
Topic: bloodstained: ritual of the night

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I still haven't gotten around to playing this. I keep nearly buying it but the price is always too high for something I'm just not sure about. I am a huge castlevania fan so it seems I'd love it but all the glitches I've heard about plus that seemingly high price. It's currently on sale for 27 dollars. My finger's on the purchase button but i just can't make up my mind.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" Optimus Prime


I feel like this game is still rather buggy on Switch. I completed it at launch, though I ran into a LOT of issues.

I re-downloaded it recently to check out the other characters, and when playing as Bloodless the game has crashed twice. Once when entering the boss door on the far left of Arvantville (Miriam enters Arvantville from the other side of this door), and once when entering the Gebel boss fight.

Also when playing as Bloodless, the Miriam doppelganger boss got stuck in the wall and couldn't hit me anymore, so free win I guess (I vaguely remember the same thing happened when playing as Miriam too)? After unlocking Bloodless' super jump (up and L), I noticed that on the outside of one of the Towers you can occasionally jump higher than the normal ceiling boundaries a little, and sometimes when falling you'll fall through the floor. I don't know if this happens anywhere else, and I don't remember/didn't check to see if the same happens with Miriam.

Monster models still have loading issues. Sometimes held objects or even the whole model will blink out of existence for a couple of frames, or the textures will be a garbled green mess or completely incorrect for a fraction of a second, before loading properly.

On going back into my completed Miriam save, when navigating menus, talking to NPCs, wandering about and selecting to go back to the title screen the game in general still has stilted loading that appears unfinished or unpolished in a way that makes it feel like it could crash at any moment. There were also a couple of times when the game froze for a solid second, dropping all inputs in that time, before continuing as though nothing had happened.

I wonder if I'll run into any other problems when I get around to playing as Zangetsu.

I do like Bloodstained, but at this point they should just get a team in to sort out the Switch version for them...


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