It's not time to jump for joy just yet, but this is certainly good to hear

CyberConnect2, the developer behind the acclaimed Solatorobo: Red the Hunter, is currently collaborating with Capcom on Asura's Wrath for PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360, but what would CEO and President Hiroshi Matsuyama like to work on next? When posed the question recently, his answer was none other than the freshly cancelled fan-driven Mega Man Legends 3.

It would be Mega Man Legends 3. I really like the series!

Though the odds may stand against the project's resurrection under new development, the fact that the head of a respected company that's already working with Capcom is interested might prove great news. At the very least, it's good to hear a notable voice speak in favour of the franchise.

Make sure to read our Solatorobo review to find out why the game's taking such a direction would look very promising indeed.

What do you think about this development?
