
Topic: Just bought a Wii U

Posts 21 to 39 of 39


RE4 works fantastic with Wii Pointer Controls. Both Zeldas and Both Galaxies

NNID: Ootfan98
3DS FC: 3909 - 7501 - 9000


direth1105 wrote:

@PKpunky wow, i am very interested in buying that. is it available for eu/sweden tho?

It's available on the North American site. Not sure about Europe. Sorry about that, forgot to check.


3DS Friend Code: 4313-0436-2109


Must haves: Smash Bros. Brawl (+ Project M), Mario Kart Wii, New Super Mario Bros. Wii (+Newer Super Mario Bros. Wii), Mario Galaxy 1 and 2

Rule of thumb: If it has Mario in the title, it's probably somewhat fun

And if you hate Mario, get the Metroid Prime Trilogy, Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword, DK Country, and maybe even Rayman Origins and Okami.

I prefer Gamecube games waaaaaay more but Wii still has its fair share of good games

And for Wii U, I would say that the must have is Super Mario 3D World
And if you like platformers, get Rayman Legends (my personal favorite so far) and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and Cloudberry Kingdom if you're a masochist
If you're more into action/strategy, Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101 are good choices
Wind Waker HD if you like adventure games (it was my first Zelda game and now I love the series!)

Edited on by PloXyZeRO

MrSRArter wrote:

Nintendo is rich while Detroit is bankrupt. They could use Detroit make a real Nintendo Land theme park.

3DS Friend Code: 3325-2132-3153 | Nintendo Network ID: PloXyZeRO | Twitter:


BenjaminAran wrote:

My question is; Are there any Wii game's that'll play with the gamepad? Metroid:Other M for example?

All Wii games will play on the Gamepad, but the buttons won't work so you'll still have to use a Wiimote or Classic Controller Pro. Fortunately, the Gamepad camera detects the IR of the Wiimote to act as a sensor, so it works perfectly if you so desire to play games that way.

Now, as for some recommendations. You say you're interested in Wii games. Allow me to personally recommend the following:

Donkey Kong Country Returns ($22 new from Amazon)
Metroid Prime Trilogy ($50 used from Gamestop)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption ($5 used from Best
Metroid Other M ($5 used from Best
Sin & Punishment 2: Star Successor ($5 used from Best $14 new from Amazon)
Zelda Twilight Princess ($20 new anywhere)
Zelda Skyward Sword ($38 new from Amazon/$30 used from Best
Xenoblade Chronicles ($60 used from Gamestop)
The Last Story ($30 new from Amazon)
Super Mario Galaxy ($20 new anywhere)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 ($34 new from Amazon/$25 used from Best

I would, however, HIGHLY recommend Wii U games right now. There are a number of Wii U games that are simply phenomenal and not to be missed. Some of them I'd consider to be among the best I've ever played in my life. Here are my Wii U recommendations:

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Super Mario 3D World
Pikmin 3
Wonderful 101
Zelda Windwaker HD
New Super Mario Bros U
Wii Sports Club (Golf)

And some multiplats on Wii U that are VERY much worth buying are listed below:

Rayman Legends
Sonic Racing Transformed
Darksiders 2
Batman Arkham City
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Splinter Cell Blacklist
Assassin's Creed 4

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


I'd say look at the two Galaxies, the Metriod Prime Trilogy and the two Zeldas. Then once you have them start building your Wii U library. A lot of the "must have" Wii games like Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Xenoblade, DKCR, Rayman Origins and so on do or will have Wii U equivalents now or within the next year or so. Not really worth going back to the Wii library with those games. Parly because the Wii's online stuff is going to be shut down but also because I personally find it hard to go back to 480p now. Then there are the staple Wii experiences like Wii Sports and Wii Fit which are still as good as they were and were fine at any resolution but now have improved Wii U versions.

But really the great stuff is the new Wii U content. Super Mario 3D World, Wind Waker HD, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends. All of these are a class above the majority of Wii titles especially when played in their full shiny HD glory. Also poke around in the eShop for indie stuffs, lots of content there to look at. Especially if you're wanting to get something for a little bit cheaper.

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


A recent update allows you to use the GamePad screen as a separate display, but as of now, the buttons on the GamePad cannot be used in place of a Classic Controller.

I hope this feature is added in the future, as it would make off-tv play that much more enticing.

Also, @BenjaminAran, why even consider the Wii when the Wii U is backwards compatible? I could see if you were to look up and down for an original Wii with GameCube support, but not many Wii's you can buy have that feature anymore.

I own a PS1, GBA, GBA SP, Wii (GCN), 360, 3DS, PC (Laptop), Wii U, and PS4.
I used to own a GBC, PS2, and DS Lite

I'm on YouTube.

I promise to not derail threads. Request from theblackdragon

I pro...

3DS Friend Code: 4639-9073-1731 | Nintendo Network ID: kyuubikid213


BenjaminAran wrote:

My question is; Are there any Wii game's that'll play with the gamepad? Metroid:Other M for example?

Kind of sad, that the only games for the Wii U are old Wii games. It defeats the purpose of buying a new console.
This is why I been waiting off on buying the Wii U, I don't really have the time to replay an old game, just give me something new.

Edited on by LordJumpMad

For you, the day LordJumpMad graced your threads, was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.

3DS Friend Code: 4167-4592-9402 | Twitter:


LordJumpMad wrote:

BenjaminAran wrote:

My question is; Are there any Wii game's that'll play with the gamepad? Metroid:Other M for example?

