Dipplin evolved
Image: Nintendo Life

Where to find Applin and how to evolve it into Dipplin might stump you when you first set foot on Kitakami in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s first expansion pack, The Teal Mask, but that's what we're here for.

Applin isn’t a new Pokémon – in fact, Game Freak seems to love the little critter as it now has three different evolutions – but it’s quite rare when you first begin your adventure to solve the mystery of the teal mask.

Here's where to find Applin, and how to evolve it into the brand new Pokémon Dipplin.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: How To Evolve Applin Into Dipplin

Where to find Applin in Kitakami

You can find Applin in the Paldea region — and we have a guide on where to find it and how to evolve it into Flapple or Appletun. But if you don't have an Applin yet, here's where to find it in Kitakami.

To the west of Mossui Town are several apple orchards. You’d think it a simple matter of stumbling upon an Applin here; however, we couldn’t find a regular Applin out in the wild when first setting foot on Kitakami. However, there is a Wild Tera Applin you can catch prowling the orchard. Head toward the glowing pillar of light in that area, and remember to bring it down to low health in order to shatter its Tera ability and unlock the ability to catch it.

Applin habitat
Image: Nintendo Life

How to evolve Applin into Dipplin

It won't be long before Applin has as many evolutions as Eevee. Much like its other forms, Flapple and Appletun, Dipplin requires an apple-based item to trigger its evolution. In Kitakami, this comes in the form of the Syrupy Apple.

Where to find the Syrupy Apple

You can find the Syrupy Apple in the southeast corner of Kitakami, in an area called the Mossfell Confluence. Approach a small shack beside an apple orchard and simply buy a Syrupy Apple from the shop there for 500 Poké Dollars. Use it on Applin to evolve it into Dipplin.

Syrupy Apple shack
Image: Nintendo Life

With two worms living inside Dipplin, we no longer have an appetite for candied apples. For more helpful tips on your Pladean and Kitakami adventures, check our our Pokémon Scarlet & Violet walkthrough.