
Topic: Nintendo franchises you're not a fan of?

Posts 41 to 60 of 103


I can understand why people wouldn't like Pikmin. It's in no way a game for everyone.

As for me, I don't think there's a particular one I don't like (although I am getting sick of Pokemon), but I've never played a Metroid game.

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Dipper723 wrote:

Pikmin, not saying it's bad, but I think the day cycle should be longer, because it gets really daunting. Haven't played a Metroid game, but I don't think they look interesting to me

so you want it to be less challenging? does not compute.

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-Pikmin: I don't like the time limit and the survival aspect of this game, I'd only really like this if I could freely explore the game.
-Animal Crossing: Real life is boring enough, why would I want it replicated in a video game? Especially the most mundane and repetitive aspects of it.
-Fire Emblem: I played a demo of Awakening, and while it seemed like a good game, I couldn't really get into it. I think I just don't like the genre.
-F-Zero: Looks like a generic racer, I can't really find any unique, game changing twist on the racing genre that would make this game interesting.
-Star Fox: Never really got into flight sim games either. Maybe the Wii U game could change my mind, though.
-Mario Party: Don't like mini game games.
-Wario Ware: Don't like mini game games

There's also a couple that I haven't played that I think I might like:

-Paper Mario
-Mario & Luigi
-Xenoblade Chronicles

[Edited by Bolt_Strike]


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


ejvirzi wrote:

Kirby. I have not been able to get used to the transformations and the control scheme. I like Kirby as a character though.

This. Same with Star Fox.
Also starting to get tired of Pokémon.

For fun, my favourites are Donkey Kong Country, Mario Kart and Animal Crossing. And the 3D Mario series (64-3DW), if that counts.

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Kirby= moste boring Nintendo platformer franchise
Wii fit = Not a fan of these kinds of things. Prefer a walk in a forest or something like that.
Wii Sports = Only enjoyed the Airplane mode in Resorts so I prefer Pilotewings.


3DS Friend Code: 1977-0291-4355


zelda - always get stuck and the story is uber lame
smash bros. - hate fighting games
f-zero - difficulty seems just unfair
star fox - characters make the games totally uninteresting to me
fire emblem - boring story, hate the gameplay
pokemon - addicted to the red edition when i was a kid but then never tried pokemon again
pikmin - never tried it but i am not interested either
kid icarus - never played it. dont think i would like it though
yoshis island - freaking hate that you have to carry a baby!!!

[Edited by 6ch6ris6]

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There's a few Nintendo franchises I can see myself losing interest in over time. Namely Mario, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, and Smash Bros, the first three have been milked to death and are starting to stagnate (which is especially sad for Pokemon because it has the potential to be so much more than it is but Game Freak have gone more in the "make it a cash cow aimed at little kids" direction lately), and I've never really gotten into fighting games, so I may just abandon Smash.

[Edited by Bolt_Strike]


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


I've never been able to get into Zelda no matter how many times I try. I love every other Nintendo franchise to death but Zelda just bores me.




Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin, Wii whatever, actually I'm only fan of their 2D Platformers, Pokemon and Fire Emblem

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Like most of them, at least. I don't know about Xenoblade, but almost all the rest are fine.

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Wario Ware. I get the appeal for people, but I prefer meatier experiences. Mini game compilations do nothing for me.




I like most Nintendo franchises, but to name the one I can't ever see myself enjoying or being a fan of... the Wii series. Sorry, but from what I've played, they're just not interesting in the slightest, and I consider the Miis some of the worst Nintendo 'characters' ever made.

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I absolutely hate Donkey Kong with a passion, and I realize it isn't technically a Nintendo series, but as I only hate the classic games (which were on the NES originally!) I hate Megaman. Love that Megaman X though.


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Kirby, I've never liked him at all. I also recently realized that I'm not a big fan of Donkey Kong anymore.



Donkey Kong, Excitebike, and Animal Crossing are those franchises I'd never miss.
Same goes for most of their arcade or arcade-like NES games (Ice Climbers, Mario Bros. Arcade, Wrecking Crew, Mario & Yoshi, Balloon Fight), though none of them are really a franchise. They were and are just plain bad and repetitive.

@VolcanoFlamesNL Xenoblade isn't a franchise, technically speaking. The other Xeno games (Xenosaga 1-3, Xenogears) aren't even licensed by Nintendo, to begin with, and Xenoblade X will be a spiritual successor, not a sequel.

<insert title of hyped game here>

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For me it has to be Pokemon.

Played Red way back in the day when it was released for the GB got all 150 Pokemon and that was enough for me. I tried Black and White got to the second gym and traded it in.

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