The 3DS eShop will be updated this week with the much anticipated Nintendo Video application.
Nintendo is hosting a 3DS event in the UK next Tuesday. The invitation bears the phrase "you won't believe your eyes" — could this be related to the 3D video application?
Download the free Nintendo Video application, only for Nintendo 3DS
11th July 2011 – Nintendo 3DS owners will be able to download the new Nintendo Video application from Nintendo eShop from the 13th of July 2011 providing access to a range of new and exclusive 2D and 3D video content on their Nintendo 3DS system.
The Nintendo Video application allows you to view specially selected 2D and 3D video content, including comedy clips, cartoons and music videos to name a few, and all automatically received via SpotPass when a wireless Internet connection is available. SpotPass revolutionises the way you receive content while on the move. Nintendo has partnered with a range of Wi-Fi providers which will enable you to automatically receive free 3D content from supported public Wi-Fi access points – even when your Nintendo 3DS system is in Sleep Mode.
Initial Nintendo Video content which will be available through SpotPass will include selected episodes of Oscar's Oasis - the charming cartoon TV series produced by TeamTO & TUBA, which has been broadcast across Europe, will become available to view for the first time in full 3D on your Nintendo 3DS system.
3D specialist D4D has also produced an array of exclusive 3D episodes of Magic Tricks for your Nintendo 3DS. Be entertained and stunned viewing classic card tricks and optical illusions in 3D, in the palm of your hand.
The 2D and 3D content will not stop there; in the near future Nintendo Video will be bringing you a host of additional content, including movie trailers, classical music concerts, children’s animations plus much more content, all in full 3D.
For more information on Nintendo 3DS and SpotPass, visit the official Nintendo 3DS website at www.nintendo3ds.co.uk. For information on performing a system update, visit the Support section at support.nintendo.com
[source nintendo.co.uk]
Comments 77
This better come to NA soon...
I agree.
Nice! Wonder how it will work.
I second the agreement.
I never noticed before how abnormally large Waluigi's chin is.
I already saw this on Twitter! Good News
Grats =)
does this include Aussies?
Geez, I hope this comes to NA. But if it does, hopefully they won't host completely stupid shows and such. Magic tricks are cool, but I'd rather watch Adventure Time in 3D.
Nintendo event next Tuesday?
Can I come?
@LightSamus No mention of it yet on the Australia site. Will keep you posted.
@SoulSilverIV No.
What about the North America site?
I cant wait. Will this start of 3D movies they promised aswell.
nice one if their wanting people to keep 3ds with them everywhere their doing a good job
@Alpha2797 Nothing yet. As always, if we know something, we will post it
How come NA is last to get stuff most of the time?
except for the E3 vids
@3DGamer this isn't out anywhere yet, how is North America last? It just hasn't been announced yet.
what about north america will netflix and video services come this week to
Can People Please Stop asking about NA. How many times does James need to say, He will put any news up on the site asap. Repeatedly asking him wont make it happen any quicker
3D-video? That's it! I'm switching to Game Gear!
North America is getting Netflix. Also, this might not come to NA unless NoA strikes deals with American companies to release this app (not saying it won't happen, just that it probably won't be the same as the European version)
@andy: Maybe they'll make another "operation" to push this release. After all, North America is always last....oh wait, nevermind
Honestly, I am surprised - until this "generation" it was the US who got stuff earlier and better, with Europe trailing far, far behind. Suddenly we see a switch, at least for Nintendo (other companies never had that issue developed that much though). I'm curious to see what comes out of it in the future...? And more importantly - will this app be available in the entire European Union, or just selected countries? If it's not available at my place, I'll be angry...
I'm assuming when NA finally gets this service they will be 3D videos I don't really care for since cartoon's aren't really my thing anymore. But it's nice to see features finally starting to come out of the dark.. I'm really just anticipating Netflix and 3D movies to FINALLY show up >_>
I take it it will be regulated by Nintendo...so no MA shows like Misfits?
Ahh I remember having a Gamegear; I could play it anywhere, abosolutely anywhere... within 2.5 metres of an electrical socket. How times have changed... Looks at Nintendo 3DS - Doh!
I'm more excited for Netflix anyways. Probably won't be in 3D, but still will be quite cool.
I'm sure we'll get 3D movies and stuff too though.
......So will i be able to watch my own videos? I really want to put videos on my 3DS.
Iwata seems to be taking the 3DS's moderate success seriously, so I hope that Nintendo will get serious about stuff like this! I'm looking forward to it anyway!
Well I suppose this kind-of makes up for the EU lack of eShop cards. I want to download my Zelda damnit!
Well this is cool news - whenever it comes
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees viva EU
I just want regular old 2D Netflix. Not that 3D magic tricks aren't enticing...
