Don't count him out just yet

The Wii excels when it comes to 3D platform games, but it's certainly no slouch in the side-scrolling department. With a healthy back catalogue including Klonoa, New Super Mario Bros. Wii and A Boy and His Blob, as well as upcoming treats Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns the machine has arguably one of the best platform line-ups in history, and that's even without including Virtual Console. So when Ubisoft announced Rayman Origins, its spectacular new outing for the limbless hero, and the Wii was not among the list of consoles receiving the title there was much grumbling and gnashing of teeth. Don't grind those molars down to a fine powder just yet though, as the game's fate is still up in the air.

The official Rayman Origins blog still sticks to the original line that Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 will be receiving the game, but says that other formats including Wii and 3DS, are still "to be considered". It's a fair distance from a cast-iron promise but it at least gives some hope to Nintendo-owning fans of Rayman and gorgeous 2D graphics.
