
Topic: Fire Emblem Heroes

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I think this game is probably going to have the visuals of Shadow Dragon. Have a shallow linear story with randomly generated maps that offers easy medium(30-45 minute) burst of excitement. It would entice anyone who wants more to go out and buy the console versions...

Or they might just have a CCG like other people said which I actually want more

Playing: Wargroove on Switch and Fire Emblem on GBA

3DS Friend Code: 3136-7674-9891 | Nintendo Network ID: lionel1 | Twitter:


People are joining my CCG bandwagon...

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


You know what's so darn funny? The fact that TRPG games are so niche and that only appeals to the hardcore audience. Now all of a sudden, it makes sense for FE to go mobile no matter how niche the series is overall.

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


Socar wrote:

You know what's so darn funny? The fact that TRPG games are so niche and that only appeals to the hardcore audience. Now all of a sudden, it makes sense for FE to go mobile no matter how niche the series is overall.

The fact it is niche isn't what makes it make sense to put it on mobile.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


Socar wrote:

You know what's so darn funny? The fact that TRPG games are so niche and that only appeals to the hardcore audience. Now all of a sudden, it makes sense for FE to go mobile no matter how niche the series is overall.

But it make sense. Turn based tactical games have a big following on PC. Do you think it is more likely they own a smart phone or a 3ds?

Just because you got burned by final fantasy tactics, doesn't mean Nintendo will do the same mistakes. Instead of ranting, can't you try and think how they could succeed instead?



@Socar: It makes sense though. Think about it, even if it only reaches a million downloads, microtransactions alone would be enough reason to keep the series mobile exclusive, maybe exclusive to iOS. It would be more profitable and they would never have to bother with releasing a new FE game on a handheld ever again. What if they make it exclusive to the most expensive iPhones? Here's a better idea, what if they check your bank account, see how much you are able to spend and make the game exclusive to only those people that have enough money to keep the franchise going? It will be better for all of us that way.



@Octane: So what you're saying is that FE be better suited for mobile gaming and should never be in the dedicated game systems?

Also, whatever you just mentioned is only making the game sound worse than the actual game experience. Nintendo should not check on you and decide if you're able to afford the entire game or not.

The opposite will happen and it won't make a dime.

Add that and also add the point that this game will be region locked like Miitomo. Obviously it won't do well as what Nintendo hopes it should do.

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


They should only make one copy of the next Fire Emblem and sell it to the highest bidder. People have to prove they're worthy of it.

Throw in cosmetic dlc for each character priced at a few million each and Nintendo would be laughing.

Oh, and microtransactions. Lots of them. Each move costs money.

[Edited by GrizzlyArctos]

Yes, I like bears.


@Socar: It's still worth a try. If that doesn't work, it may be better to cancel the franchise.



We're still at a 'Cancel Fire Emblem' stage, less than a week after multiple facts Nintendo published showcased it is bigger than it's ever been?
OK what am I missing here?



^ So now you are fine with scrapping the one of the only franchises that Nintendo has that's valuable to the hardcore audience?

Fine, be that way. I mean after all, no matter what games Nintendo makes, they will always get the image of being a friendly like company.

I understand that nothing has been shown now. But at the same time, I wouldn't hope microtransactions will be out because they WILL put them and do it in such a way that the game is a pay to win instead of a free to play. I don't want to be down here and I'm sort of trolling I get that, but I just see the mobile gaming bleak and riskier than dedicated gaming, that's that.

And seeing as how you guys have convinced me that TRPGs are very niche and only appeal to a small audience, will putting this on a phone have that big of an impact?

[Edited by Socar]

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


Well then I suppose that panic and overreacting is the norm for this place nowadays. Preemptive overreacting is a new one though.

For me as a huge Fire Emblem fan, I think the game has every chance of being a success, and I'm certainly interested to see how the game shapes up. Of course it depends on what one deems 'successful' to be, considering that everything in the videogame industry these days has to be the next CoD, Minecraft or Candy Crush or it is automatically an abject failure. For people with common sense however, I think that a Fire Emblem mobile game could work, it has the foundations that could adapt to this new platform, microtransactions aplenty and the core gameplay would be easy to work around pure touch controls.

