
Topic: The PS4 Has Officially Outsold the Wii U In 2/3 Markets.

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I'm pretty sure they did that by cutting out the GCN BC. Oh well...

All that matters to Nintendo, is that they strongly support the Wii U that much more in exchange.


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


shingi_70 wrote:

Its a has bit crazy how Nintendo let the Wii's momentum die. In retrospect I would have put WiFi in the Wii mini and sold it as a low cost machine that can Di VC and Netflix targeting the Roku Market.

Even better idea: cut off the Gamepad from Wii U, and make it the "New Wii". Without the Gamepad's touch screen, the "U" in the name and the logo doesn't make sense, so it would be named something else, like "New Wii", "Wii 2", "Wii HD" or maybe even "Super Wii".

Instead of Nintendoland, make Wii Sports 3 for launch. Completely new game with new sports (and some returning ones), instead of this belated Wii Sports Club HD rehash crap.

Suddenly, you've got a more powerful "Super Wii" that costs 100 dollars less than the Wii U, and works with the Wiimote in all games and applications. $249 for a "Deluxe" model (no gimped Basic pack even needed) and comes with Wii Sports 3, with New Super Mario Bros. Wii 2 as a separately sold co-launch game. It's a whole different console with none of the Gamepad crap that doomed the Wii U. It would have been so much better...

[Edited by Mahe]



Eh Wii Sports Club was a good idea and Nintendo experimenting with the games as services deal that's going to be big next gen. The problem with it and the the Wii Fit U trail is that the Nintendo Network isn't really known as a thing. If the Woi U had a bit better install base and its online being as wide known as PSN or Live.

.were going to see a lot of games go as services and free to play so its better if Nintendo cuts its teeth now.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


Mahe wrote:

shingi_70 wrote:

Its a has bit crazy how Nintendo let the Wii's momentum die. In retrospect I would have put WiFi in the Wii mini and sold it as a low cost machine that can Di VC and Netflix targeting the Roku Market.

$249 for a "Deluxe" model (no gimped Basic pack even needed)

The problem is, that the Deluxe SKU you're suggesting IS the "gimped" basic pack that you're saying isn't needed in your little parenthesis comment.

[Edited by SCRAPPER392]


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


shingi_70 wrote:

Eh Wii Sports Club was a good idea

Wii Sports Club is a disappointing poor-quality downgrade compared to the original Wii Sports, and the pricing scheme is ridiculous. It was a terrible idea.

SCAR392 wrote:

Mahe wrote:

$249 for a "Deluxe" model (no gimped Basic pack even needed)

The problem is, that the Deluxe SKU you're suggesting IS the "gimped" basic pack that you're saying isn't needed in your little parenthesis comment.

Follow me here: Nintendo released the gimped Basic pack because they needed to have a lower-priced console package available. It failed miserably. Everyone went for the version with 32 GB storage space and other useful accessories instead.

Now, remove the Gamepad, and you can bring the price down by $100. Now, you can sell a 32 GB console at $249, AND still include a game! No need for a cheaper Basic pack, and you've suddenly got a much more appealing console with 32 GB storage and a game at only $249! That would have been a better deal than both the Wii U console versions we got. Boom, instantly Wii U consoles sell more, and Wii U games sell more! The Wii U would be in a very different situation by now if they had released that configuration, and then perhaps later sold the Gamepad as an accessory.

[Edited by Mahe]



Mahe wrote:

Now, remove the Gamepad, and you can bring the price down by $100. Now, you can sell a 32 GB console at $249, AND still include a game! No need for a cheaper Basic pack, and you've suddenly got a much more appealing console with 32 GB storage and a game at only $249! That would have been a better deal than both the Wii U console versions we got. Boom, instantly Wii U consoles sell more, and Wii U games sell more! The Wii U would be in a very different situation by now if they had released that configuration, and then perhaps later sold the Gamepad as an accessory.

We got a little problem: it won't sell by itself. By your logic the Ouya will be flying off the shelves. People still doesn't know what the Wii U is.

Not to mention that XB360s and PS3 are also selling at 249 bucks with a BIGGER hard drive and a BIGGER library. Think about it.


AJ_Lethal wrote:

Mahe wrote:

Now, remove the Gamepad, and you can bring the price down by $100. Now, you can sell a 32 GB console at $249, AND still include a game! No need for a cheaper Basic pack, and you've suddenly got a much more appealing console with 32 GB storage and a game at only $249! That would have been a better deal than both the Wii U console versions we got. Boom, instantly Wii U consoles sell more, and Wii U games sell more! The Wii U would be in a very different situation by now if they had released that configuration, and then perhaps later sold the Gamepad as an accessory.

We got a little problem: it won't sell by itself. By your logic the Ouya will be flying off the shelves. People still doesn't know what the Wii U is.

Not to mention that XB360s and PS3 are also selling at 249 bucks with a BIGGER hard drive and a BIGGER library. Think about it.

Not sure if he followed the other thread, but people brought that up countless times over there, and people still didn't get it...

