The little critters are all over the place!

21 year old Lisa Courtney was declared the biggest Pokémon collector of them all by the Guinness Book of Records 2010 with over 12,000 items.

Courtney started collecting 'em all 13 years ago. She found it a relief from the bullying she suffered from school at the time due to a physical disability. Since Guinness last counted she has reported the collection has swelled to 13,400, with the 'mon literally filling the house she shares with mother Sharon.

To be in the new Gamer's Edition and to hold a world record for something you feel so passionate about is just an indescribable feeling. My family have been incredibly supportive considering the collection takes up the whole house, including my mother's room. I've even named the room where my main collection resides Pokémon Centre Europe.

She's visited Japan five times and intends to go again soon for another "spending spree". Her favourite object in her entire collection? "A plush toy of the character Absol.'' Atta girl.
