be looking out the window all day like I was roughly a year ago waiting for Skyward Sword...I love 1st Class delivery.
Not just Europe!
Still twelve hours !!!
Just called local hmv. My zombiu bundle is sat there ready to collect in the morning. Welcome to the new generation people !
Did you get lucky and get DPD delivery Anthony? Mine is shipped by City Link and is due between 07.30-17.30, hate those long delivery windows :/
@Buzzthebatgirl yeah, it's coming from DPD via Amazon UK, I guess I got lucky!
Can't wait to pick up my Wii U first thing tomorrow morning!
I pre-ordered at GAME a few months ago, the deluxe model (which is now known to be named the Premium Pack over here).
If it's anything like when I picked up the 3DS XL at GAME, I should earn a lot of reward points on my GAME card which'll amount to a nice discount, and they might even give customers a £10 game voucher too!
@antdickens I'm such a fool, didn't even think and clicked on free delivery from Amazon. No Wii U for me until Monday - Wednesday next week........
wow im so jelly =/
@superconsole doh, thankfully we have Amazon Prime which was worth it in this case!
So how's it feel guys?
Just got it! I only ordered it on the 27th (amazon uk) so it's certainly a surprise to get it a day early
Feeling deflated.
Bloody games arriving before the damn system...
@dimlylitmonkey I looked at Amazon wks ago and they said all pre orders from now will be delivered after launch....wish I had ordered off them now
Pre-ordered mine in Gamestation, kinda wished I'd gone online with all these early deliveries!
I ordered mine from Tesco, no email yet to confirm it has been dispatched so I guess it will be tomorrow. Ordered my 3DS from there and it came a day early
@Tsuchiya Ouch! And they don't even come with any nice manuals to flick through while you wait!
@Tsuchiya When I ordered my GBA I got Castelvania 2 days before the system!
I, from Italy, already got it yesterday. My friend and i went on a trip to get it and we mounted it at my home and wow, just wow. Two screening works and what i can say without revelaling to much it that the Wii U GamePad will totally get rid of your normal remote for the TV.
I won't be able to use mine till Christmas day.
I cannot wait.
Leaving at 7:30 in the morning to pick it up at 8:00.Then driving back with a police escort,went into the shop to put money on card.Shop bloke brought wiiu box from out back to show me,not long now!
When I ordered my launch Wii, Twilight Princess (and others) arrived a whole 2 weeks before my Wii arrived. 2 weeks looking at a sealed Zelda game that I couldn't play nearly drove me mad.
The Devil himself would've sympathized with such cruelty.
@Tsuchiya Where on earth did you order it from to get it two weeks early? I've heard of places breaking the street date by a few days but thats ridiculous! Was is imported?
Congrats and good luck EU peeps. Hope you guys have a great launch and see you on Miiverse!
From your friend across the pond with love,
I pre ordered mine from a catalogue (I don't recommend this route at all)
The games arrived on launch day but I was Wii-less for 2 weeks. I didn't get anything early. The games arrived on time but the Wii didn't.
It's happening again with my Wii U
@MattL Kudos to you man, she will repay the selfless act ten fold.
first post CANT WAIT for the wiiu ive been getting or(in the case of the wii trying) to get every nintendo system since the gamecube at launch its in the post i hope it arrives sooner rather than later : )
@Tsuchiya Oh no thats even worse, two whole weeks without Zelda while everyone else is finishing the game already! I'm sure the wait won't be as bad this time around, I know if mine doesn't appear tomorrow there will be some angry phone calls to be made!
I ran out of drool looking at pictures and live feeds.
I'm suffering more with a froth like substance. Looks like a deleted scene from Ghostbusters I in here.
MINE CAME THIS MORNING if only I didn't have to work today O well... the next two weeks I've booked off should suffice
Ray, you should've gone with Shopto... a little bit more expensive but worth it, especially since their reward scheme is much better!
Have two pre-orders, first one I could pick up, but with a gig tonight decided to pick up the other tomorrow. The second pre-order said they were not allowed to delver, but it will include a free extra game.
Mine was posted today, but unlike all you people who receive things in 1 day, mine won't arrive for a week And I'll be away for a week from Sunday so it'll be even longer until I get to play it.
Anyone ordering from Tesco heard anything yet?
Well mine is updating (has been for about 50 mins now and had 1 wifi drop out so far but resumed after I copied my Mii from my 3DS. Sadly I would say its only about 1/6 of the way across the bar sigh @ my net connection.
Not so much as a whisper.
My games will be here (supposedly) tomorrow but as for my Wii U....it's not budging. No emails, no calls, no nothing.
just got it in the post yeah! i pre with gamestop by the way
Congratulations on joining the Wii U fun, Europe & Australia! Have fun (after the looooooooong downloading/updating, that is )!
btw, NL has towers? Y U no be Fawlty Towers?
The update game isn't that fun...
Weird to think you guys are just now gettin it and Japan hasn't gotten it yet, awesome though, can't wait to see you guys on miiverse!
