
Topic: Rocket League (Switch)

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I cant get a match in US. Servers seem down. I'm assuming psyonix is doing maintenance addressing the bots in ranked.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


I won my first tournament today!



@jdrocks89 Nice work! I used to be too nervous to do tournaments, but there seems to be some rubber banding with matching. You'll get a decent team or win a tournament eventually. If I had known that earlier, I wouldn't have gotten discouraged so easily. Yeah, tournaments are fun!

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes Good to know. I've often wondered why some players I've played with/against are not that good despite having the 'tournament winner' title in their banner (although they might just be having a bad game I suppose).

I play quite a bit, but never really tried the tournaments and only occasionally play Competitive rather than Casual. Might give a tournament a try if there happens to be one on the next time I play.



@dmcc0 Ahhh, lower skilled players with high rank tournament win titles. Yeah, that seems kind of common. I think that's mostly people that were carried by higher ranked friends, or a casual family member playing on big brother/sister's console/pc/account.

Actually, for 2021 and early 2022, it was easier for me to get to diamond level tournaments than it was for me to get to diamond ranked 3v3. I don't know if that's still true with the current meta. The last tourney I played was maybe around May of last year.

If there's something cool in the exclusive tournament rewards, I'll play. If you play a tournamnet, and you keep winning, you'll end up playing up to 4 or 5 matches in a row. So, make sure you have a water, and you don't have to go to the bathroom. You play against three teams, I think? For the third team, you play best of three matches. Although, usually, I end up losing the first or second match. That's normal for solo queueing.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


It's amusing how often the game goes better after a ball-hog/doesn't-rotate teammate quits. In this case, we were down one point. We tied the game after the teammate quit, and in over time, I accidentally make a great shot, double tapping off the ground. XD

(When I made the shot, I meant to quickchat "whew" 2x, but the pro controller's inaccurate dpad was flexing it's own will and gave me "Need boost!" instead. Classic.😁)

This double tap below was intentional. I've only pulled a couple doubletaps in-game. It's nothing crazy. Baby steps, people!

Oh, here's the other one. I just knew going into it, it was was going to work. I could see and feel it all the way though with the first touch of the ball. Such a great feeling! (Marvel at my platinum skillz!)

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


I won my first tournament last night πŸ†

2v2 Second chance (I mistakenly thought I had enough time to squeeze another match in before it started and missed the deadline for joining the first timeπŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ ). I haven't really played much (any?) 2v2 so was expecting to go out in early rounds.

Initially didn't think much of my team mate as we spent most of the first match going for the same ball a lot of the time and just scraped a win in overtime. We quickly adapted to each others play-style though, and seemed to be much better after that - it was like we instinctively knew who was going after the ball and who would hang back and defend.

I wouldn't say either of us were particularly great players either - probably both decent/above average - but didn't have too many issues with the opposition to be honest. Steady, but unspectacular until the Semis when we were 4-1 down in match 1/3 with about 1.30 to go. Then something changed and and we seemed to go up a level. Managed to get it back to 4-3 and almost nicked a draw right at the end. Ended up winning game two 7-1 and then won 6-1 in third.

Had a huge moment of panic before the Final when I kept getting connection errors and couldn't start the match, but I eventually got connected. It was a pretty cagey start to the first game until I managed to just sneak in front of one of the defending team to prod the ball into the corner of the goal to make it 1-0. A combination of our team growing in confidence and the opposition crumbling, meant we got to 4-0 before they forfeited the first match. Second match was over pretty quickly as we raced to a 3-0 lead and they forfeited again to make us Champions!

I was buzzing after the game - the first thing I did was change my player tag to "S10 Tournament Winner" πŸ˜…



@dmcc0 Did someone just post in the Rocket League thread?😠 (tumbleweed emoticons)(😁jk)

Nice! So what rank was the tournament win?

I went to play a rumble tournament, and I think it placed me in diamond, but since a year ago, diamond players play more like Champ now, at least that's how it seemed. I was outclassed. They were doing high level play styles with the special weapons I wasn't used to seeing, and I thought I was somewhat familiar. Guess I need to acclimate to the newer meta.

I want that D&D dice explosion tournament reward (although, I have no idea what the explosion voice says?? I can't tell what they are sayingπŸ˜…). So, I need to play some tourneys to get that explosion. I'm decent with 3s and rotating, but my lack of experience with 2s makes me wayyy too nervous and green to touch 2s.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes It was only a Gold rank tournament, but a win is a win πŸ˜‚ I need to play more competitive to increase my rank... I think that might be the first time I've played a 2v2 tournament and I've have only played a handful of 2v2 matches before - usually only if it's one of the weekly challenges or something. It's certainly not something I do often and I only entered the tournament because it happened to be starting when I was playing.

