Could be a hot release

When WiiWare was still relatively fresh and home to some excellent indie games, World of Goo was a high profile arrival that charmed with its intuitive physics puzzles, attractive visuals and quirky sense of humour. It seems that 2D Boy — developer of that title — is now Tomorrow Corporation, with Allan Blomquist and Kyle Gabler (who also worked for EA) being joined by Kyle Gray, creator of Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure, a bit of a gem on DS.

The new indie has now released a teaser for its upcoming title, Little Inferno, set for release later this year on PC, Mac, Linux and, most importantly, Wii U. Nintendo's next system is the only home console that is confirmed, so it may be an exclusive of sorts, albeit not to those that game with a keyboard and mouse. The first trailer is below and has a lot of stylistic similarities with World of Goo. It's also very, very strange.
