
Topic: Why does PS4 sells more than Xbox One?

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"Why does PS4 sells more than Xbox One?"

I wish people could be banned for bad grammar...

Anyways, to address the poorly worded question at hand, it might have something to do with the fact that while the PS4 and X1 libraries are largely the same, the PS4 exclusives are more appealing than what Microsoft has to offer. Not everybody cares about Halo, Gears, and Forza; besides those titles, pretty much everything else on X1 you can also get on PS4. I have both Sony and Nintendo consoles and that covers all of my bases. I don't feel that I miss out on a thing by not having an X1, but I would feel like I was missing out if I didn't have both Sony and Nintendo home consoles.

My game library ranges from Mario Kart to Call of Duty to Tales of Xillia to Diablo 3 to Forza. To me gaming is about having fun - not blindly supporting only one company while thumbing your nose at "the evil other systems."


No, I think it's pretty much advertising and PR. Once you make a bad first impression, it takes a ton of effort to change people's minds, and with Sony's advertising arm, it's really not helping things. The exlusives aren't the problem. Microsoft has more exclusives (especially if you count console exclusives), and many are just as competant as anything the PS4 has. Obviously tastes factor in as well, but if it was the main thing, I think they'd be much more even than they are. Sony simply presented themselves as a company you could trust when it counted. Microsoft definitely didn't.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


It shouldn't be like that, though, because Microsoft makes some good decisions like adding BC for Xbox 360 that people with a PS4 would have thought had mattered on their console, but instead they got PS Now, and your PS+ subscription might as well be $100 and give that all to you for a year or something. People are already spending $90 on CoD every year, so Sony should have known people would be willing to buy a premium service with 100s of games via PS Now/PS+(possibly with new trophy support or something).
That is where BC wouldn't have mattered as much, because you'd be getting alot of it that way, anyway. That's why Xbox One BC matters, especially since it IS actually going to be there.

That is where the first impressions don't matter, because most people already knew what they wanted. I already basically knew Xbox One would get BC over PS4, if at all, because Sony has always said BC didn't already matter with PS3, even though they could have programmed it to do so if they actually went through with it, like Microsoft is doing for Xbox One.

I had thought Xbox should have Windows since Xbox 360, too, and it doesn't surprise me that they are going to add Windows, because it just makes sense. Microsoft would actually do something like that. That's why it sucked when Sony said they wouldn't do other OS support, because some people think it matters.

It all goes back to people wanting PS for graphics or whatever else.

[Edited by SCRAPPER392]


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


SCAR392 wrote:

It all goes back to people wanting PS for graphics or whatever else.

Or because they enjoy video games made in Japan.

Anyway, this question is more relevant for America, and to a lesser extent the UK, as those are the only places where the Xbox brand is appealing in the first place. I don't think non-Americans realize just how 'Murican the brand is. It may as well be painted red, white, and blue and come with a bald eagle. I guess that largely comes down to PR and marketing though. I mean, there are a few games for it not developed in the US of A (most of which are developed in Canada), so it's not a totally fair image.

[Edited by CaviarMeths]

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


@SCAR392: Those good decisions are slowly winning people back, but once bitten, twice shy, as they say. It's gonna take even more good will to win people back if they want to get on top, especially since, as has been noted many times in this thread, Sony did build up a lot of good will with the PS1, PS2, and the later life of the PS3.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I think the PS4 is selling more because:

  • The XBONE announcement went terribly.
  • The PS4 is a more powerful console, and has gotten publicity about how it can play many more games in 1080P than the XBONE can.

And I personally think it has the better exclusives. I also like that the console isn't region-locked.

[Edited by TylerTheCreator]


3DS Friend Code: 1633-4674-8666 | Nintendo Network ID: Shock-T


Over all I think the Xbox would have done much better if it had managed to garner good first impressions when it first launched, since it is one of the most crucial times for any gaming console..

"Enthusiastic Hi" (awkward stare)
Nintendo Switch Code: SW-5081-0666-1429
PS4 Thing: TBA


Yea, the Xbox One E3 was a beautiful disaster. One of those, "It's horrible!! But I can't look away..." moments lol

I'll never forget watching that stream haha

Anyway, Microsoft is really trying its darndest, though. And as some others have said, it will be interesting to see if there are any major shifts this holiday season. PS4 doesn't really have too many exclusives coming out for the holiday (though No Man Sky is slated, I think), but Xbox One has quite a few loaded up. We'll see if PS4 can continue its dominance purely on brand power and the diminishing illusion of raw power.

