I wouldn't be surprised if they port Pikmin 3 to prepare people for Pikmin 4. I never played 3 (despite owning a Wii U) so I kind of hope they do port that with all DLC included.
Not a Wii U game but I'm expecting a port of Metroid Prime Trilogy before MP4 comes out. At least I hope they do, because I haven't played any of the MP games
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I wouldn't be surprised if they port Pikmin 3 to prepare people for Pikmin 4. I never played 3 (despite owning a Wii U) so I kind of hope they do port that with all DLC included.
Not a Wii U game but I'm expecting a port of Metroid Prime Trilogy before MP4 comes out. At least I hope they do, because I haven't played any of the MP games
I hope Metroid Prime Trilogy is ported too. I would pick it up on the Wii still if I come across it.
Still holding out hope for Wonderful 101. I still need a sequel to that game.
I do think if not a port persay Xenoblade 1 needs some sort of a re-release. I would LOVE an HD version (because that game didn't age well at all imo) even more though.
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@Tsurii It's almost like Ubisoft knows what we're thinking
I would hope for Pikmin 3, it was one the last games I played on the Wii U and I was really impressed despite a story that feels short...
Of course I would also like the DLC missions to be included, it adds a good amount of content and is expected now for a Wii U port. A couple of extras wouldn't hurt either, such as some more missions that use all of the Pikmin, maybe you need to use all of the Pikmin to collect some huge amiibo or something like that? Who knows, but I would be happy with the base game by itself.
Xenoblade Chronicles X would also be good, and then they can make a sequel
I wouldn't expect Luigi's Mansion 1&2, they seem to be moving the series to 3DS instead...
@Trajan@Kimyonaakuma I think there's a chance Xenoblade X could be ported on a 32GB cart. Third party devs often restrict part of the game to a download if they don't want to use a 32GB cart, but I don't think Nintendo would do that. I think Smash Ultimate has been confirmed to be just over 16GB, so presumably that will be on a 32GB cart. Xenoblade X is a lot more niche though, so I suppose they might not think it's worth the extra costs of the bigger cartridges. We'll see!
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I could see the game being on a 32GB card but a 16GB one isn't impossible either. Monolith will have improved a lot since X released, which was over 3 years ago, and Nintendo are better now with the Switch.
I could see them compressing the game and then releasing those data packs again on the eShop for those that want improved graphics and loading. But if it's just a port I doubt there would be that much effort put into it, moving the GamePad stuff is probably enough work...
It isn't the sort of game where you could leave out a mode or something like that, they would need to take out an area which would break the game. I wouldn't buy a port of X with only New LA and Primordia
I'm almost sure that Nintendo is gonna stop these Wii U ports... To much bad publicity
With most of them being million sellers and with Mario kart 8 & BotW breaking 10mill units? I'm sure they're crying into their wads of cash over the small section of people on fan forums complaining....
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Now, Nintendo is gonna focus more on the Paying Online Service with VR rather than the Wii U ports...
I can imagine that Nintendo is gonna use VR but not the way people think about VR.
I think they're gonna use it with 8bit games...
What I mean by that is simple. Imagine Mario Bros NES "virtually" projected on a huge screen because of the VR. It could give a sense of depth to the game that wasn't there initially.
Basically you'll get a "fake 3D effect" (there is already an emulator doing that, it's 3D NES)
Another point that I wanna add is that the NES is 240p, it means that you can perfectly scale in 720p. It's a perfect X3 upscale.
So, let me guess... To promote the paying online service, Nintendo is gonna allow to play NES games like you never played'em before !
Now? It always has been. I'm not the one who keeps trying to slice and dice their library into games that count and those that don't. To most users all of these games are new
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Topic: Who can guess the next port coming to switch
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