
Topic: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U - OT

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Kewlan wrote:

So Robin is the main character in Fire Emblem Awakening?

But Lucina... isn't she an exact clone of Marth? Someone who played the game, please explain!

Well, spoilers, but since you asked, no. Lucina impersonates Marth for the first section of Awakening. I think her true identity is revealed somewhere around Ch. 10-12.

Her fighting style is so similar though that I expected her to just be an alt costume for Marth.

And yes Robin is the main character of Awakening. It's the player avatar that you customize the name and appearance of. The models shown in the trailer are the generic default name and appearance.

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


All right! Robin and Lucina, this is a awsome! I really like that Chrom and Female Robin are alternate costume too. Amazing.

The Megaman Battle Network series is underrated... I think, don't quote me on this.

3DS Friend Code: 4356-0845-1388


Heh, that was probably the greatest trailer ever.

Was Mariobro4. No, I'm not taking off my's important.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1530-1570-5053 | 3DS Friend Code: 3566-2311-3009 | Nintendo Network ID: Mariobro4


My first reaction when they revealed Lucina was "at least it's not Chrom".
Looks like I spoke too soon.
Oh well, ain't a big Smash Bros. fan anyway so don't particularly care who they reveal.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


That was a great trailer. Oh and I think chrom is in alternate of ike while Lucina is an alternate of Marth. Remember the ? In her introduction?

3DS FC: 4854-6437-9458
Friend Safari: Fire- Growlith, Pyroar, Flechling


Show me your moves!!!
Is it wrong that I was more hyped for Captain Falcon then the two Awakening characters (even though I love Fire Emblem).

PSN: mangaJman
SSBB FC: 1204-1132-2888
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Once you see you can never unsee

3DS Friend Code: 5155-3100-6367 | Nintendo Network ID: Justinius94


@CaviarMeths Thanks!

The big mystery now is: What is Chrom?

Waiting for ShadowforSSB4 to take me up to the heavens.

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3DS Friend Code: 3153-4099-8763 | Nintendo Network ID: Kewlan


Well, huge hype smile all over my face aside; I loved the video with the reason for that being it wasn't what everyone expected. Secondly, it means FE getting more reps for Smash and rightfully so! Sakurai almost had me with the Chrom trolling, and of course Captain Falcon; who out of the three missing veterans, I feel he's the most important of them. A bit random that he was there of all places but whatever. Oh and FemRobin, that's awesome too.

Once a LuigiMan, now a Dreamy representation of the Goddess of Nature.
Retired Palutena Gem Provider.
Mario Maker Levels

Switch Friend Code: SW-6593-3528-8788 | 3DS Friend Code: 0688-5405-0932 | Nintendo Network ID: LuigiMan200


Robin mentioned something about his tomes....could it be that he gets limited use out of some of his moves before he's stuck with just the sword?

My avatar is from here


Well, huge hype smile all over my face aside; I loved the video with the reason for that being it wasn't what everyone expected. Secondly, it means FE getting more reps for Smash and rightfully so! Sakurai almost had me with the Chrom trolling, and of course Captain Falcon; who out of the three missing veterans, I feel he's the most important of them. A bit random that he was there of all places but whatever. Oh and FemRobin, that's awesome too.

Once a LuigiMan, now a Dreamy representation of the Goddess of Nature.
Retired Palutena Gem Provider.
Mario Maker Levels

Switch Friend Code: SW-6593-3528-8788 | 3DS Friend Code: 0688-5405-0932 | Nintendo Network ID: LuigiMan200


Whoa. they should have made it more obvious on who's playable and who's not

3DS: 4425 1513 9879
Wii U : JC10101
Part of team EXP gaming! I main Ness and Sheik~



Kewlan wrote:

The big mystery now is: What is Chrom?

If only the Smash Bros. site can load so we can find out. >: (

Self-appointed NintendoLife Hyrule Warriors ambassador


Today is the day that the internet exploded. Nobody knows how it happened but the consensus is that it was probably due to the new character reveal for smash.

Friend code: 1934-1399-5355


Kewlan wrote:

@CaviarMeths Thanks!

The big mystery now is: What is Chrom?

Chrom is the blue-haired, sword-wielding crown prince of Awakening. Every Fire Emblem game has one!

Except Fire Emblem 6 and 7, which both had red-haired, sword-wielding crown princes.

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


This also confirms that the Gematsu leak was fake... and that retweet had no meaning...

Shulk deconfirmed...

@CaviarMeths No I meant; Marth skin, Assist Trophy, Lucina's Final Smash? ._.

[Edited by Kewlan]

Waiting for ShadowforSSB4 to take me up to the heavens.

Favorite Game List:
1#: Lufia 2
2#: Terraria
3#: Team Fortress 2

3DS Friend Code: 3153-4099-8763 | Nintendo Network ID: Kewlan

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