President of Sony's Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida is happy that Nintendo has joined Sony aboard the 3D train with its reveal of the 3DS handheld. But during an interview with IGN, he expressed his disappointment with Nintendo's narrow put-downs of 3D glasses, which are a keystone of Sony's approach to the new tech.

I have hope that they have a broader perspective with 3D. When you listen to what they are saying about the effect of 3D perspective to the games, they are saying the same message we are, but they don't have to bash some small part of what the other company is doing.

"Some small part" happens to be a large point of contention for those not sold on 3D technology, so it's hardly surprising that the company selling 3D televisions that require glasses isn't too pleased with Nintendo's E3 presentation comments about how the glasses are awkward and make you look silly.

But hey, no need to sweat the small stuff, right? If the two companies could somehow work together and get people excited about 3D, Yoshida said, then that'd be cool with Sony.

I think as an industry we should preach this new perspective, from a very large cinema screen to a small portable, because that helps advancing the games and the game industry. We'd like to work together to promote 3D.

Yoshida admitted at the time of the interview that he hadn't yet tried the 3DS for himself. We somehow doubt that it would change anything, though.
