Frontier Developments — the team behind the WiiWare smash LostWinds and its sequel LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias — has opened its first studio outside of the UK, taking advantage of tax breaks to set up shop in Canada. The new office will be based in Nova Scotia, and will house around 20 staff to begin with.
"For a long time we've had a feeling it would be a good strategic move to have a North American studio presence and we've been looking around at the various places we could go," said David Walsh, president at Frontier, when he spoke to GamesIndustry.biz about the move. "We've had a dialogue with the people from Nova Scotia for a while and it looks like a really attractive place so we essentially set about building the foundations for a studio there."
Walsh says the decision to expand outside of the UK was not just influenced by the promised tax breaks currently being used by Canadian authorities to tempt international businesses into the country. "The important thing for us is it's about people," he said. "We needed to expand and hire people and it's a place where we can find good people. Even if there were tax breaks in the UK we'd still be looking to move to North America as well because there's a strategic element to it. It's people that make games, not tax credits."
It's not known if the company's focus includes Wii U at the moment, though — Frontier, like so many developers, appears to be concentrating on mobile devices. "We've got a good spread of projects, as well as the work we're known for we're moving in to more mobile, smartphone, tablet projects, of which LostWinds was our first step," explained Walsh. LostWinds made its debut on WiiWare in 2008, and successfully jumped over to iOS in 2011.
[source gamesindustry.biz]
Comments 12
A LostWinds 3DS edition would rock. I'd have thought that the eShop whould have been a perfect platform for a handheld edition?! I bought LostWinds on WiiWare and iOS (both iterations of the franchise), but would still love a 3D version. Wadda'ya say Frontier???
Oooh! Just got to add my two pence here!
A Wii console isn't on the cards in my home, but I've been drooling over Lost Winds and it's sequel ever since I read the reviews a few years ago. Please, Frontier, make it come to the eShop for Nintendo handhelds - preferably 3DS, but anything will do really. OK?
No way, don't port LostWinds to 3DS! Rather, make LostWinds 3 for 3DS! I think there's supposed to be 6 games in the LostWinds story? (I read it somewhere but don't remember where, maybe in the 1st game?) & hence a continuing of the series would be awesome.
But saying that I don't mean that I didn't like the original 2 LostWinds games because I certainly did, they were amazingly brilliant but I would prefer to see a new LostWinds game on the eShop than one of the one's already released on Wii but I'd day 1 buy them if they did get put on eShop anyway
@WiiLovePeace OK, LostWinds 3 for 3DS, but gotta have the prequels as well.
@Mowzle, agreed. It would be good to have more players enjoy the 1st two LostWinds games & a new 3rd game.
Another LostWinds or more of that quality stuff, please, Frontier.
I want a new LostWinds for WiiWare.
LostWinds 1 and 2 were outstanding. Please Frontier, LostWinds 3 for Wii, or Wii U, which might be a better choice.
I've been waiting for the 3rd LostWinds... I thought they announced it would be a trilogy long ago?
I hope we see Lostwinds 3 on the Wii u e-shop, or even better: A fully fledged Wii u retail-title! I would love it!!
Please bring Frontier Elite to the 3DS. I want to land on planets again.
Funny how when I was younger, I have frontier:Elite, and the ability to fly through the whole galaxy, trading, blasting, killing, orbiting, landing.
these days we have Eve. eve is compared to Elite.
Mr Braben please make my world alive again.
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