Sorry, but the 3DS just seems like a failure at the moment. Even if they launch the 3D video service, what good is it if your system gets 3-4 hours tops with 3D on? And with Netflix streaming, you're looking at 2-3. Add that to the pile of crap they call software on there (it's sad when the best game is an enhanced port), and 3DS just doesn't appeal to me at all.
@Wiiaboutyou Yeah, it's a joke "That's it! Im switching to (insert random console/game series)" is a joke
@masterz some people actually enjoy playing the 3ds, so please, keep your opinion to yourself
@Birdman13 I disagree. I hope this never comes to NA. EVER.
I'm worried that with all of the start treatment that Nintendo have been giving NoE lately they'll make up for it by giving NoA the Wii U five years before anywhere else ..
Since when do you decide what comes to NA or not?
If it does, then don't get it. Very very simple and it works. You'll be happy, as will everyone else who downloads it will be happy.
Fair enough?
Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, whether you agree with them or not.
3DS seems like a failure despite the many who own one and the positive remarks? I don't think so
@42. Bmagwood769
That's racist...
@komicturtle92: let's give him the benefit of the doubt, please; pik is known to be a joker 'round these parts :3
@birdman13 I agree!
@pikmaniac02 What the heck? I TOTALY disagree!
I can't wait for 3D video... heck, I can't even wait to use the 3DS as a 3D camcorder. Awesomejuice.
Oscar's Oasis on the go? Sweet!
Please let this be for us Aussie's too seeing as NOE manages our eShop DX
Hopefully Nintendo of America gets off its lazy and brings this here soon. I doubt it though, that branch of Nintendo is one of the biggest jokes in the industry right now. At least NoJ and NoE care about its fans and after all the years European fans got on by the company I'm happy for them.
I'm more than aware that everyone's entitled to their opinions. But thanks for the reminder. I needed it. Not really, but it makes everyone happy, YAY!
Might as well. I never knew he was a joker up until now. Good to know.
Lol silly turtles.
How dare you say that you hope they never release in NA! D:<
[Throws pikle in a lake of fire to die!]
Proud to be silly, so thank you.
Hopefully NoA will also release it here this week.
I agree and disagree with everyone!
Well you guys deserve to get it before us. You had to wait long enough for the E3 trailers. enjoy!
You're right. I was starting to feel jealous but it's only fair for this to happen. We get E3 videos first, they get it late. They get Video Application first(or early), we get it late.
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I thought it was funny when I first saw this!
This is awesome!
But I hope it comes to NA. Soon.
@LightSamus @cnm_nintendo: Most things that come to Europe also come to us aussies too. (But not always; fingers crossed!)
Im so sorry for you Guys in the rest of the World... Why can't they just do it worldwide?!
Japan's getting it on the same day. I hope NA gets it this week.
Hmm... It's tomorrow, but I need to go to the dentist... great timing..
I'm actually starting to wish that I had UK systems as NOA really sucks lately. No Kirby channel on the Wii, no Wii games, no cool club gifts and no 3DS video channel. Iwata really needs to start firing some NOA people.
I was so looking forward to this but after reading "Iwata Asks" on the Nintendo site my enthusiasm has faded to yet more 3DS disapointment. No user control of content, videos there one day gone the next. The interview is an interesting read though with insight into some very worrying views expressed by Nintendo Staff. Including seeing Nintendo fans as people that are unable to make their own choices & that a one star review could mean something is not that bad?? (if you aren't sure Nintendo, 1 Star = Awful). On the other hand it goes some way to explaining the difficulties involved in releasing licenced media simuitaneously world wide. Interview seemed like it was conducted awhile ago, so maybe things have changed, I hope so. I guess some of us will find out in the next couple of days.
I have got NITENDO VIDEO on my 3DS at the moment because I´m from Spain =D
Rage thread. RAWR
I hope by 13th of July it means 13th of July in Europe rather than 13th of July in America
I keep getting annoyed and worried that it might not come out until tomorrow (the 14th) whenever I see the "Your system is up to date" screen
Don't waste your time, it's going to be available in the eShop, not as a system update.
So what time should we expect it to come?
keep checking maybe live at 2:00pm
no sign yet was it a reliable news source
No sign here eather...
@74 daznsaz: Yeah, from the mouth of Nintendo, it's on their website! Probably after 6pm BST if I go on past experience. But who knows.
OK I checked before posting, just checked again & it's there using the search function. "Nintendo 3DS (downloads) + Price Any - £0".
Really disappointed with Nintendo Video. Apparently it runs an IP check for some lame reason, so even if I set my country to the UK, I still cannot get any content because I live in Malta. I can’t understand why Nintendo doesn’t even consider consumers from smaller countries. It’s disgusting.
I have to say Congratulations Nintendo. Yes! I have the App >.< It's so cool! I recorded The DN-ANGEL OP.
Oh and You don't have to waste your time in the E-shop because it's with the Camera 3D function.
Oh yeah xD I was talking about Video App >.< Gomen (Japanease 'Sorry')
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