I think if Fire Emblem's resurgence as of late is any indication, there are more people out there who can get enjoyment out of the series, it's just been too 'niche' in what it was pre Awakening to appeal to a mass audience. If the game is good, I don't see it being ignored. And the game should be good, Fire Emblem games usually are, and DeNA should help in its transition to mobile. Do that, and I think it will work.



@DarthNocturnal: um.....if you're talking about FE being the ONLY SRPG that's nice, your kinda wrong in that regard.

It outsold Devil Survivor for the DS version of Shadow Dragon. Same goes for the Final Fantasy Tactics as well. The only thing that its rivaled is Sakura Wars and probably Valkyria Chronicles but other than that, compared to the other IPs, FE alone isn't niche.

Its just the genre alone that's niche.

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


With everything that could possibly go wrong with putting Fire Emblem on Mobile, I think they should just cancel the series right now and close Intelligent Systems, kinda like what Microsoft did with Lionhead. Who needs to fund such a risky franchise anyway. Nintendo should just focus on making Mario because that is the only thing worth making. So lets Cancel Fire Emblem all together and only let Nintendo make Mario games, isn't that what we all want anyway?

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


Ok, let's all be on the side of optimism here and look at what needs to be done here for the mobile game.

For me, I would like this game to be region free because if at all the game is good, then of course I'll gladly want to try it out.

I want another different artstyle for this game. I mean, I don't mind if Kozaki-San returns as the art here....but to help make the game new, I'd like to see a new artstyle. Maybe an artstyle from Akira Toriyama?

Then I want the game to bring back Myrmidons as the way its done in Birthright is just lame and awkward as such.

Lastly, I want the game done in such a way that its not pay to win like Clash Royale.

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


TheLastLugia wrote:

We're still at a 'Cancel Fire Emblem' stage, less than a week after multiple facts Nintendo published showcased it is bigger than it's ever been?
OK what am I missing here?

Artwark has this magic 2 million sales figure in his head and that if a game doesn't achieve that goal it's doomed.

[Edited by jump]

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


jump wrote:

TheLastLugia wrote:

We're still at a 'Cancel Fire Emblem' stage, less than a week after multiple facts Nintendo published showcased it is bigger than it's ever been?
OK what am I missing here?

Artwark has this magic 2 million sales figure in his head and that if a game doesn't achieve that goal it's doomed.

No no, it is doomed because of all the oppressive micro transactions he would have implemented if he was in charge. Oh, and square enix effed up final fantasy tactics on mobile, so Nintendo WILL do the same.

With that said, it is still their first game on mobile, it might be a bit hit and miss in how they implement the business model.

I don't see fire emblem as a big budget game. It should be relatively risk-free to put on mobile. And I agree with Socar on one thing, it should be region free. Nintendo need to understand that they are in a global market.



I'd be fine with this current FE being on iOS. Maybe then they can make more serious FE's for home consoles.
Yeah. I'm one of those people. =_=

Therad wrote:

No no, it is doomed because of all the oppressive micro transactions he would have implemented if he was in charge. Oh, and square enix effed up final fantasy tactics on mobile, so Nintendo WILL do the same.

With that said, it is still their first game on mobile, it might be a bit hit and miss in how they implement the business model.

I don't see fire emblem as a big budget game. It should be relatively risk-free to put on mobile. And I agree with Socar on one thing, it should be region free. Nintendo need to understand that they are in a global market.

I never heard of this before. But what do I know. I never played it.

[Edited by KO-Cub]

Wavedashes behind you Got some of dat Maylay?
FE Heroes: 0964602082

3DS Friend Code: 5343-9126-6120 | Nintendo Network ID: KOCub

Socar guys do know that about five posts ago, I said I'm willing to be optimistic for the game right? And now we're ranting sarcastically?

Anyways, I can only get my hands on the game if its region free. You know.....I think its the mobile market that suffers from region locking because for dedicated gaming, you can always import a copy and play it.

Here in mobile.......what the hell are you suppose to do if the game's region locked?

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:

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