
Topic: Your opinion on super mario sunshine?

Posts 21 to 40 of 45


RandomWiiPlayer wrote:

It is my favorite Mario game, including the 2D ones, ever.



Absolutely loved it; even more than SM64.



The best 3D Mario game, no doubt about it. But the best Mario game ever goes to SMW

PSN ID: grenworthshero
Steam: grenworthshero
WiiU: grenworthshero


Super good, the best Gamecube game and best 3D Mario game. I prayed for a sequel...

Photobucket | Backloggery
SSBB Friend Code: 0774 - 3945 - 4471
See you in anotha life, brotha.


Second best Gamecube game .... after Wind Waker.

Switch fc: 6705-1518-0990


I loved it....until super smash bros. brawl when they replaced the mario tornado with F.L.U.D.D. from Sunshine..... now I can't look at the game without anger taking me over!

Wii FC: 5412 0162 6187 3594
Brawl FC: 0517 4738 5514
Why do I want to bring back Pluto? Cuz the 8 others bullied it and I don't approve of bullying and I am here with this pointless movement to remind people of how (in)significant it really is!


A superb game, one of the best in the Game Cube and probably the hardest Mario ever. I havent played The Lost levels nor NSMBW (yet, I dont have the moneys )

3DS Code: 4553-9942-9180
Wii Friend Code: 3696-5353-2266-8921
GoldenEye 007: 2207-9446-2010 - Mario Kart Wii: 3308-6640-1225 - Monster Hunter 3: A6WF6Z Hoffkage
Mario Kart DS: 1032-6187-2808 - Zelda Phantom Hourglass: 4597-4384-9522 - Scribblenauts: 2665-1833-7371


Worst Mario game, without a doubt. Just terrible.

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11


I prefer Mario Teaches Typing, personally.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


I used to love it. The disc got scratched though, and doesn't work anymore. I prefer Galaxy to it but it's still a great game.



I don't think I made my opinions clear enough, I don't hate the game, in fact, I like it. Like CB said it has charm, and that's one of the reasons I like it. It just bothers me that people can't seem to see all the mario games as equally fantastic. There isn't much wrong with any mario game for that matter, and it's not fair to choose the best, because their all special in their own way. Calling this the BEST mario game is unfair when their is other masterpieces out their as well.



Twario wrote:

I don't think I made my opinions clear enough, I don't hate the game, in fact, I like it. Like CB said it has charm, and that's one of the reasons I like it. It just bothers me that people can't seem to see all the mario games as equally fantastic. There isn't much wrong with any mario game for that matter, and it's not fair to choose the best, because their all special in their own way. Calling this the BEST mario game is unfair when their is other masterpieces out their as well.

Hmm... Touche. I think what I really meant to say was it's my all-time favorite Mario game, not the best.


The+Fox wrote:

Best Mario game, without a doubt. Just awesome.



Wow, I've never seen that joke before, editing someone's quote to say the opposite. That's very creative of you.

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


weirdadam wrote:

I prefer Mario Teaches Typing, personally.

I remember that game CoolAdam. It was quite fun when I was little. Haven't played it in years.
I also played this other PC Mario game, Mario's Fundamentals, another fun PC game.

To each their own


Worst 3D Mario game, FLUDD takes out most of the standard platformering and replacing it with boring towerclimbs.

The level design was also not much fun for the most part, so much stuff but little of it served much purpose other than being in the way.

It was fun for about 50 stars, but then it really started to drag until I finished it


Digiki wrote:

FLUDD takes out most of the standard platformering and replacing it with boring towerclimbs.

Easily the worst part of the game if you don't count the cut scenes.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


I liked it. Found it to be the most confusing 3-D mario game tho, which frusterated me alot.

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wii: 0919 8248 3945 8359
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