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


There is still software that requires the GamePad, and Xbox One and PS4 have Smartglass and PS Vita as a second screen option, so it's not going anywhere. That's why it's important that Nintendo keeps it to diversify their software library, many of which benefit or explicitly require the touch screen. This whole strategy is DS all over again.

The fact that people bought the more expensive SKU should be more than enough proof that people don't mind paying more for stuff that can enhance their experience. If anything, HDD space, charger stand, stand, and a game being bundled is less important than the GamePad. That's why Nintendo gave that as an option, but not the GamePad.

Besides, there's definitely a possibility that a Wii remote and nunchuck could be included at to retain the SKU value of $300, granted people are buying it.

EDIT: Also, they already are bundling software.

[Edited by SCRAPPER392]


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


AJ_Lethal wrote:

Mahe wrote:

Now, remove the Gamepad, and you can bring the price down by $100. Now, you can sell a 32 GB console at $249, AND still include a game! No need for a cheaper Basic pack, and you've suddenly got a much more appealing console with 32 GB storage and a game at only $249! That would have been a better deal than both the Wii U console versions we got. Boom, instantly Wii U consoles sell more, and Wii U games sell more! The Wii U would be in a very different situation by now if they had released that configuration, and then perhaps later sold the Gamepad as an accessory.

We got a little problem: it won't sell by itself. By your logic the Ouya will be flying off the shelves. People still doesn't know what the Wii U is.

Got one word for you: word-of-mouth. Okay, so that's a compound word of three words, but anyway. If you have a new Wii HD out there at $249, and it launches with Mario and Wii Sports 3, that's going to generate a lot more word-of-mouth than $349 and Nintendoland did. People would have known better about this alternate "Wii 2", because word-of-mouth would have spread faster, and it wouldn't have been such a hard sell as the Wii U was and is. All the marketing in the world can't replace positive word-of-mouth, and that's what the Wii U was lacking. The alternate "Wii 2" without the Gamepad would have gone a long way toward having more positive buzz.

AJ_Lethal wrote:

Not to mention that XB360s and PS3 are also selling at 249 bucks with a BIGGER hard drive and a BIGGER library. Think about it.

But the PS360 don't have Mario, and they don't have Wii Sports. Wii U also didn't have Wii Sports, and it was too expensive for Mario alone. Wii Sports 3 and $249 would have changed that.



Mahe wrote:

Got one word for you: word-of-mouth. Okay, so that's a compound word of three words, but anyway. If you have a new Wii HD out there at $249, and it launches with Mario and Wii Sports 3, that's going to generate a lot more word-of-mouth than $349 and Nintendoland did. People would have known better about this alternate "Wii 2", because word-of-mouth would have spread faster, and it wouldn't have been such a hard sell as the Wii U was and is. All the marketing in the world can't replace positive word-of-mouth, and that's what the Wii U was lacking. The alternate "Wii 2" without the Gamepad would have gone a long way toward having more positive buzz.

That's funny, since there were a lot-of-word of mouth when the console launched (hello initial 3.61m units), but then the horrible software drought of 2013 happened. And there was almost no (good) advertising in that period, too. Which is not good.

Mahe wrote:

But the PS360 don't have Mario, and they don't have Wii Sports. Wii U also didn't have Wii Sports, and it was too expensive for Mario alone. Wii Sports 3 and $249 would have changed that.

But PS360 has GT, Forza, Halo, Uncharted, Gears of War... heavy hitting franchises with a lot of media buzz, both in . Mario 3D World (the closest thing to a killer app the Wii U has for now), didn't got as much buzz outside the gamer sphere.


Why? Why would $50 suddenly make the Wii U worth it for one or two games? If I really wanted a Wii U for a select few games, I would buy a lot off eBay. It'd be a helluva lot more value than anything Nintendo could come up with.

And before you give me the fanboy answer, remember that Not everyone absolutely needs Nintendo games. Not to say they wouldn't want it, but most people would be weighing their options between the two consoles, and at the very least the Gamepad adds value to the system - it allows for every game to have features not available on the other consoles, thus giving them a big perk - perks that the Wii U needs, since it's lacking in games right now. If you can't guarantee lots of games, at least guarantee that every game it does get will be unique!

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


AJ_Lethal wrote:

Mahe wrote:

Got one word for you: word-of-mouth. Okay, so that's a compound word of three words, but anyway. If you have a new Wii HD out there at $249, and it launches with Mario and Wii Sports 3, that's going to generate a lot more word-of-mouth than $349 and Nintendoland did. People would have known better about this alternate "Wii 2", because word-of-mouth would have spread faster, and it wouldn't have been such a hard sell as the Wii U was and is. All the marketing in the world can't replace positive word-of-mouth, and that's what the Wii U was lacking. The alternate "Wii 2" without the Gamepad would have gone a long way toward having more positive buzz.

That's funny, since there were a lot-of-word of mouth when the console launched (hello initial 3.61m units)

Those were actually consoles shipped to retailers, not sold through to customers. And most of the consoles that were sold were thanks to New Super Mario Bros. Imagine if it had been New SMB, Wii Sports 3 and $249. There's just no way you can claim that wouldn't have generated more positive word-of-mouth.

