
Topic: Is everyone happy with their Wii?

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I am new here and thought I'd start with a question..... (okay statement then question)
I have used this place lots in the last couple of years since I have bought my Wii, it's been good for game info and so on.
Now I'd like to know just how happy everyone is with their wii?

I am beginning to doubt that it's going to remain the main console in my home much longer as the wait for good games proves ever fruitless (NOT GOOD MINIGAME GAMES there are plenty of those).
I have enjoyed a lot of the new games and especially the new controls adding life to gaming. My first console was a SEGA Master System, then NES, a bit of a lull as I realised there was a real world out there, then Ps1, n64, xbox and now wii as I realise the real world isnt always that great ;} I remember when I was real young and my old man bringing home his mates Atari for the weekend and spending hours on games like H.E.R.O. and of course Space Invaders, Pitfall and so on.
I am finding now that the novelty of controls wears off, that there's not a lot of substance in the games that are being made for wii. And to add to that there is a shift towards "re-newing" old games. An example is the upcoming Metroid series - looks good except they are the main games I've been playing since buying my wii. I am not going out to buy games for a new control system.
A lot of anti-wii has been stirred by the decision a little while back to stop Fatal Frame 4 coming out of Japan. If Nintendo want to keep games aimed at the 5-10 year old bracket and the casual gamer then they are going to squeeze their own way out of our place. With two teenage boys, one not far off and myself being the main gamers at home the wii has lost it's shine and the xbox is currently muscling it's way back in.
Until I can afford a new console the Wii remains shadowed by a big black box. That's another thing; talking of affording things. The Wii was cheap to buy, BUT THEN
another remote,
two nunchuks,
classic controller (Which is hardly used in favour of GC controller),
2 gamecube controllers,
SD card,
Gamecube memory card,
usb wi-fi connector (lasted 6 mths before frying)
wireless internet router (wasn't buying another usb connector)
second sensor bar (first one died),
new dvd drive after 14 mths (According to Nintendo it had something in the drive "not manufactured" but they wouldn't say what, yet my xbox is now 10 years old and still chugging along - not to mention the 3 working ps1 consoles I still have),
Third remote,
Charging stations for remotes (In case you haven't noticed these remotes chew some power)
2 gun zappers,
3 steering wheels (one did come with Mario Kart),
NOW Extra sensor needed to play the likes of Wiii Sports Resort and (of course) future titles, so that's 3 of those I'll need.

So that's nearly a PS3 I'd Xbox 360 well set up. DAMN these sneaky guys at Nintendo by the time I realised what was going on I'm left with a pretty empty and disappointed feeling.

I'd love to hear what others think, and if your experience has been a happy one or a bit of a bummer.

An ...


Totaly unhappy -

first they sold out to casuals - where is my Super Bario Muzzleflash? Abandoned for New Super Mario Brothers

Then I had to pay full pirce for new games cause they sellso well - again casuals.

Then Nintendo quit making new games -all we get is new play control

Then nintendo made demo play - for casuals.

THen Irealised motion is a gimck and every game would be better on GC controller.

Back in the day I though GC sucked cause it was kiddy and PS2 sold more and Nintendo whored Mario - but now it is my favorite consoel of all time - I really enjoy playing Super Bario and the Throat Cutters on it....

times change eh ?

IGN: The holiday Wii lineup looks thin for the hardcore crowd. We see this. Gamers see this. What, if anything, is Nintendo planning to address it?

Oh good, I am neither a gamer or hardcore. Saves me from having to be IGNorant.
Right, Down, A, Down, Right, Up


OH and P.m.S. -

Twilight Princess was the worst game I ever played in my life, and I wish Nintendo would reinvent their franchises with every game like HALO 360, Madden 20XX, Metal Gear Solid : Grandpa Snake and Call of Duty : Moar Warfare.

IGN: The holiday Wii lineup looks thin for the hardcore crowd. We see this. Gamers see this. What, if anything, is Nintendo planning to address it?

Oh good, I am neither a gamer or hardcore. Saves me from having to be IGNorant.
Right, Down, A, Down, Right, Up


Somewhat. To much shovelware and not enough good 3rd party games. I know it isn't Nintendo's fault,but it changes the experience that is the Wii. But Nintendo is slacking a little bit too. Until I see Star Fox on Wii and F-Zero on Wii I will only be somewhat happy.

