For those not aware, the Strong Bad animated series has been running at since 2000. Strong Bad himself is the self-proclaimed coolest person ever, created by Matt and Mike Chapman.
As the very first episodic series for connected consoles, the game has been specifically designed for the challenges of WiiWare, with easy-to-use controls and WiiConnect24 features.
Like Sam 'n Max, the first series will have five episodes, coming out on a monthly schedule. Release dates and pricing details will be revealed at a later date.
Here’s what Telltale chief executive Dan Connors has to say: is one of the biggest success stories in online entertainment.
The Chapmans have been treating the internet to episodic content for years. We're thrilled to have teamed up with them to take episodic gaming to the next level via Nintendo's innovative WiiWare delivery system.
Telltale are working with the Chapmans on the art style, storylines and scripts, with voice acting provided by the original cast.
The games will also be available on PC.
Comments 29
I love homestar runner, and strongbad is so very funny, if you have not seen his teen girl squad you are missing alot. I visit the website almost as much as this one.
Never even heard of these guys, but hey, bring it on.
Never heard of it either.
Good, I suppose, but I would have preferred an announcement on Sam 'n' Max on Wii.
Well, actually, Sam n' Max are indeed coming to Wii, but as a retail release.
Hilarious! Strong Bad for the win!
I might get this. I've never played an episodic game series, and a cheap, Wii version I'll try.
Fantastic. I'm just a mild fan of the series, all be it a funny show, but I'm VERY excited about this considering the developer.
An excellent announcement, says I.
So... eh we are waiting for the rhino-feedinggame with snakes to be released in episodes? Great times ahead! Anyway, I expect the official announcement of the Angry Videogame Nerd game any day now.
@Tony, Or lie and say your attractive.
I am very surprised this is the episodic game that wasn't Sam & Max, let alone starring STRONG BAD himself. YAY!
Nice jorb!
Heh heh, they invented Mode Eight graphics for the game... Found this advert for the WiiWare game on their site:
O_o NOW I´m excited!
Heheh, wow, this brings back memories. I haven't been on that website for like 3 years now since I promised myself not to go on it. The reason? Simple, I spent waaaay too much time on that site but this is still great news.
Strongbad! And Sam'N Max! Now THAT would be a good crossover game.
I wonder if I am going to bother with this though seeing that I don't care much for Point 'n Click adventure games anyway. I had trouble with one of the episodes of Sam & Max (btw I liked Max _) and I just wanted to finish it, or that it was very late when I played it.
Include me some Trogdor the Burninator action and we have a deal.
what happened to my old comment? >.>
Oh man! This is awesome! I would have never even dreamed of something like this . Strong Bad is hilarious, and if you've never heard of him you should definitely check out his online show. Hilarious stuff.
never heard of it. looks like warioware
ARROWED!!! Strong Bad's AWESOME!!!!! Whoever doesnt know him, go see him NOW!!!!!
I will buy it, and it will probably suck...but I will not care.
this could be very cool... me and my friends used to laugh at strongbad a lot in high school... those e-mail cartoons were hilarious!
Sounds bizzare! I've never Heard of it before; however I'm not going to buy anything for the Wii that is based off a Flash web game. Let us hope that this is not Shovelware.
As long as Trogdor makes an appearance, I'm game.
Tragdor Have to make an appearnce Thats all I have to say
Lots of very cool stuff appearing on wiiware can anyone say HARD DRIVE yet!
Telltale Games, the guys who are making this, made the Sam and Max episodic games on the PC, which are a really high quality return to old-fashioned adventure games (like Day of the Tenticle or the Monkey Island games back in the day.)
I'm really looking forward to this, they are kind of taking all the writers and tools from that game and making it look and feel like a Strongbad title. Should be awesome. I highly highly doubt this is shovelware. for another trailer.
Formerly titled: "Strong Bad's 9.5 rating in Nintendo Power or ELSE Challenge '08."
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