
Topic: Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door!!!!!!!

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Got through the 100 pits,
hooray for me!



I will agree I had some biased against TTYD for some reason when I originally played it. Especially after I replayed 64 this year but playing the remake made me appreciate it a whole lot more and I have to say it's at my number 1 spot with Mario 64 after it. Between Thousand Year Door and RPG though... can't chose between them. They were both really fun games that did different things.

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Switch Friend Code: SW-3625-8025-1230 | My Nintendo: KaiserGX | Nintendo Network ID: KaiserGX


@Uncle_Franklin Nice! That thing gets really tough!

@KaiserGX The early Mario RPGs are honestly some of the best games of all time, I don’t think I’ll ever understand why they rejected it for so long. SMRPG and TTYD remakes give me hope for the future of Mario RPGs.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


@Uncle_Franklin That reminds me of when i cleared the Pits of 100 Trials in Super Paper Mario. And I was bale to get that last Pixl, Piccolo.

Felt satisfying after I completed it. Tough but worth doing.

I sell my famous Chesapeake Tupperware.



(Pretty big spoiler here.)

Just finished chapter 4! Except... I didn't! Now I'm this shadowy Mario, and looks like Mario's gotta get his real self back. What a plot twist! I remember being... a bit surprised by this when I first played it on the GameCube. Same with Vivian joining your party!

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

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@MarioVillager92 the fake ending to chapter 4 is a pretty funny reveal.

It’s interesting to think ?????? would’ve likely been successful in defeating Mario, had he been a bit less interested in gloating about it.


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SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I started chapter 4 and noticed something nice about its Japanese title: "Buta no Tame ni Kane wa Naru", which reminds Nintendo's game called "Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru" on Game Boy, but both of them remind the Japanese translation of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" from Ernest Hemingway (the English version is also translated as "For pigs the bell tolls", so that's good). Speaking of that, the official English translation of "Kaeru..." game is lame because it became "The Frogs for Whom the Bell Tolls", which does not fit the original syntax of Hemingway's title.

So, I keep playing (the forest has a totally uninteresting straight level-design, and the combat system is already beginning to repeat itself with "palette swap enemies", far less interesting than Mario & Luigi's).

[Edited by Rudolf]



First SMRPG, then this, now M&L Brothership. Mario RPGs have been at a spectacular point this past year, let’s hope we continue to get more wonderful games like these!

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


Got the thousand year door open, so I’m taking some time away from rescuing Peach in order to focus on side quests.

I’m nearly done with the problem requests and actually went through the pit of 100 trials yesterday. It was a fun battle at the end, though it did take me a few tries (it’s a bit hard because choosing continue on the final trial doesn’t give you time to heal up or change your badges, so I was unprepared every time).

Thankfully my usual lucky jumpman badge setup worked in the end.

Defeating the amazy dayzees in the lower levels was prettty exciting when I managed to pull it off, though I did get defeated once for trying to focus on them.

[Edited by Eel]


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Just finished this yesterday - I was too cool to own a Gamecube back in the day (I was in college by then), so this was my first time playing it.

Absolutely loved it! The characters were charming, and I loved how each partner had a skill to use in the overworld. The RPG aspect is definitely light, though I did just come from beating Octopath 2, so there's that lol

Now for my hot take: I do still enjoy Origami King a bit more. I just found a bit more joy overall in Origami King, but Thousand Year Door is certainly more varied in its characters and settings I would say. Both excellent games, but I'm one of the weird ones who actually enjoys the Origami King battles and the lack of a defined leveling system.



Oddly the 100 pits can be easier the first time around because you're more likely to level up and have a good chance of being at full health and such before the last battle.



@Eel (Pit of 100 Trials) The Amazy Dayzees are so useful for leveling up. You got any strategies to defeat them? It’s very hard since they do so much damage and they can run away so fast!

@Uncle_Franklin That’s a good point. Leveling up really can help since it fully restores all your stats.

@rallydefault The characters and places in TTYD are awesome!

[Edited by PikminMarioKirby]

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


For the grinding method you’re asking about, do a bunch of the 5 HP attack up badges for Mario and set his HP at 5 with that person in the underground. You pretty much have to one-hit those creatures or else they run away.



@rallydefault (Pit of 100 Trials/late game) I know the strategy, I was wondering what strategies @Eel had. I have a different strategy where I use Supernova and then Yoshi’s ground pound. (If there’s 2 I will probably use Bobbery’s explosion on top of the Supernova). I also use some badges to do extra attack damage.

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


@PikminMarioKirby You can also cheese them with status ailments, in particular sleep is relatively effective on them so use an attack that inflicts it (if it fails run away until it succeeds) then buff Mario or your partner to defeat them in a single turn as @rallydefault also mentioned.


Switch Friend Code: SW-1690-6099-6315 | 3DS Friend Code: 0774-4371-1504 | My Nintendo: Giovanni | Nintendo Network ID: JohnnyMind


I find if you use Art Attack and circle only around them, and not any other enemies, and then use a partner attack, that usually finishes them off in one turn.



@JohnnyMind That’s also a good idea! I’ve been afraid to try it because of the possibility of it not working. I wonder if there’s extra chance to make it fall asleep since it’s a dayzee?

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


@Uncle_Franklin I almost forgot about Art Attack. That saved me once when I was against 2 of them! (I didn’t have enough SP for Supernova to use my normal strategy)

[Edited by PikminMarioKirby]

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario RPG, and Mario & Luigi Brothership all on one console is LEGENDARY


@PikminMarioKirby Yep, that's most certainly the reason just like the weaknesses mentioned by Wonky!

[Edited by JohnnyMind]


Switch Friend Code: SW-1690-6099-6315 | 3DS Friend Code: 0774-4371-1504 | My Nintendo: Giovanni | Nintendo Network ID: JohnnyMind


Just beat it at 100%. The reward was very cheesy, but hey, it's better than nothing!

Really enjoyed going back to one of my all time favorites. It's still as strong today as it was at launched, one of those games that just doesn't age.

I didn't really think the final challenges the remake added were interesting. It's a casual rpg, and adding hardcore challenges to them, merely exposes some of the fighting system weaknesses, more than it makes you appreciate its strengths. They're optional, so I'm not going to complain about them too much, just wouldn't recommend anyone doing them.

What is absolutely great about Paper Mario is how authentic it is. It makes you appreciate life, its character and brilliant world building. And it does this by minimal means: short dialogues, hardly any facial expressions. And still, you can feel each written word, sometimes funny, sometimes sad or insightful.

There is this great interaction, where you'll help a Toad visit the big tree. And when you complete the quest, you can find him at the tree. Instead of saying "oh, wat a beautiful tree", he says something along the lines of: "Great tree, as you watch us foolishly repeat history, what do you think of us?" It's writing like this that makes the world and it's inhabitants come to life.

It's a brilliant game.


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