Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: How To Wash Your Pokémon 1
Image: Nintendo Life

When the Pokémon Scarlet & Violet trailers showed the ability to wash our Pokémon, the world went wild. Everyone loves the ability to hang out with their beloved pets/battle monsters, as seen in the various different mechanics over the years — Pokémon Amie, Sword & Shield's curry hangouts, and so on.

But just how do you get your stinky Pokémon into the bath? Here's a quick guide on getting those filthy creatures clean again!

Step One

Start up a picnic!

Press X to open up the menu, and you should see "Picnic" as the third option:

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: How To Wash Your Pokémon 1
Image: Nintendo Life

You'll need to be outside, on level ground, to have a picnic.

Step Two

Find the Pokémon you want to wash, and stand in front of it. A menu should appear to the left of the screen — press the minus button if it's not there — and then press X to wash the Pokémon.

At this point, your Pokémon might all be gathered around you, so you might not get the right one. Just exit out with B and try again!

Step Three

Wash! That! Pokémon!

Hold down A and move the sponge around with the left control stick to get the Pokémon all sudsy. It doesn't seem to matter too much if you miss a spot.

Step Four

Rinse! Press Y to change from the sponge to the shower head, and rinse the suds off your Pokémon.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: How To Wash Your Pokémon 1
Image: Nintendo Life

The washing minigame will automatically end, and your Pokémon will gain extra XP and friendship when you exit the picnic.

And that's how to wash your Pokémon! It doesn't seem to have an effect beyond the little bit of a boost in XP and friendship, but isn't that what you want from a picnic?

Let us know if you have any Poké-questions you'd love us to answer, and check out our other Pokémon Scarlet & Violet walkthrough guides to help you make the most of the Paldea region!