Although, somewhat cheapening my first win, I actually won a 3v3 tournament last night too. A lot more fortunate this time though as in the 3rd game of the Semi-final one of the opponents either lost connection or left the game about halfway through which killed the game a little (we were winning at the time though).

The final was also 2v3 for some reason and we won the first game pretty comfortably after a bit of a dodgy start - I think we were a bit over-confident with it being 2v3 but their players were both miles better than any of us. I guess they must've quit after the first match as the second didn't even start so we won by default πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I'm not sure if the 2v3 thing is to do with matchmaking or not as I've had it happen to me a couple of times in tournaments where I've been one of the 2. Both times we absolutely destroyed the other teams in the first 2 rounds until we come up against someone decent and the numbers are just too much.

I actually forgot you could check the tournament rewards, but have seen a few players with the D&D Dice explosion and just assumed it was a paid-for item. I've seen some pretty nice explosions, but never seem to get them in regular drops and I'm too cheap to use actual cash to use the Blueprints. I spent some of my tournament winnings and got the Spider-Web paint job (4 times!) and a some banners and toppers - guess I'll have to keep trying.



@dmcc0 If you're seeing 2v3 or 1v3 in tournaments, that means you're in 3s, people quit. The tournament keeps going until you lose or forfeit, even if your teammates quit.

Yeah, tournament rewards & blueprints are the main way to get black market stuff. You can also trade items for black market (via Inventory view). If you trade for black market, it's still going to be a random black market.
Epic Games has the trade breakdown.
5 Import = 1 Exotic
5 Exotic = 1 Black Market

And, the way the meta was up until a year ago, it was easier to unlock diamond tournament rewards by playing Rumble mode in tournaments. It seems that's how a lot of gold ranked players have been getting black market tournament rewards easier.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes yeah, I get the team carries on with less players if someone quits, but I've actually had I couple of occasions where I started the tournament with only 2 players in my team. I guess the 3rd player must have quit just before the teams were generated because they didn't even appear on the 'face off' screen before the match



dmcc0 wrote:

I guess the 3rd player must have quit just before the teams were generated because they didn't even appear on the 'face off' screen before the match

Yeah, they quit before the screen showing the cars of both teams before the first match starts.

And the game won't let that player that quit play any other online mode as long as your tournament is still going. Even if they boot up 1,2,3 matches later... if your tournament is still ongoing, the game will say, "re-join tournament?", and that's the only option.

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


Very tempting to buy that Rick Astley "Never Gonna Give You Up" anthem in Rocket League item shop. XD

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@jdrocks89 @dmcc0
Dang, have you guys seen the new quick chats? They look the same in settings, but in-game they say something else. A lot of them are very amusing!
I got it = Allow me!
One of them says "I'm so proud of you!". I can't figure out which one. I wish I knew.

The overall tone is so fun & fresh. They're great! Although, I think they're for april fools. I wish they were permanent. I don't think they are. Use them while you can!

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes I think I was actually playing when it swapped over - one game was normal and the next game it changed. Didn't even occur to me it was an April fool gag - i though it was just a player using different quick chats at first until I tried to use one myself πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ



Nooooo. The april fools quick chats are gone!!! The game was so much more fun. I wanted to contact Rocket League to say they need to keep them somehow, but Rocket League's only channel for positive feedback is their sub Reddit or discord, and I refuse to make accounts. Ever since I've withdrawn from most every social media, my life is better the more disconnected I am. So, on principal, I can't help by say "no" to their only channels for positive feedback. Oh well! I guess.

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


Does anyone think 2v2 ranked is any more or less toxic that 3v3? I've spent all my time playing 3v3, and I'm so tired of teammates always playing double commited. At least in 2v2, I can avoid that.

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@WoomyNNYes I've played a fair bit of 2v2 in the last few weeks and I've still come across some players that just won't rotate so you end up having to hang back yourself - it's definitely less of an issue than with 3v3 though.

Rage quitting seems to be less common too - I've lost count of the times I go behind in 3v3 (even just by a single goal sometime) and a player votes for a forfeit and none of the others do so they just quit leaving 2v3. Interestingly, we often do better as a 2 when the 3rd person leaves πŸ˜‚

As a general rule I never forfeit, so I often end up 1v3 and getting absolutely destroyed some games, but usually end up accruing quite a few saves/clearances which help with the weekly/season challenges!


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