Now with online multiplayer!

Nintendo has a stern policy not to change anything in Virtual Console games unless it is absolutely necessary. As such, only a very small number of Virtual Console titles have been different from the original releases - Notable examples have been the advertisements in Wave Race 64, trademarked words like yo-yo and Tetris in StarTropics and StarTropics II, potential seizure-inducing screen effects like some originally in Super Mario RPG and, of course, the configurable options in most arcade games. Now, however, Japan will be getting something very special for an upcoming game.

For the franchise's 20th anniversary, Sega plans to release the original arcade version of Puyo-Puyo on the Virtual Console in Japan, complete with online multiplayer. We have no idea how Sega convinced Nintendo to allow this, but we're definitely not complaining - As long as we get the game as well, of course! No other online VC game plans have been announced, but it would be incredibly nice if other developers would be allowed to do the same for their classics. Perhaps they could even go back and add it to games already released? Just imagine being able to play games like Super Mario Kart and Fatal Fury online!

We'll keep you informed about the game possibly heading to any other territories, as well as any online plans for other VC games, should they arise.