The Game.

Is it after 9PM EST? You should probably ignore the above post.


Yep, it's my only console and I'm happy with it.

By the way, Fatal Frame 4 didn't get out of Japan because the game was a allegedly a buggy mess and didn't use pointer controls for the lantern, which would be something obvious for a game like that. Nintendo asked Tecmo to fix the bugs and rework the controls in order to bring the game out of Japan but Tecmo didn't think there was anything wrong with the game, so it died there. I wanted to play the game too but, at the end of the day, I'm glad that Nintendo has quality standards for the games they publish and refused to release a broken game here.



@mrmicawber: Not that many New Play Control games were released

I love my wii to death...literally killing it! Nah, I didn't really. I'm the opposite of a lot of people. I don't care for the 360 and PS3 and don't see the appeal of them, but I think motion control is a huge step for video gaming, so of course I like the Wii. Plus the VC helps me play old games I never could play without having to play crappy ROMs.

[Edited by LzWinky]

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky


one of my favorite consoles this generation i always have people dog on me saying oh those graphics are horrible and some of the wiiware and VC games don't work anywhere near as good as the previous system controls did. i have over 8 pages of games from my vc and wiiware on my wii not including my wii and gamecube games from gamestop that i got for varly cheap prices so yes i ver much enjoy it everyone can dog on it all the want but its one of my favorite other then the n64 was when i was younger

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


The only current gen console I own is a Wii, and I'm happy. Sure there are some games on other consoles I'd like, which is why I'll eventually get a PS3. But there are plenty of good games to be had on the Wii even though it does have a lot of 3rd party shovelware. Not to mention wiiware has really picked up this year and has some great titles.

"People who alter or destroy works of art and cultural heritage for profit, or as an exercise of power, are barbarians." - George Lucas, 1988


I own all 3 current generation consoles and I'm very happy with my Wii. I've really enjoyed the Virtual Console and WiiWare services, and the retail titles have been pretty solid with quite a few great ones still to come.

Plain old gamer :)


Corbie wrote:

I own all 3 current generation consoles and I'm very happy with my Wii. I've really enjoyed the Virtual Console and WiiWare services, and the retail titles have been pretty solid with quite a few great ones still to come.

Corbie did you get that email from SuperSonicz1990 showing my games and stuff? i haven't received any email from you about you getting them or anything.

Check out Wii-kly Review's on PSN ID: TailsPrower86 3DS FC: 3695 0027 1349 Tails XBL GamerTag: BioReaver86


I love it that Nintendo always has games for families. And those games, such as Mario, can be enjoyed by a great number of people. Now, there's nothing wrong with liking another console. I bought a Playstation 3 for some games that were on it.

But I'm completely happy with the offerings on the Nintendo Wii. There's more than enough games out for me, and there's more great games coming out.

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PSN: Trevor_Fox
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Nintendo's little white console the Wii is by far my favorite console this generation. Some of their best franchises can be found in it's library from the incredible game Twilight Princess, to the out of this world adventure Super Mario Galaxy, to the Stuffed to its limits SSB Brawl, the Wii seems to never disappoint me as much as the 360 did. PS3 is an okay system. Motion controls are the funnest thing of this generation and the PS3's horrid motion censoring just shows how nintendo can do what they do. Sony and MS are both joining this epidemic and really their work looks very... gimmicky. The wand has potential and the Natal... well if someone says Nintendo's motion is gimmicky then MS just took the cake by far!

Wiiware has a great selection of downloadable games for anyone and its great to see Nintendo letting Indy Developers take a shot at the gaming market. Along with VC which has hundreds of games to choose from, boosts our favorite classics from not only Nintendo related consoles but others such as Sega's consoles, NeoGeo, and Arcade. Even though everyone bitches about what game they want to see come out Nintendo is doing an awesome job with the Wii Shop Channel in general.

And the capability to play GC games is outstanding and really enjoy playing classics like Animal Crossing, SM Sunshine, Metroid Prime, Zelda WW, and SSB Melee.