@FluttershyGuy - Of course Nitnendolife does. https://www.nintendolife.com/forums/general_discussion/is_there_a_physical_nintendolife_hq That thread holds some answers.
My Wii U turned up today.....before I got home from work! Noooooooooooooooo! They're gonna redeliver it tommorow. At least I've got the day off.
@Tsuchiya I had an email on Saturday, it said:
"Dear Customer,
Thank you for your recent pre-order for a Wii U console.
You may have seen that Nintendo have confirmed a market wide shortage of stock for this product at launch.
However we are pleased to confirm that we will be able to deliver your order on the release date of 30th November.
We hope you enjoy your new Console!
Kind regards
Tesco Direct Customer Service "
ZombiU was despatched in the early hours yesterday but was not in todays post
Everyone over the pond:
Pray that your Wii U doesn't freeze! It's very frustrating if it does...
I have that exact email. Let me guess, your Wii U states "sent to fulfillment"?
I'm waiting on a response from them on FB.
Apparently, my Wii U is set for delivery tomorrow but hasn't left the warehouse yet.
I never thought I'd see the day that my fluffy purple rug would appear on the hallowed pages of NintendoLife.
I can die happy now.
I've just been told by Tesco that mine hasn't been dispatched yet and "when it is dispatched, it should be with you the following working day." Not a hint of what that day may be. So now I'll run the risk of missing the damn postman when I'm at work. Tomorrow would've been so convenient.
So it looks like I'll be staring at Wii U games for some time. Providing I don't miss them as well. Lovely. I do have an email saying both the Wii U and the games will be here tomorrow but I'm not holding my breath. Tesco, you suck!
@Tsuchiya Actually I ordered it back in September when it was still Tesco Entertainment, then they merged with the Tesco Direct section on the website. Thing is I can't view the status of my old Entertainment orders now that part of the website has gone, but I have been assured all orders will be sent as normal.
the update that JUST....WONT....DIE....
Wow I can't believe it's here. The first ever Nintendo hardware launch I have absolutely no interest in.
@madgear Boooo!
going to the FNAC (a french vendor) right now, usually they close their doors at 19h30, but today is a special day : i will be able to enter the shop after 19h30 (with my preorder paper) to get my wiiu
My interest is starting to ebb away.
But I'll be glad when I get the ruddy thing.
Ordered mine from Asfa direct, came at 10.30 - all good but even though it can see my Virgin Media router it will not connect.
I can't tell you how excited I am for all of you in Europe... trust me, it was worth the wait. Hope to see some Europeans in the Nintendo Land Plaza!
Those #$% amateurs at Bart Smit (Holland) screwed up my preorder so when i went to pick it up they only had a game for me but no console. Morons!
Woohoo!! So excited for Nintendo fans in Europe, let the celebrations begin!! Opening day is always the most exciting time!! ENJOY!!!! The MiiForce grows stronger today!!!
Just picked up my premium!! Along with nsmbu batman, zombiu, mass effect, tekken, and transformers!!!!
Updating it right now.. Can't wait to play NSMBU ^^
For anyone in New Zealand, the best deal I've found for Wii U so far has been from The Warehouse: Premium bundle + NSMB U for $568. It's advertised as $595, but I asked about the difference on the website and they said the lower price is correct. Also apparently Noel Leeming has NSMB for free with the Premium...
I wish all you NLifers in Europe good luck on getting one! Hope to see more people on Miiverse now! If you're getting one, you're going to love it!
So how many people are in the queue at HMV in Oxford Street?
Sorted my connection problem out,www.ign.com/wikis/wii-U/How_to_Get_Online_with_Wii_U - it seems quite a few people are having this problem.
Woohoo! Writing this on the Wii U browser!
It's surprisingly fast! Launch day fever!!
Don't know when I'll get mine or even where it is.
12.30am and thanks
Not long till Christmas!
Only pre-ordered last Friday & was told I wasn't certain to get my Wii U at launch. Cue phone call from hmv this afternoon telling me it will be in store for collection tomorrow which resulted in me doing laps of the office woo-hooing. Had the day booked off a while back so I will be at hmv in Manchester city centre as soon as it opens for delivery of my new Wii U baby. Already got Nintendoland but will get one other, but which though? So many good options.
Assassins Creed 3, Darksiders 2, Blops2U, Sonic Racing or Mass Effect 3
There's a thread for 3DS friend codes somewhere in here.
Thanks Tsuchiya. I'm leaning towards Assassins Creed 3 although that Mass Effect 3 trailer I just watched has put it in the running. Then again there is something wonderfully nostalgic about first playing a new Nintendo console with a Mario game.
Kudos to the midnight queuers! Took the easy option and Amazon delivered mine today (no missing Nintendoland!). All updated pretty quickly and wii data transferred. Very happy!
I'm home and updating!!
Come on, i'm ready now........
oh its moved 2 mil
Grats, Europe! I've been having way too much fun with this system over the last couple weeks. Hope you guys enjoy it too.
