
Topic: Have you ever thought about selling your Wii?

Posts 21 to 40 of 94


I hadn't owned a console since the N64. But I was considering buying a Wii, until I actually won one!. But now I've spent too much money on classic games that there would be no way I'd sell it now. Also, I keep finding cheap Wii games that are fun also!

Fuzzy, Backloggery.


Wii & PC are all I need. The stupid 360 got sold AGES ago.



No way. I love the Wii, and with all the games I've downloaded from the VC, it would be stupid for me to sell it.

The chickens are restless.
3DS Friend Code: 1547-5282-6926


never gonna sell my wii
just like my NES / SNES / N64 / gameboy / color / advanced SP and DS lite
don't care what prize they offer
these thinks have an emotional prize there a part of my life and thats prizeless

wii fc (5466 8601 7571 1915)


No I shall never ever ever sell my Wii.
It gone thru tough times like haveing to send it to Nintendo Australia for a new drive unit butt & it's a big butt I never sell my Wii ever again.



nr wrote:

never gonna sell my wii
just like my NES / SNES / N64 / gameboy / color / advanced SP and DS lite
don't care what prize they offer
these thinks have an emotional prize there a part of my life and thats prizeless

Yep, took the words right out of my mouth. Just exchange N64 for PS2 and you have me in a nutshell!

Wii: 6882-4334-4721-0727 --- PSN: OrangeGouf --- XBL: Orange Gouf




i've never sold any of my game systems. i've still got a PSX, an SNES, one or two GBs (one GBC definitely, possibly also a gray-brick GB) and an N64 boxed away.

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6802-7042 | Nintendo Network ID: gentlemen_cat | Twitter:


If you are having doubts, sell it. Just sell it. Let someone else enjoy it.

IGN: The holiday Wii lineup looks thin for the hardcore crowd. We see this. Gamers see this. What, if anything, is Nintendo planning to address it?

Oh good, I am neither a gamer or hardcore. Saves me from having to be IGNorant.
Right, Down, A, Down, Right, Up


I have but really want to play both mario galaxys, new metroid, wii sports resorts. But I will get a ps3 to get the hardcore fix.



No such thing as hardcore. That is just identity marketing, like people who buy iphones brand new as soon as they are released and 6 months later the price drops $500. 'Hardcore' is kind of like a 'mark' in pro wrestling, your best customer.

Maybe you like you game console to resemble a computer, maybe you want to watch bluray movies, maybe you want cinematic games. Thosw would be reason for someone to buy a PS3, and reasons for me NOT to buy one....

Edited on by mrmicawber

IGN: The holiday Wii lineup looks thin for the hardcore crowd. We see this. Gamers see this. What, if anything, is Nintendo planning to address it?

Oh good, I am neither a gamer or hardcore. Saves me from having to be IGNorant.
Right, Down, A, Down, Right, Up


No but I have thought about selling my XBOX 360.



mrmicawber wrote:

If you are having doubts, sell it. Just sell it. Let someone else enjoy it.

I do enjoy it but i just don't like the fact that this summer theres nothing coming out that interests me, with patience i guess next summer will be a blast with all the great games....but theres a whole school year in which i can only play games on weekends for less than 2/3 hours between this summer and next

I also have all nintendo consoles since the n64 came out and i still have em all, so i guess i will stay committed THANKS

PSN ID: MixedMajik
Wii Number - 5995 0961 9020 5722 SSBB - 1504 5385 8344 Mario Kart Wii - 5327 1326 6518 Bomberman Blast 5370 8314 4869 Water Warfare 5327 9207 9563 http://www.nintendoli...


I will NEVER sell my Wii.

I rule when it comes to games. So deal with it.


No. I sold my 360 but not me Wii.

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." Matt. 1:21.


nope. Never. I'd like one with a quieter disc tray though....and one which could load new areas of Metroid Prime 3 without taking a f___ing lunch break ('s getting so old)

PS3 is really nice for the "Hardcore fix" btw, despite my reservations on the terminology. Everything I felt was missing on the Wii has been complimented beautifully by owning a PS3, and now my gaming desires are satiated. 38 Wii games (disc) and 8 PS3 games (disc)--I'd say I use both equally, but more gaming on Wii since the PS3 is my current favorite media player (GUI owns, as does extension support) and the Wii has Bit.Trip Core

Edited on by SwerdMurd

-Swerd Murd

(check my tunes out at


I have the same problems with the terminology as Swerd Murd and Eugene, but if we're to ignore that, I still think Wii is getting treated unfairly here. It is already home to the Bit Trip games, and it'll soon be home to Muramasa, Sin and Punishment 2, Arc Rise Fantasia, Phantom Brave, and most importantly...

More Bit Trip games.

Still, the PS3 is a wonderful system if you have the cash to spare. It's online services are free like Wii's, except it actually works, too, which is a huge plus. There are just as many great downloadable games, on both the new and classic fronts. I don't need to list all the first-person shooters on it, but it also has Disgaea 3, Little Big Planet, Warhawk, etc. (and hopefully Fat Princess this month, but who knows).

If you don't have the patience to wait for Wii's upcoming games and you can afford the PS3, I think you'll be happy with it, but while I've thought about selling the Wii before, now would be the absolute worse time to considering the deluge of great games on the horizon.

Edited on by Adam

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.

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