Just for you.
"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." - Freddie Mercury


I own both the Wii and Xbox 360. Overall, I'm very happy with my Wii. Although original I was only mainly interested in retail games, I now play WiiWare and Virtual Console almost exclusively, mainly buying retail titles for my 360.

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I love it how whenever people bash the Wii they mention a heap of accessories they brought for it. I don't really see it like that because excluding stuff that I got bundled with games I have only seen the need to buy 1 Nunchuck, 1 Wii remote, 1 Classic Controller, 1 Wavebird and Component cables. If you hate the idea of the Wii Wheel then why the hell did you buy an extra 2?

As for the New Play Control games, I don't see what the problem is. Nintendo typically releases about 2 big games for each console every half year. Last year we got Brawl, Kart and Wii Fit in the first half followed by Wii Music and Animal Crossing at the end of the year with titles like Endless Ocean, Wario Land and others acting as filler. This year "we" got Punchout and Wii Sports Resort early and will end the year on New SMB Wii and Wii Fit Plus..... This year New Play Control: Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Mario Tennis and Jungle Beat as well as Metriod Prime Trilogy and (for the lucky Americans) Excitebots were the filler games. So quit complaining about the New Play Control games, they aren't hurting anyone infact they just give us non-gamecubers an excellent selection of games

.... and the Classic Controler vs. Gamecube controller vs. Wii Remote point. I think they all have their strengths and weaknesses. I'd personally take the Wii Remote + Nunchuck combo over dual analogue for shooters and 3D platformers any day. I even prefer to play Smash Bros Brawl with that control scheme because its infinitely more comfortable to have one arm on your knee and the other scratching your head. For SNES games and games like Klonoa (you really should pick it up) and Geometry Wars Galaxies I like the Classic Controller better because it seems more natural. The Gamecube controller I only like for N64 games but I do know that some people like to use it for Kart and Brawl so its handy to have around when multi-player matches start up.

Basically... I am really happy with the Wii, its control options, its Gamecube remakes, WiiWare and VC.

[Edited by skywake]

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I agree they have brought out some good games but when my wife owns more games on a console than me that's saying that Nintendo have reached a new market that really had no previous interest in gaming at all... Well done to Nintendo on that front, however my favourite all time game is Morrowind 3 and there's is not a wii game that could be classed as even a freckle on the huge horses arse that was was Morrowind.
I was just as dismissive of my DS but the touch screen again was a breakthrough in a new way of gaming. I still have it but only own a dozen games after 4 or 5 years although there are an over abundance of games for it.
As for retro, however much it's cool to remember the good old days (WHERE THE HELL IS BATTLETOADS? Come on Rash, Zits an Pimple) MOST (not all) of the games I have downloaded have been exactly that short skips down memory lane, I still am kicking myself I sold my n64, NES, SNES, and SEGA just before buying the wii.
I have found some joy in Wii ware and hope more good stuff is to come, but I still am not convinced that the wii can be kept as a complete gaming console. Zelda was good, Metroid rocked, Zack and Wiki and Boom Blox were a very good intro to the wii remote and of course the awesome World of Goo. Mario Galaxy was (sorry) ARSE and the best racer on the wii so far is Mario Kart? (That was not a knock against Mario Kart it's a another solid game we've come to expect from Nintendo)
I don't think violence and graphics make a game far from it, I would not have bothered with wii at all if that were my approach. Nor do I have a problem with the steering wheels etc but with a family of 5 everyone has to have their own or it's World War 3 in my own loungeroom :}
I just hope that Nintendo doesn't lose it's gamers by dedicating itself to "re-newing" the old and adds a more wider range of games (yes they are slowly leaking in but the ratio of "I want that" games to "I'll get it when it's cheap" needs looking at)
At least that's what I think, it's not that they are doing badly just that they could be doing a hell of a lot better.

(As for Fatal Frame 4 not even released in Japan it's sad such a really good franchize was left to disappear into the never-never, Damn scariest games I've ever played)

[Edited by Chungii_V]

An ...


^^This is a further extent on how much i love the Wii!
WII FTW!!!!!

Just for you.
"I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." - Freddie Mercury


I am really happy to own an Wii. It has a lot of great, original games that can't be found on other consoles and a lot of games to look forward to. It does have some issues to deal with thought, so I am planning to get an PS3 to compliment my Wii.


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