@kk spoiler: you have no way of knowing that. Neither do i, of course, but atleast i listed reasons why i thought so.
System Selling games are released ------> systems are sold ----> when new games release, they sell more because more people have the system.
Sounds very likely to me, and better than.
Non system selling games release ---> dont sell ----> system selling games are released much later, so now do those same people go back and look at the old game library or wait for the cool new games like mk8, bayonetta2 and smash coming out
You want me to buy the games I complain that I want on the internet? HOW DARE YOU SIR?! I'm too busy playing NSMB2 and COD:MW3 while watching reruns of Full House and having an unfulfilling and pathetic life!
Cut it out. Do kids these days even know what Full House is?
To blessed to be stressed.
80's music makes me feel fabulous.
What Would Duane Do? Rynoggery
Also, Scrooge, this is pretty easy to predict stuff. Anyone who follows gaming in the slightest was predicting this would be a low selling title.
It looks fun, and I'm probably going to buy it, but an obscure title like this won't sell a ton on a system that has as low an install base as the Wii U has.
We need Mario, Mario Kart, Smash and Zelda and we'll be fine. Probably only 1 or 2 of them.
As anticipated with news that only 30,000 copies were being printed, W101 isn't exactly lighting up the weekly sales charts in Japan, placing only 16th. Being a colorful, quirky cartoonish game, it's much more Japan's style than the West, so that doesn't bode well for it's future numbers, either.
Hence my point, these games are being released in the wrong order.
Before I explain that, what exclusives are coming next? A 10 year old Zelda game, yet another mini game collection in Wii Party U, and finally, Mario's old rival in an attempt to save his system with a game resembling his most recent outing. While SLW looks awesome, are we expecting a Sonic game to be a huge system mover? After that, I believe, is Wii Fit U. A game that screams to me "My creators don't realize my once in a lifetime craze is over". I mean, really, are the casuals that bought that REALLY sitting around waiting for another?
So, at that point, we're 6 games into the 8 game "revival period", and we're in the same position. The good news? These last 2 games, DKC and 3D World actually have good potential to move some systems. The problem is, by that time, all the aforementioned games are old news...
The first few weeks of a game being out are so important to it's sales. The system-selling games needed to come FIRST so that these previous 6 games had a CHANCE to sell. I'm guessing they would've sold 3 times more if they came after the system sellers. Now, will al those same people go and search out 3-5 month old games To buy. Some will, of course. Most probably won't. So we end up just having more and more software on this system that doesn't appear to sell.
Maybe i'm wrong. I'm just worried. I love Nintendo's games and really hope this experience is the kick in the behind that forces them to return to their old selves and start making the incredible games they are known for again, consistently.
Agree / Disagree with any of my points?
Actually W101 will most likely do better in Western Markets where they will be fully stocked.. That 10 year old Zelda will do better than you think.. Wii Fit U is a title.. that many people have been waiting to get a Wii U for.. as a matter of fact.. I read a post the other day that basically stated that.. so it's a system seller to at least one person.. + Gaia knows how many others.. that and a new Wii Sports.. and Mario Party.. will do well to push this system.. that being said.. I think W101 may not be selling as much because it's still to close to Pikmen.. but that being said in the west.. that will actually help it.. people that want more Pikmen type action.. here is W101... so I am not worried.. will it move systems.. no.. Pikmen will already do that... but it will be fine..
I am a wild and free Ninetails not a trainer.. get over it...
To be honest, I suspected this would happen. And I'm not too worried about it.
Indeed, even if it sells quite low, that could still be a good thing for the system. I mean, obviously it won't be a killer app for many people, but it might be one of those obscure games that gives people an extra reason to want the Wii U. For example, let's say someone wants Mario Kart 8 or Mario 3D World, but not enough to get a Wii U for it. Having The Wonderful 101 as available for the system might give them an extra incentive to buy it, in a sort of 'having two games to potentially enjoy would be good' kind of way.
Thats what im wondering also, i mean u cant compare these games.
Only because of 100people running through the screen? Even so totally different gameplay and totally diferent goals?
I dont get those people....
Also, Scrooge, this is pretty easy to predict stuff. Anyone who follows gaming in the slightest was predicting this would be a low selling title.
It looks fun, and I'm probably going to buy it, but an obscure title like this won't sell a ton on a system that has as low an install base as the Wii U has.
We need Mario, Mario Kart, Smash and Zelda and we'll be fine. Probably only 1 or 2 of them.
So you're basically saying that any prediction is automatically fact within the first three days? Your argument really doesn't make any sense. We should wait at least two weeks before prematurely jumping to conclusions.
Current games: Everything on Switch
Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky
@Phato, I know, from the demo, it plays nothing like Pikmin.
I remember when it was announced as "Project P-100", writers had mentioned that one of the things they knew about it was you'd control 100 characters on screen "like you do in Pikmin", so I believe it comes from there?
Dear people who worry about game sales and console sales, stop. Just good advice. It will never make you happy, it will never make the games more enjoyable. Don't worry about things you cannot control.
Just buy the games you like, support the developers you like, don't deprive yourself of a good game for silly reasons (See; not buying Rayman because Ubisoft made it multiplatform), just enjoy your hobby. I've been around in this hobby far too long, and I have seen how this behavior has soured many on it. Worry about what you can control and it will all work out in the end.
This goes doubly so for threads like this, do you own a jump to conclusions mat because that's what you are doing....
If they only released 30000 copies and it charted at 16th then I'd imagine that would actually be quite good.
It does seem like it's a bit of a niche title that will probably end up being a cult classic. It's not available for preorder at my local EBGames and I don't even know if they'll stock it; but I'm going to buy it day one digital.
Japan received 30,000 copy's. I would imagine that 30,000 copy's spread across all of Japan would make them hard to find. I would also imagine that people sought them out if they made the charts. I....Also....Suspect Japan has a bigger downloading culture. This thread is meaningless.
Hmm, sounds like 3DS, relying on mario kart and a mario platformer to boost sales. Looks at 3DS sales
Well, I see no issue here.
Looks at Gamecube sales
Gamecube sales are Gamecube sales because Nintendo had had declining relevance for 2 consoles prior and because their trump card Rare left them while at the same time releasing their big Mario game as something less critically acclaimed than their own competition, the PS2.
Japan received 30,000 copy's. I would imagine that 30,000 copy's spread across all of Japan would make them hard to find. I would also imagine that people sought them out if they made the charts. I....Also....Suspect Japan has a bigger downloading culture. This thread is meaningless.
Honestly I don't see either DK or 3d world as system sellers. Neither of them have that fell that makes you want to play them. DK sold well on the Wii because of the nostalgia and because there were already millions of Wiis out there when it was released (this+ the multiplayer is the same reason why NSMBWii sold well) while DK tropical freeze doesn't really have either of these. As for 3d World it's really underwhelming, the general consensus being that it seems like a 3ds port and a step backwards from the galaxy games. I don't think nintendo is gonna have a system seller until mario kart is released, and smash bros. which most likely won't release until next holiday season.
Topic: W101 selling poorly in Japan
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