
Topic: What was your first game? ...again

Posts 81 to 100 of 104


Rambler wrote:

Honestly can't remember doxxing, homophobia, misogyny, etc between Zzap! and Crash! readers. As I've mentioned before, Crash! even had an article discussing sexism in games.

I wouldn't say it was those things, but there was a crazy hostility to people who bought "The wrong machine" in the reader sections. Not to mention that every so often I'll still see petty fights between 40-50 year old people on Twitter talking about how their choice of microcomputer in the 80s was the better choice, and I read it whilst rolling my eyes!

I'm trying to find this one Rosetinted Spectrum video where he talks about a C64 game that he got with a bunch of writing that was inside the box about a fanboy in the 80s claiming about how bad the screen resolution of the C64 was compared to the ZX Spectrum and how blocky it made games look. If I find it, I'll put it up.




@Rambler Ah ha! Prestel!

But wasn't that just a means to view information? As in you couldn't write stuff to it. It was just a form of CeeFax/TeleText right? Each page you loaded would cost £1, right?




Oh wait, I saw the Prestel mail box thing in that Wikipedia article, I didn't know that was a thing, I just thought that Prestel was a form of teletext.




SepticLemon wrote:

Oh wait, I saw the Prestel mail box thing in that Wikipedia article, I didn't know that was a thing, I just thought that Prestel was a form of teletext.

Yeah, it was for BBS, email, and Usenet groups (I think?)

The hostility was a load of 10-15 year olds going, "my computer is better than yours". It wasn't toxic, but was definitely petty, and quite often spiteful. You find that in many places, whether it's football team rivalries, or music tastes. It's easier to put someone down than it is to form an argument for your tastes - especially as a tween.

Like I said, sexism was present early on, but I love the way that games nowadays have a diverse representation for the diverse gaming communities.
Women on the other side of the fence in the gaming community then were underrepresented - off the top not my head, Hannah Smith working for Crash! (who herself had quite a sexist introduction to the mag) and Dawn Drake who did the graphics for Ocean games (and who wasn't mentioned in the recent Time Extension article).



I believe my first gaming experience was with Wii Play

I think the shooting gallery, charge and tanks were my favourite mini-games

[Edited by Nintoz]



Nintoz wrote:

I believe my first gaming experience was with Wii Play
I think the shooting gallery, charge and tanks were my favourite mini-games

Heh, the Shooting gallery in Wii Play. The very first NES game I could've played was Duck Hunt, until it got to my turn and the youth club helper changes the game from Duck Hunt to Super Mario Bros. I was annoyed because I would've loved to fire the zapper, but playing Super Mario Bros was the thing that really got me into gaming for good.




It was a game of death with a hungry timber wolf...I'll never forget it, the snow falling silently amongst the birch trees, my breath and it's dancing upon the cold air. I felt a sense of kinship with the beast even though our survival relied upon extinguishing the life of the other. I gripped the small knife my father had given me, even though I could no longer feel my hands...and well, after that, I still bear the's pelt has hung over my fireplace for many a winter.

After that, oh probably Donkey Kong arcade.



OldManHermit wrote:

It was a game of death with a hungry timber wolf...I'll never forget it, the snow falling silently amongst the birch trees, my breath and it's dancing upon the cold air. I felt a sense of kinship with the beast even though our survival relied upon extinguishing the life of the other. I gripped the small knife my father had given me, even though I could no longer feel my hands...and well, after that, I still bear the's pelt has hung over my fireplace for many a winter.
After that, oh probably Donkey Kong arcade.




I’m not 100% sure but I think it was Little Big Planet on the PS3. I didn’t play it much but it definitely left an impression on me


Currently playing: Persona 5 Tactica (Switch)
Metroid Prime Remastered (Switch)
God of War Ragnarok (PS5)


OldManHermit wrote:

It was a game of death with a hungry timber wolf...I'll never forget it, the snow falling silently amongst the birch trees, my breath and it's dancing upon the cold air. I felt a sense of kinship with the beast even though our survival relied upon extinguishing the life of the other. I gripped the small knife my father had given me, even though I could no longer feel my hands...and well, after that, I still bear the's pelt has hung over my fireplace for many a winter.
After that, oh probably Donkey Kong arcade.

Nice story! ;D

Made me think of this one old Japanese-only arcade game called Yosaku the Lumberjack, where you have to cut down trees, whilst hiding behind said trees when boars start to chase after you, avoid getting pine cones hitting your head, and avoid getting bitten by snakes.




Super Mario Bros 3 for the SNES!



My parents opened up a bank payment account (in the seventies), as a present they gave an atari console for every new customer. In that time i was 2 years old, playing pong on that console with a spinner. It had several games but pong was by far my favorite.

[Edited by defrb]



I could've sworn I made a post in a thread like this and then sure enough I'm on page 2 of this thread with a post. I will add a bit more after reading that post again though. Most of the stuff in that post was from when I was between around 7 and 13. I'm sure I was playing games of some description before then but it's pretty hard to remember stuff from when you were that young. And even if you do it all blends together a bit

But there is a family story of me being around 4 and being utterly transfixed by a game of some description. One of those storeys my Mum liked to drag out for that "we always knew what you were going to do" bits. I have no idea what that game was but Super Mario Bros is probably as good a guess as any

I also remember my brother having one of these that he'd well and truly grown out of (he's 10 years older than me) but when I was little I thought it was pretty cool. This would've been floating around the house well before we got a PC or Master System. Certainly before I got my Gameboy:

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


First game of my own.. SMB3 on a corner store rental NES.. about 5yo at the time



That I was aware of and/or played? It's a forgetfulness-induced tie between Super Mario World, Sonic 1 for the Master System and Castle of Dr. Brain.
That I have actually owned? Donkey Kong Country. Along with Mortal Kombat II and Batman Forever.



I believe it was "New Super Mario Brothers" on the DS or Mario Tennis advanced on the GBA.
Go Mario lol

Space and Games are similar. Space is endless and new stuff is out there waiting to be discovered. Games are always being made but the creativity is different from one game to another and so many more ideas still haven't been imagined or created yet. (That came out better than expected lol)

Switch Friend Code: SW-1116-1320-6156


Mario kart double dash from my sister's lend-me-down (and neglected) gamecube.

My first introduction to super mario and still my favorite mario kart to this day!

The tanookduke strikes again!


Either Solar Fox or Phoenix for the Atari 2600. Got both of those and a Coleco Gemini for Christmas when I was about five years old.



My first game was either MarioKart Wii, or Wii Sports. I am not sure which....
After those two, NSMBW, then Mario Sports Mix, then Disney Universe. And then... A lot of games!


Courage need not be remembered, for it was never forgotten.
-Princess Zelda

Team Past!

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