This isn't in 3D

By now you've hopefully listened to the Nintendo Life Podcast: Episode 22 where our host James Newton spoke to Heroes of Ruin community manager Kevin Eva about the 2012-bound 3DS action adventure game. Audio can only do so much, though: visuals pack a far mightier punch, particularly in three glorious dimensions.

That's why Square Enix and n-Space have released a set of 3D screenshots of the Coral Tombs as well as the Vindicator and Gunslinger characters in full-on combat mode.

We've embedded a few 3D images below. If you're on your 3DS, hold your stylus over the image and it should magically appear in three dimensions on your top screen.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

If you want to see more, head over to the Heroes of Ruin website for the full set of 3D shots. If you want to hear more, the Nintendo Life Podcast has you amply aurally covered.
