
Topic: Punch Out!! is here!

Posts 41 to 60 of 112


Corbie wrote:

Yeah, Nintendo sent it to us. I already called the Gamestop store here and they have it, but won't release it to the public until in the morning.

The game wasn't street dated, so they SHOULDN'T have been pulling that crap. Sounds like you called one of the a-hole Gamestop locations...

Anyway, I picked up my copy today, and it's GREAT so far! The attention to detail and fan service is amazing, especially the following Doc Louis line:
"Join the Nintendo Fun...I mean, Club Nintendo, Little Mac!"

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P

Nintendo Network ID: Stuffgamer1


Okay, I had the chance to play this with a friend (swapping out) for a few hours now.

And I love it. I think, in a sense, its faithfulness to the NES spirit of the game is slightly feels like an old-school game, but not necessarily in a good way.

That's such a minor niggle, though...and it's one that's so easy to overlook in favor of how genuinely fun and humorous the game is. Disco Kid and Don Flamenco had us cracking up...

Flamenco, by the way, was my toughest battle. That SOB just wouldn't stay down. For my friend, her arch-rival was King Hippo. I should have videotaped her trying to KO him, it was hilarious.




Title Defense Disco Kid looks veeery familiar... XD



I'm eager to know if people would recommend this or the SNES version on VC. Ignoring the graphics (which are great), if someone hasn't played either, is one really $42 better? Is there enough new in this to justify it if you aren't a longtime fan?

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


I am having so much fun with Punch Out! I picked up my copy at earlier today. So far its great! I would highly recommend it! I just beat Don Flamenco and now I'm struggling with Aran Ryan. Man, these guys can be tough! Has anyone unlocked any of those challenge achievements in exhibition mode yet? I only have one so far; avoid all of Bear Hugger's bearhug attacks. I was worried that this game might be too short since I'm already on World Circuit but thankfully it looks like Nintendo added plenty of unlockables and fan service to this game to keep most people happy! This is definitely one of Nintendo's best games on Wii!
I would recommend Super Punch Out for SNES first before diving into the new Punch Out. If you've never played Super Punch Out before then you should give it a try at only 800 points rather than investing in something more expensive that you may or may not like. Super Punch Out is an incredibly awesome game and a real bargain for 800 points! If you haven't played it before then you will be in for a challenge and its a good way to familiarize yourself with characters such as Bear Hugger and Aran Ryan that are in the new Punch Out.

Edited on by WolfRamHeart



Well, if possible, I will rent the new one. Hopefully one of the rentals here gets it, but they still don't have Excite Bots, so I'm not too optimistic.

I don't really want to judge the game based on its predecessor. The question was more, If you had to choose only one of the two, is the new one enough of an improvement to justify spending so much more?

Maybe it seems like an unfair question, but all I keep hearing is how much it is like the old games.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


It is very much like the old-school Punch Out!! titles. It might look better, but it still has that same classic feel to it. I was never a huge Punch Out!! fan, but I must admit, I'm enjoying playing this Wii game. I don't know if I'd have paid $50 for it, but as a freebie it's great.

Plain old gamer :)


Wow, Corbie you are such a rock star with your free games! You get your money for nothing and your chicks for free?

EXPERIENCE MORE.... Arcade-quality graphics, awesome sound, "turbo-charged" game play, exciting TurboChip games... It's the incredible Turbo Genesis 64 Entertainment SuperSystem Experience. There's more fun, more challenge, and more excitment ready for you today!


Sorry, I wish I could have given you a better answer. I've only put in a couple of hours into the game, so I can't say for sure if its that much of an improvement to justify choosing this one over the older version especially at the $50 pricepoint. Considering how fun it is I think its well worth it! I hope you do get to rent it so you can at least try it out. Yeah, it is very much like the old games but the biggest thing the new version has going for it is the motion controls. I was worried that they would be awful but they turned out to be very responsive and a lot of fun!

Edited on by WolfRamHeart



@48: lol. "I want my MTV."

Edited on by Bendover83



If you're already prone to enjoying classic games that you haven't already played to the death through your childhood, then yeah, the NES version the way to go. (SNES is also good, but not AS good, and was, in my opinion, nowhere near as fun.) The Wii version, however, has the benefit of being a "new" game, which means you kind of get to be part of the discovery process along with everyone else. (That may or may not appeal to you.) It also has a two-player mode which we thought was damn fun. The voices/animation/background jokes also cause the game to be rather endearing, and it gives it a richer, more light-hearted atmosphere than the NES version which was basically just "Here's the guy. Knock him out."

But, again, it's all up to you. I still LOVE the NES version, but, then again, I grew up with it and played it to death. I'll always have residual fondness for it. Would a newcomer think it stacks up to Punch Out Wii? I'm not qualified to say...but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.

Um, also I seemed to neglect to mention that you get to throw punches with the Wiimote and Nunchuck, which is satisfying in all kinds of ways. Some people prefer buttons, and I salute them, but it was loads of fun throwing your own punches and watching them register. For the most part the game is pretty responsive to your movements, but owing to the strategic nature of the game if you punch too many times too quickly, it won't register all of them.

As I learned the hard way. It's easy to account for that, though. You just need to stay within the rhythms of the game.

Edited on by Philip_J_Reed




Thanks, it's good to hear the motion controls aren't bad. Everywhere other than this site seems to be saying that traditional controls are the way to go, which seems really lame. I loved boxing in Wii Sports, so if they didn't screw up motion controls somehow here, I'll probably like that.

About the VC games, I'm leaning toward the SNES one based on the reviews here and the much more appealing look of the game.

Hopefully I'll get to rent the Wii game and this concern will be unnecessary, but thanks for the responses.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


I've actually had more problems with the control stick than the punching motions. I need to keep practicing. This is a definite must buy for PunchOut fans.

The chickens are restless.
3DS Friend Code: 1547-5282-6926


i got mine @ target n got a nunchuk with it the reg price was $65 but it was on sale so i got it for $54.99 with tAx came out 2 b like almost $58 figured what the hell the nunchuk its self is $20 so to get both 4 that price was good game is awesome n jus like when i was younger i cant get passed great tiger gotta luv it lol



Great Tiger is tough, I had to fight him in practice modes several times to get the hang of it. Right now I am on Soda Popinski.

The chickens are restless.
3DS Friend Code: 1547-5282-6926


yea i keep dodgeing the wrong way with his punches but when i play 2nite i should b able 2 beat him



I kept dodging the wrong way too. Got to get my brain working right in the fight for sure.

The chickens are restless.
3DS Friend Code: 1547-5282-6926


i think its jus funny how when i was younger i couldnt get past him rite away n now 15 yrs later is the same person who is giving me trouble lol



I love the fact that I got my copy of the PAL version 2 days before release


I'm loving it, even though I'm having my arse handed to me on an ivory plate, with a side of cavier!




Anyone gotten to Title Defense mode yet? I got through the first title run with only a few rematches... But the "new and improved" Glass Joe is kicking my ass! WTF!?!

I also tried the Balance Board, and I agree with the reviews that it is pretty worthless. I was able to get through the first circut with it, but it was really hard. I personally have to go with the NES-style for precision and speed that's required in Title Defense.

Edited on by Chatham

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