
Topic: Just how hard is Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze?

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Thanks guys and lol at the chili sauce comparison.




The hottest sauce is made in Costa Rica? You gotta tell me where to find it then.

I will comment in this thread, never being able to find it again.


The boss battles in particular are better thought out this time. Every boss feels like it's own level, and even though they can be quite tricky also, they're
never as frustrating as that chicken-robot thingy in Returns.



@Faron, well yes, the boss battles are quite better.

@sinalefa, I use to buy in the regular shops, but I like very much a custom made recipie of a small and farmer town I use to visit. It combines different kind of chillie like panameño, jalapeño and strange little one that I don't know.

The music is probably the hightest point in Tropical Freeze, is just right for every moment of the game.



How does the difficulty of this game compare to DKC 2 on SNES? (chilli sauce comparison essential)

I only posted this to get my avatar as the forum's thumbnail.


easier than returns for sure, but k levels are no joke. im yet to reach world 7 yet so unsure on how hard it really gets.

put it on.


The final boss was excruciating for me. It's definitely harder that Returns IMO although I did use Super Guide once in Returns

"Dubs Goes to Washington: The Video Game".

Nintendo Network ID: Del_Piero_Mamba


Tropical Freeze is one of my favorite games I've played in 29 years due to being so perfectly balanced and carefully honed. I can't think of a more manageable and enjoyable yet truly challenging game on any platform. There are absolutely brutal parts (the entirety of the K levels, finding all the collectables, hard mode, etc.) and even the easier levels can be obstacles to the uninitiated gamer. But there are plenty of options to blunt any particularly tough segments and generally a commendable progression to prepare even the unskilled.

However, as a grown adult even if I force myself to trudge through difficult games, I rarely am inspired to go into "Nintendo-mode" (my mom's terminology, coined when I was a kid and would repeatedly fall and try over and over to master something while doing activities like skiing or whatever). That is, it takes a special gaming experience to drive me to revel in a challenge to the point of shutting off my life to conquer it. Tropical Freeze is the first game in years to qualify.

(Though some games, like MK7, inspire me to master Time Trials modes and such, to put up world-beating times, but I'm talking about legitimately tough single-player campaigns and I really can't recall a recent one that I cared to absorb into my soul, as with TF.)




Difficulty comparisons (from my experience)

NSMBU < SM3DW (Worlds 1 through Bowser) < DKC(1) < NS Luigi U < DKCTF (World 1 through 6) < DKCR (Worlds 1-8) < SM3DW (Worlds Star through Flower) < DKCR (World 9) < DKCTF (K levels) < DKC2 < DKCR (K levels) < DKCTF (World 7) < DKCTF (Hard mode)

Haaaave fuuuuun~

A nifty calendar (Updated 9/13/15)
The UGXloggery ... really needs an update.


Funny I found it much harder then Returns. Returns was a breeze. Plus the difficulty ramps up quickly. Still a great game. I just think its a shame they don't have a easy mode for kids.



KoopaTrooper wrote:

Funny I found it much harder then Returns. Returns was a breeze. Plus the difficulty ramps up quickly. Still a great game. I just think its a shame they don't have a easy mode for kids.

Kinda, but kinda not. The items would be the "easy mode."

A nifty calendar (Updated 9/13/15)
The UGXloggery ... really needs an update.


DKCTF is harder by far than any platformer that I've played. NEVER in my life I have re-try a level more than 15 times.

Nintendo fan since 6 years of age.
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3DS Friend Code: 5472-8085-9073 | Nintendo Network ID: kkloveit


Is it equal to or harder than returns? Because I really thought returns was spot-on with difficulty.

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Is it equal to or harder than returns? Because I really thought returns was spot-on with difficulty.

Pretty similar, I'd say. The main difference to me is the levels are simply better, more enjoyable. That means the difficulty doesn't seem as frustrating or significant. Refreshingly, the levels are a little less rigid in their design, better balanced, and generally contrast mechanics and techniques beautifully. No doubt, it's a joy to replay just about every one of them.

Edited on by ACK




Hy8ogen wrote:

DKCTF is harder by far than any platformer that I've played. NEVER in my life I have re-try a level more than 15 times.

A couple of the bosses drove me nuts until I figured out their patterns, but I still find stuff like Mega Man more frustrating.



It starts being hard in World 5, when there are timed platforms. It's still easier game than Returns (and less annoying).



Let's put it this way, I had no trouble with the first few worlds on DKC Returns. And When I recently got Tropical Freeze, I found myself dying multiple times in each level of World 1 haha. That is not to say it is a bad game!
I would without a doubt put Tropical Freeze as the best 2D platformer on Wii U. Yes even above Rayman Legends and NSMBU.
It is that well polished.

Friend Code 3DS FC 1547-5273-7750



The real challenging part of the game is getting the gold time trials and hard mode. I had some trouble with levels my first play through, but none that really took more than a few tries.. well, besides the K levels. Those are a whole different story. I tend to try and rush them though so it's hard not to make a mistake and die repeatedly. I'm often stuck in speed mode unless I'm collecting stuff.

The secrets in this game are hidden VERY WELL which adds another challenge to the game. It always feels good finding a well hidden puzzle piece in this game.


Nintendo Network ID: Spuratis


UGXwolf wrote:

KoopaTrooper wrote:

Funny I found it much harder then Returns. Returns was a breeze. Plus the difficulty ramps up quickly. Still a great game. I just think its a shame they don't have a easy mode for kids.

Kinda, but kinda not. The items would be the "easy mode."

I don't think the items make it "easy mode". The extra barrel is useless because you can't control when to use it, and you usually have a barrel anyway in the beginning. The water balloons are useless because the bubbles are never a real problem. Red balloons are needed of course but don't really help if you're stuck on the level, it just lets you fail again. The green balloons work only for one time but can be indeed helpful. The extra heart helps, especially for boss fights, but if someone has a problem with the level, it usually won't help them. The potions are fairly useless because they only work one time so again if the problem is at the end of the level it doesn't help. The golden hearts are even better than that and are "free".

I don't think the items help much, and I genuinely think the game is hard. It is strange they dropped the super guide, and I cannot see how most kids will able to finish the game. It's astounding that Nintendo has a kiddy image when they release such difficult games.

Edited on by dumedum

"Dubs Goes to Washington: The Video Game".

Nintendo Network ID: Del_Piero_Mamba

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