Edit: Oh, and I keep reading reviews of that new Xbox One "Pro" controller. Apparently, people who go hands-on with it REALLY REALLY like it, despite it costing a ridiculous amount of money. It's not something I can see myself ever purchasing, but it is another interesting piece to the puzzle.

[Edited by rallydefault]



1.Bad start on xbox one(the online 24/7 and DRM)
2.Xbox uses 2x the power of PS4 and 5x the Wii u
3.remote play with the ps vita


Switch Friend Code: SW-8517-4594-3400 | 3DS Friend Code: 4098-4719-4387 | My Nintendo: TOUGHDUDE | Nintendo Network ID: Andrew1994fl2.0


Ya. Whatever reason. If I really want games made in Japan or anywhere, I play them on Wii U. I already have Titanfall, and that's basically just as good as everything, especially since the DLC was eventually free.

Ya, but people aren't playing PS for what they used to, period. If that were the case, Spyro, Crash, and things like Ape Escape would exist, and more people would care, especially if Skylanders ever became a thing, because people are buying it like crazy. What about Jak? That's why PS Battle Royale made sense.

EDIT: On a lager scale, Monster Hunter would still be there. That's why Nintendo has it, now.

[Edited by SCRAPPER392]


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children


@SCAR392: No one played PS1 or PS2 for Spyro and Ape Escape, or even Jak & Daxter. People played it for Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, and other high-profile 3rd party games. Playstation All-Stars wasn't exactly a huge hit sales-wise, remember?

But that's not the point. It's not about the games. They both have plenty of good ones, and if exclusives were a factor, the sales would even out more than they have instead of the PS4 outselling the Xbox One 2-to-1...if Microsoft continues to put in a lot of effort, and Sony simply sits on their hands the whole time (which they haven't), then Microsoft could turn it around in a few years, or at least make it a closer race like Sony did last gen. But that's the thing, it's going to take a lot of time. Since price isn't the issue anymore, it'd be nice if it won't take over 4 years to regain momentum the way it did for the PS3. But only time will tell. Again, once bitten, twice shy. It's about earning consumer's trust. This is why "there's no such thing as bad publicity" is the single dumbest fallacy in business. Trust from your consumers is the single most valuable commodity you can have, and it's also the hardest to obtain.

But I don't think I need to tell a Nintendo fan that...

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


That's also why BC matters, because why would someone keep the old Xbox if the new one plays most, if not all of the last gen games? That's why I got rid of my Xbox 360 before they even announced Xbox One, and a month before Wii U released, because I knew it was still the newest thing and if BC wasn't supported, I probably wouldn't bother about the older system either. Since BC, Windows, etc, is going to be a thing, that stuff still matters, because people like me actually thought it was just going to be BC and move onto the next system right away. That's why I didn't even care about Wii and did the system transfer right away. Now people will be able to do the same thing for Xbox One. Upgrade and never look back. That's why BC matters, just as you can upgrade your iPhone/Android and get all your apps back.

Moving on... Those series still matter. Not Crash and Spyro as much, because those are pretty much gone, but they still DID matter to the PS1 and PS2 base, period. I could bring up PS Home, too. Every little game or app that could have probably mattered, should still matter. Sony just makes random games like Bloodebourne and The Order(with no multiplayer), which you'll probably never see a sequel to. All of it connects like that, and that's why I believe buying Nintendo and Microsoft are better that way. Basically, no one is allowed to even care about PS1 and PS2 games they even bought on PSN. By that time, PS Now is around and making very little sense.

EDIT: Ironically, that's exacty why people should still want Vita, because that does still run PS1 and PS2 games, but that's beside that PS4 should have BC from your original discs, and the series from those days should probably still exist as a new entry on PS4.

[Edited by SCRAPPER392]


3DS Friend Code: 4253-3737-8064 | Nintendo Network ID: Children



I highly doubt Remote Play with the Vita is a big selling point

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan

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