
Topic: Connecting a Nes to a UHD TV

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What's the best setup to connect a Nes to a modern TV?
I know Time Extension wrote a piece about the RAD2X but it's not compatible with the Nes.



I haven’t moved on from CRTs yet, but I always had the impression that HD modding the NES was the way to go for digital. But maybe there are some artisanal HDMI converter cables out there…



HD modding the NES?
At least the NTSC video hardware is so old, it has trouble even keeping color consistency among analog (CRT) TVs.
But I guess that is what people want, a picture that doesn't look fuzzy, never mind the color conundrum.



I've too much emotional attachement to disembowel my Nes!
And I don't have space for a big CRT tv.
I'm looking for a plug and play solution like the RAD2X for the Nes with a RCA input.



@Twilite9 I'm surprised by the lack of replies & answers for connecting an NES to hdmi/UHD TV. I would maybe tag Damo here, or at timeextension, and ask what he or a staffer use.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

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Can't comment on the picture quality, but there are various RCA to HDMI connectors available if you just want an inexpensive way to connect to a modern screen. Most of the ones I've seen only do 1080 output though - not sure how they'd look on a 4k screen.



As I said over at Time Extension, since you won't mod your NES or get a CRT TV, tbe best option is to get a close system like the AVS

It easily hooks up to modern tvs and make NES games look good. Also that means you can retire your old NES and not run the risk of the NES just dieing due to its age. The nice thing also with the AVS is that you can use your old NES controllers and such on it. It is a really get system and a great tribute to the NES.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


I've been looking into something like this for all my retro systems. At least from Nes on up to GameCube. The Rad2X looks like the cheapest option. I hear it's around 50 dollars. Anymore than that and i think I'd be a little nuts spending that kinda money just so my old game consoles Don't look like ass on modern TVs.

Whatever i go with i refuse to hard mod any of them. I'm not risking taking screws out and having my 30+ year old systems crumbling to dust in the process.

Ever try completely reshelling a DS? Not fun. I've never been more stressed or spewed so many vile words in my life! I got it done but man was that ever 3 hours of hell!

Edited on by Truegamer79


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