By now you've hopefully listened to the Nintendo Life Podcast: Episode 22 where our host James Newton spoke to Heroes of Ruin community manager Kevin Eva about the 2012-bound 3DS action adventure game. Audio can only do so much, though: visuals pack a far mightier punch, particularly in three glorious dimensions.
That's why Square Enix and n-Space have released a set of 3D screenshots of the Coral Tombs as well as the Vindicator and Gunslinger characters in full-on combat mode.
We've embedded a few 3D images below. If you're on your 3DS, hold your stylus over the image and it should magically appear in three dimensions on your top screen.
If you want to see more, head over to the Heroes of Ruin website for the full set of 3D shots. If you want to hear more, the Nintendo Life Podcast has you amply aurally covered.
[source heroesofruin.com]
Comments 15
Next year isnt comming fast enough. I need a real game to play on my 3DS.
I've seen some pictures already as you had news about this site some time ago: http://www.3ds-screenshot.com/gallery-heroes-of-ruin.html
I've kept my eye on it since then.
The screenshots on the Heroes of Ruin website are showing up as normal 2D images. The one here works in 3D, though. Weird.
It reminds me to Phantasy Star Online. I am looking forward to this game! _ Especially the Online Koop.
Looked all these yesterday when the Nintendolife interview sent ti their website. Picking up this game seeing as Capcom didn't want the money I was throwing.
Cautiously optimistic about this. :3
Getting a Diablo vibe from this, and if this game can at least be half as good or at the very least, be as good as the Crystal Chronicle(DS) games with a decent online experience, I will be all over it.
"This isn't in 3D."
It's great to see a developer taking the initiative to use the 3DS browser to show off their screenshots to their fullest potential in 3D.
This game's settings look kinda boring, though. I think my interest in it will hinge on a healthy amount of content and a robust multiplayer experience.
Could we get the 'a few 3D images', instead of just the one? Please and thank you!
I'm curious to see how much the additional depth adds to the experience, although for me this is already a must buy.
In the absence of Final Fantasy I'm interested in for 3DS, this will be a nice substitute. I need my Squeenix on 3DS fix, and this is looking pretty darn good! Hope this and Bravely Default Flying Fairy make it here to North America!
Looks pretty damn good and the 3D really adds a sort of atmosphere. Not sure if I'm that interested in this sort of game though....... so will wait for reviews (and possibly bargain bins)
I've been pretty interested in this game ever since I first saw it.
The 3DS needs some good online games and this is looking like a pretty deep experience.
Just went and looked at all the 3D images and it's looking pretty good.
Can't wait.
Looks pretty cool!
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