
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Thread

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@BLP_Software Same here. Assuming SMO is ready to ship already, Nintendo doesn't have to localize any other Switch title themselves. I could see a slight delay to early 2018 happening, but that's a worst-comes-to-worst scenario.


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:


BLP_Software wrote:

I seriously doubt XC2 will be delayed guys.

Totally agree, and i'm saying it from maybe when they revealed it In the worst scenario i think it can be delayed to January, but i expect this to be the december game for Switch, like Xenoblade X was released on 12/4 for Wii U.


Nintendo Network ID: FGPackers


I really wish though I don't think Nintendo is going to make it possible.... That a third part accessories company could make a cheaper dock. 90 dollars is crazy Nintendo.



The XC2 trailer did look pretty rough. I honestly wouldn't be surprised at all if it slipped into 2018. But at the same time I'm not going to bet on it not making 2017. Either way I don't think it's going to make or break this year for Nintendo. Honestly I think even something like a Mario Sports title for the end of the year would make more of an impact.

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Wow...on a certain retailer site someone "discovered" 3 apparent Switch titles to be revelead at E3. I checked by myself and it is true...


Nintendo Network ID: FGPackers


I'm gonna put this on spoiler, so don't open it if you don't wanna know everything

It's Best Buy Canada. In the Switch games section there are 3 titles "to be revealed at E3". Now by going here

and increasing the last 2 numbers by one you can discover the 3 titles. At one point there is a "hole" that can easily be Mario x Rabbids. At this point i'm not even sure anymore i'll be picking ARMS...


Nintendo Network ID: FGPackers


@FGPackers Best Buy... Those are just place holders. Retailers have no idea what will be revealed at E3.



If they're just placeholders why not putting them on the games list? Why keeping them hidden?

[Edited by FGPackers]


Nintendo Network ID: FGPackers


@FGPackers You mean Smash and Pikmin World? Yeah they're just placeholders... Why would they know about that? The Pikmin World name exists for a while though, there was another retailer listing that name earlier this year, Best Buy probably just copied them.



@Ralizah We can bank on it repeating, I think.....that thing was actually successful in Japan

@Qwertyninty Nintendo doesn't seem to be trying to position it as "the console to get". They've always stayed aside the flame throwers of the console wars. They want to position it as "a console you want to get" no matter whether you have other consoles or not. The competitive "It's the BEST ONE" is a weird construct people have created. Any company trying to convince you to buy their platform INSTEAD of their competitor's already lost scope. They should be trying to convince you to get theirs in addition to any of the others because theirs is a different system. Switch is easily that. Even the most 1337 PC gamer doesn't own anything that can do things Switch does. That dream list of games is just the cherry on top to make it an icon/legend beyond simply being a success.

@IceClimbers Of course it isn't. We already know of a solid release calendar. Joe Consumer isn't going to be looking for Swtich in November because of "E3 Surprises!!!", but because of the fact that there's a bunch of big name games they want already on it, and because it seems like everybody else already bought one and it's the in thing to get (queue news story about lines and shortages...) The huffing and puffing online is just the revenge of the video game nerds

@Ralizah "You know, because if it isn't some hour long spectacle filled with orchestras and pointless bombast, it's worthless."
Don't forget money hatting to your audience for random third parties for 10 minutes! And 10 minutes of proof that Kojima is still alive and....doing....stuff....probably. And 15 seconds here and there to weirdly puff out your chest, snap your head back like a pigeon and repeat "best place to play!"

The orchestra was awesome to give them credit there.



@DarthNocturnal Pikmin World is an old name, as @Octane mentioned. It was part of some leak that I don't remember gaining much traction. I don't see anything "mighty specific" about these, to be honest.


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:


@DarthNocturnal Aisha isn't awkward and off-putting. The Ubisoft presentation is awkward and off-putting. Aisha managed to somehow diffuse some of the painful awkwardness by moving it to herself and absorbing the joke.

Without her on the stage, get ready for some EXTREME awkward! Or do you forget Mr. Caffeine?



@DarthNocturnal Funny or not, she's the most normal thing you'll ever see at a Ubi show. They open with dancing giraffes and mimes for crying out loud. It's French. The weird just comes baked in. Like anything Japanese. That's why France is a big outlet for Japanese culture, there's similarity between the two approaches to things.

But Ubi cranks that up to 11. Did you see last year's show when the devs took the stage between Aisha segments? The guy presenting For Honor...the producer....pretending to be a Viking the whole time...but with a Scottish accent? If you weren't BEGGING for Aisha to take the stage again after that, there's just no hope for you. This year that guy and those like him will be the whole show!

There was the different format of awkward as well, the Wildlands demo where they had a bunch of actors pretending to play the game online with voice chat, and they were all overacting the chatter like it was actual military comms chatter. As though the real deal isn't a squeaky 12 year old screaming "#$@( you, you *$#@ 43(#@!!!"

Yet somehow, after the EA and MS shows, it always seems like a great show.....



Nintendo opened up a new Twitter account called NintendoVS for competitive stuff.

There's a red space in that banner... Does that mean something?

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794

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