Kind of sad, that the only games for the Wii U are old Wii games. It defeats the purpose of buying a new console.
This is why I been waiting off on buying the Wii U, I don't really have the time to replay an old game, just give me something new.

Why do people say there are no Wii U games? Drives me nuts. Not counting Wind Waker HD (since everyone always says that doesn't count as it's just a remake of a Gamecube game), there's Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, The Wonderful 101, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, ZombiU, Super Mario 3D World, Rayman Legends (the definitive version), Batman Arkham City/Origins, NintendoLand, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, NSMBU, NSLU . . . there are TONS of great games for it. I'm very happy with my purchase, I just need to get the money for all the games I want.



LordJumpMad wrote:

BenjaminAran wrote:

My question is; Are there any Wii game's that'll play with the gamepad? Metroid:Other M for example?

Kind of sad, that the only games for the Wii U are old Wii games. It defeats the purpose of buying a new console.
This is why I been waiting off on buying the Wii U, I don't really have the time to replay an old game, just give me something new.

Who said that? I assumed the OP was asking for Wii games mostly because the Wii has a massive library of games that are all in the bargain bin now. Nothing to do with the Wii U library. If you skipped the Wii and have a Wii U then why not ask what Wii games you should look at getting?

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


@cbkummer I never stated that there are no Wii U game's there are plenty i am interested in! But i am also interested in the Wii library and as mentioned by @skywake there are loads in the "bargain bin".

Sadly @JaxonH those price's do not apply to me as i live in Sweden, the metroid prime trilogy for example costs a lot more.... 1000 KR (swedish currency) converts to 160$ so that one is NOT cheap... awesome list though, i have got a lot of them on my to-buy list already!

Thanks everybody for tips and info! I really appreciate it

edit: @cbkummer ops, is see now that ur comment was not directed towards me. Sorry!

Edited on by Xenjamin

3DS Friend Code: 0061-1555-0735
Nintendo Network ID: direth1105


Even if you get DKCR for Wii at a bargain price, I'd go for Tropical Freeze anyway. Although both games are challenging, Tropical Freeze is IMO way more well-designed as a game and more rewarding as a player experience.



I'm sure everybody's telling you the same thing, but seriously, pick up Tropical Freeze. In my opinion it's easily the best title on the system. I have six Wii U games: Tropical Freeze, 3D World, Nintendo Land, Mass Effect 3, Wind Waker HD, and Mario Bros. U. If I could keep only one I'd keep Tropical Freeze in a heartbeat.

My game library ranges from Mario Kart to Call of Duty to Tales of Xillia to Diablo 3 to Forza. To me gaming is about having fun - not blindly supporting only one company while thumbing your nose at "the evil other systems."


Dark-Luigi wrote:

Your Wii U isn't complete without 3D World.

Second that.



Wow some major Wii games missing here. Okay so yeah everyone is going to gush over the Wii first party games lets not forget some lesser known first party ,and some great third party

No More Heroes 1 or 2
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Muramasa Demon Blade
Mushroom Men
Mad World
Conduit 1 or 2
Rygar Battle for Argus (i personally like it although reviews weren't great just don't expect full 480p support)
Red Steel 2
Godfather Blackhand Edition
Scarface The World is Yours
Spectrobes Origins (may look kiddie ,but i found it to be very solid)
Rogue Trooper Quartz Zone Massacre
Tenchu Shadow Assassin
Overlord Dark Legends
Rabbids Go Home (this game is hilarious its the only adventure game featuring the rabbids)
Bully Scholarship Edition
and a bunch more

Under the radar first party would be

Sin n' Punishment Star Successor
Battalion Wars 2
Pikmin 1 & 2
Punch Out
Last Story
Pandora's Tower (i love this game)
Wario Land Shake It
Kirby Epic Yarn
Kirby's Return to Dreamland
Excitebots and/or Truck (although it sucks Bots online will be going off soon)
Metroid Other M is interesting if you can wrap your head around the control scheme
Super Paper Mario

There's some of my list. I was a HUGE Wii supporter when it launched at one point i had 80+ games. Even if there was a better 360/PS3 version i supported the Wii version.

Oh yeah ,and don't forget some awesome WiiWare games

Cave Story
La Maluna
Retro City Rampage
Jett Rocket
Lost Winds 2 (the first one isn't available on Wii U)
Castlevania Adventure Rebirth
Contra Rebirth

Current Switch Games: Super Mario Odyssey, Legend of Zelda BoTW, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2, Resident Evil Revelations Collection, Doom, Skyrim, Rogue Trooper, Volgarr the Viking, Blaster Master Zero, Elliot Quest, and Rive

Nintendo Network ID: maximo_jd | Twitter:


Such as faint? i didn't run into any.

Heres a few more i forgot

Lost In Shadow (i think the UK title is A Shadow's Tale)
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Epic Mickey
Cursed Mountain
Fragile Dreams
Sky Crawlers

Current Switch Games: Super Mario Odyssey, Legend of Zelda BoTW, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2, Resident Evil Revelations Collection, Doom, Skyrim, Rogue Trooper, Volgarr the Viking, Blaster Master Zero, Elliot Quest, and Rive

Nintendo Network ID: maximo_jd | Twitter:


@maximo_jd Wow man thanks for the tips! I'm definetaly getting a lot of the game's u linked there!

3DS Friend Code: 0061-1555-0735
Nintendo Network ID: direth1105

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