I am now the proud owner of a Wii U!!
Updating as I speak! Cant wait to play!!
Looking forward to adding fellow NL Wii U players to my friends list (if you'll have me that is!)
Such an exciting time:)
If you guys gonna play black ops 2 please play demolition because I'm tired of playing domination and TDM...thanks
Add me I am "el brody"
Congrats to everyone picking up their Wii U! Here in Canada it is 11:41pm, so I look forward to reading more of your posts tomorrow!
Have fun!
a police escort? are you paris hilton?
incase you are, will you autograph my copy of the home movie you made?
i leave in 20mins to pick up my baby♪♪
happy wii u day guys... hope to see some of ya on the BlackOps 2 battlefield
Happy wii u day agentxH, and a happy wii u year. I'll be off get mine in half hour and will be on the battlefield later.
Once someone who has the PAL version transfers their VC games, can anyone confirm that the Wii U is still displaying them in 50Hz?
As some games don’t display with the EDTV cable on the Wii (for example ToeJam and Earl), I am wondering if Nintendo have done anything to fix the problem.
As Wii U enters 'Wii mode' to play the VC, I'm thinking they haven’t...
Just playing the 'waiting game' waiting for TNT to redeliver my Wii U today now. Gutted that I wasn't here when they tried to deliver it yesteday, I literally missed them by only 10 mins
If it doesn't turn up, I'll have to get someone to drive me over to the depot laters and pick it up then. I'll have it by the end of the day at least
Still not a word from Tesco regarding my order, would be interested to hear from anyone else that has pre ordered online with them
Pre_ordered one 5 months ago, when i contact them they said i could still wait 2-3 weeks...
So i called some shops and there was 1 with 1 premium pac k +nintendoland for me, the last one in stock after 10minutes they were open, they said they had 3 in total. Well im glad i have one, also got new super mario bros.
Well my preorder from Grainger Games didn't turn up in the shop. Annoying thing is I cancelled a very early preorder from Amazon so I could support a local retailer.
It would have been nice if they'd spent the time to make a 10 second phone call earlier in the week to save me having the day off work.
If you're planning to buy Batman: Arkham City and you already own a Playstation 3 I'd suggest you to wait before purchasing it, because it appears that Sony is going to give it as a free download for Playstation Plus members; actually It's already discounted at 14,99€ and it's marked as "Soon available for free for Plus members" on the european PSN.
Here where I live (Venice, Italy) there are no shortages problem, as the retail stores still have some units available for immediate sell and they're going to receive more consoles from Nintendo of Europe on next tuesday.
Got it! Downloading the update as we speak... Somebody took pity on me, pulled some strings and came up with the goods, im so happy now. My body is ready!
Working half days on Friday is great. Hopefully the Wii U (which is coming from amazon) will come in the afternoon when I'm there. Inviting a mate round and playing "New Super Mario Bros U"!
@Ristar42: On the Xbox 360, it is possible to run Mega Drive games in 50Hz on HDMI, so they should run as they do on Wii (well in 480p). I doubt they would have made any effort to fix the games that had the componet lead issue.
I fell quite excited for it now,hopefully I can get more that just Nintendo Land with my Wii U.
@b_willers - I pre-ordered from Tesco also and received the same email. However, no delivery as yet! Have you received yours?
@b_willers Pre-ordered as well and received the same email. However no delivery! Did you receive yours?
@Sefton_d Nothing! Had a message from Tesco on Facebook earlier saying it should be still today, then another saying if its not today I will need to wait another 10! Looking on Twitter it seams some people have received theirs from Tesco this morning, someone even got one after he canceled his order last week because they could not guarantee delivery for launch! However we are not the only ones missing systems at this point… https://www.facebook.com/tesco/posts/444177418974728
The Wii U came! YAY!
Now the boring update. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Welcome aboard EU players! Enjoy a great console. You will love the new gamepad controller! I must also say Miiverse is pretty awesome.
They sent me the screen protector and mario U but not the freaking system.
@RadioShadow I feel exactly the same...joy when my Wii U arrived, now the excruciating boredom of watching the update bar slooooowly creep across the GamePad screen. And then next I've got to transfer all my VC and WiiWare games off my old Wii onto it...think I've got over 100, so hope that doesn't take too long
@RadioShadow Cheers for the information, I had some hope that they would sort out the whole 50Hz issue with a new Wii U VC, but seems not with 'Wii mode'.
Don't forget to change the auto-off setting, people! Feel free to add me to your friends list. My NID is legionUK.
Just a warning to people with tons of VC and WiiWare games on their Wii SD card...when you transfer everything over to the Wii U, only the game saves are transferred, not the games themselves. You can't even put your old SD card in and launch your games off that afterwards, you've got to redownload the whole lot of them again Grrrr. I didn't have to do that with my EShop downloads when I upgraded my 3DS to a 3DS XL, once I'd moved my old account onto it, I was able to just put my old 3DS SD card into the 3DS XL and was good to go. Not the case here
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