@Lazz The famiboards Nintendo Switch 2 speculation thread can be fun to get super up-to-date leaks. But it definitely gets a bit ridiculous with its 150,000+ posts. It sounds like you visited the Future Nintendo Hardware thread which is less silly and significantly more overwhelming.
@VoidofLight I hope Nintendo manage to keep the first party lineup close to their chest until the official reveal. That's the one most important thing IMO.
@BenAV Yeah, that's about the only thing they have left to show outside of things like the system UI and the software features that exist- stuff like your miiverses.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
The past week, the internet has been ablaze with solid Switch 2 leaks. Motherboard grabs, accessory grabs, presumably the actual console turned on and in test mode, retailer listings with accessories and games, etc.
If Nintendo are still intent on not releasing the Switch 2 until the latter-half of 2025, they must be flipping out right now. It's like the Titanic out here with the leaks.
Switch Physical Collection - 1,371 games (as of January 9th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay
@VoidofLight I mean it's possible, but between the backlash from rushing SV, the 30th anniversary, and that they tend to take their time transitioning to new hardware I'm inclined to believe that won't happen again this time. As far as what would happen with the holiday if Z-A is summer? They could do Z-A DLC. That would be an appropriate time for it if they were interested. Now that would be a first because they've never done significant enhancements for a remake or Legends game (Legends Arceus did have the Daybreak update, but that didn't add too much, just a new battle mode and an enhancement to Mass Outbreaks), but I could see them wanting to dip their toe into that.
@Bolt_Strike I mean they could do DLC, yeah- but at the same time I feel like the safer bet would be for them to do the release of Legends Z-A in the regular November slot, and then the DLC dropping in the summer of 2026 in between the release of Gen 10 and Z-A. Otherwise it would be the shortest announcement of the game and its DLC if they intend November to be the DLC.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
@Lazz I don't know if you've had a look on the Switch 2 subreddit, but it's a similar hootenanny of people pouring over every crumb of info which appears on the internet. A bit less intense though as it's padded out with more posts like "release date soon???" as well as a load of memes.
It's quite nice in a way, I think we'll look back on this period of time quite fondly once we're out of this purgatory.
I do find it baffling how adamant some people are on there that "No one cares about Donkey Kong"/"it's a quick port" in relation to a SW2 reveal happening next week. Yeah..no, Nintendo just doesn't work like that and I'd say about 90% of their consumer base is not going to know if it's a "quick port".
Regardless of your opinion of DKCR HD, work went into it and they'll want to give it it's own spotlight as it releases before moving onto other business.
I love the DKC franchise. I speedrun DKC on my SNES. Tropical Freeze is a god-dang timeless work of art. DKC 2 will forever be the best platformer of all time. I'm getting the port for Returns day 1, and I'm stoked beyond imagining.
But they're also dropping Switch 2 info next week. Sorry.
@Nintoz Agreed about them not revealing it the same week as DKC Returns HD. Unless there was no 1st party reveals of which you could make the argument of it mirroring August 2024 (Indie World + Partner Showcase taking place the same week as Emio) but if that's Nintendo's reveal strategy, I feel the massive hype would backfire so I really doubt that's the plan.
@Nintoz thanks- I haven’t been to the subreddit page yet, will try to keep my distractions limited.
As for a reveal, I would love to be wrong, I just don’t see Nintendo taking the spotlight away from DK, regardless of it being a hd update. We’re more likely getting something the following week, if it comes this month.
The cynical side of me thinks that Nintendo sees all of the predictions, and has no problem waiting until nobody expects it.
@Nintoz The Switch 2 reddit is kinda getting annoying recently though. They're filling any non-switch 2 announcement's comments full of "Water Buffalo" memes. Drowns out any conversation about games that aren't the Switch 2.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
@Grumblevolcano It really depends on whether Nintendo is too concerned about overshadowing a quick cash grab Donkey Kong HD game. Nothing marketing wise is really that impressive so far, though I guess they are limited with what they can do. I feel it’s just going through the motions and that’s about it.
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