AJ_Lethal wrote:

Mahe wrote:

But the PS360 don't have Mario, and they don't have Wii Sports. Wii U also didn't have Wii Sports, and it was too expensive for Mario alone. Wii Sports 3 and $249 would have changed that.

But PS360 has GT, Forza, Halo, Uncharted, Gears of War...

Are you serious? Who cares about those boring games? Ok, Halo is a big seller, but even Halo is in decline. Those others... the latest paymium Forza has become a joke. Sony gives Uncharted away for free to boost its "sales figures". GT was in huge decline on the PS3 and Gears is practically a goner now. If the PS360 library was limited to those games, it would be completely laughable.

[Edited by Mahe]



Mahe wrote:

AJ_Lethal wrote:

Mahe wrote:

But the PS360 don't have Mario, and they don't have Wii Sports. Wii U also didn't have Wii Sports, and it was too expensive for Mario alone. Wii Sports 3 and $249 would have changed that.

But PS360 has GT, Forza, Halo, Uncharted, Gears of War...

Are you serious? Who cares about those boring games?

Millions of people. These games sell millions. Look, you were doing okay(...ish) before, but now you're honestly trying to argue that your opinion of these games matter in the grand scope of sales when the numbers say otherwise. Stop...just...stop.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


@Mahe Way to totally ruin any case you were trying to make. - Dayman
Steam - RancidVomit86
PSN - RancidVomit86

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Let's Go Buffalo!


Mahe wrote:

Those were actually consoles shipped to retailers, not sold through to customers. And most of the consoles that were sold were thanks to New Super Mario Bros. Imagine if it had been New SMB, Wii Sports 3 and $249. There's just no way you can claim that wouldn't have generated more positive word-of-mouth.

There's no way you can claim your plan will work, since its derived from a knee-jerk reaction to the Gamepad. In fact, your whole argument revolves around your vitriol you have towards the Gamepad and you try to pass your unfavorable opinion (k, fine) of the Gamepad as a fact (not fine). That means your argument will go in circles, going nowhere since you're stuck in the "MY OPINION IS THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS!" mentality. If you're still on denial you better look at the next excerpt of yours:

Mahe wrote:

Are you serious? Who cares about those boring games?

Apparently a lot of people outside. You might not see that due because of your craneorectal syndrome, tho.

Mahe wrote:

Ok, Halo is a big seller, but even Halo is in decline. Those others... the latest paymium Forza has become a joke. Sony gives Uncharted away for free to boost its "sales figures". GT was in huge decline on the PS3 and Gears is practically a goner now. If the PS360 library was limited to those games, it would be completely laughable.

Huge decline? Giving away Uncharted? Please, if you're going to make such claims you better bring some proof, instead of taking whatever you dump into the WC and posting it here.


@Mahe isn't making up the Sony free thing, They made software that didn't make them money. They lost 50-60% of everything PS3 related.

They sold well, but the way it was setup, Sony was basically paying people $30 of imaginary money to buy PS3s at $300 each.

EDIT: The amount of money that Sony lost was so much, that it literally doesn't have monetary value.

[Edited by SCRAPPER392]


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


SCAR392 wrote:

@Mahe isn't making up the Sony free thing, They made software that didn't make them money. They lost 50-60% of everything PS3 related.

They sold well, but the way it was setup, Sony was basically paying people $30 of imaginary money to buy PS3s at $300 each.

EDIT: The amount of money that Sony lost was so much, that it literally doesn't have monetary value.

That sounds like a bundle.

(not disagreeing on Sony bleeding more than the whole cast of Saint Seiya, mind you)

[Edited by AJ_Lethal]


No worries. A better way to put it, is that Sony was giving consumers more than what their money was worth on a large scale, continuously.

They lost an incomprehensible amount of money, in terms of business and marketing.

[Edited by SCRAPPER392]


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


The Wii U had it's chance for a whole freaking year before the competition came out. But Nintendo didn't advertise nearly enough, confusion was (and still is) rampant about the system with the general public, and, perhaps most importantly, the game selection was rather poor. Sure there was sizable library after a few months, but most of the titles were either ports of games that have already been on other systems for some time or IPs that weren't instantly recognizable outside the gaming circles.

Cut to today, and the confusion is still highly prevalent over just what the Wii U is, advertising is still lackluster, though a little better then before, and the games, while coming, are still appearing in very isolated pockets, only now there isn't even old ports to fill in gaps since major 3rd party support is all but dead. Add that to the strong arrival of the twin competition, and the downright slanderous or even just indifferent nature the gaming media has thrown the Wii U's way (most of the time it isn't even mentioned when talking about this current gen), and it all adds up to a huge mess that really only Nintendo can blame themselves for.


3DS Friend Code: 4081-5821-0404 | Nintendo Network ID: WingedFish64


In all honesty, the bad media was just looking for hits towards the end of last year. Compare the Wii U to the Gamecube: the internet was relatively nonexistent and the Gamecube's failure was not nearly as widespread as the Wii U. Third parties are also refusing to release full versions of their games on the Wii U, giving consumers little reason to buy them in the first place. While Nintendo started the mess, others can certainly take blame too.

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky

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