
Number of Players
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Wii (Wii Shop)

  • EU 25th Jul 2008, 500 points


  • Review International Karate + (Virtual Console / Commodore 64)

    Karate fighting has never been so much fun.

    After the original was released as one of the two debut C64 titles on the VC, we didn't have to wait too long for the even better sequel to appear. At heart the same game, the plus in IK+ refers to a key difference - a third fighter. Whilst you could previously compete against a friend or the computer one...

Screenshots 6

International Karate + Screenshot
International Karate + Screenshot
International Karate + Screenshot
International Karate + Screenshot
International Karate + Screenshot
International Karate + Screenshot

International Karate + News

About The Game

International Karate + is a development of the original IK game, the main extra feature being that there are three fighting men on the screen at once (and five in pause mode!).

There are 16 different moves that can be made, all controlled by the Wii Remote, and with practice all these moves can be executed smoothly in a flowing fight sequence without the man pausing momentarily in the standing stance. The controller system is simple enough for players to learn quickly, but after some experience of how the moves behave, much more sophisticated control can be achieved.

Opponents can be hit in the head, chest, stomach, shins and feet from in front or behind, although an attacker receives only half the score for attacking behind.