
Topic: Fire Emblem Heroes

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@arronishere: you're quote is that I have to stop arguing with you but you have not made a reasonable argument to make it so. So what's your point?

@GrizzlyArctos: about Advance Wars?

@DarthNocturnal: There's no rule in that but its a trend. You think someone would be dumb to beat a level that takes 30 minutes to complete while on the bus? No. Because that someone is better off investing time with something that he doesn't spend too much time playing while on a bus.

Nintendo needs to figure out how this can be achieved for Mobile. TRPG's are niche and having Fire Emblem the king of TRPG to try to change it is risky. You can't put Conquest type of maps in a phone unless its microtransactions, something which again isn't a rule but a trend.

[Edited by Socar]

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


Socar wrote:

DefHalan wrote:

@Socar: Collectable Card Game. they are very popular on Mobile devices.

That's not bad tbh.

CCG have a lot that is similar to TRPGs but the gameplay is simplified and the turns are quicker. I think a CCG would be a good move for Nintendo with Fire Emblem on Mobile. Isn't there a real CCG of Fire Emblem coming out or something? Maybe this will just be the digital version.

[Edited by DefHalan]

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


@Socar: Okay, Advance Wars. The fact that it's not an rpg aside, it still has a similar style of play but more leaning towards resource management and capturing bases. The maps can still easily last around 30 minutes, but you don't have to do a level all at once. You can do a turn or two, suspend it and come back later. You can easily just have quick 5 minute bursts on Advance Wars or Fire Emblem, like say if you were to play it while travelling, or you could sit down with them and spend longer if you want.

Yes, I like bears.


@GrizzlyArctos: That's kinda like saying you can beat chess in five minutes since both of the games are very similar to chess but more complex.

You still don't get it....these games require thinking. Even if you play it casually, you still need to figure out a strategy to beat the enemies and that requires a tactical approach.

Look here.

Tell me something, was black thinking straight or not here? Because it sure as hell looks like he was.
Thinking requires time and it takes a lot of stress. Stress isn't something someone would want to play while on a bus.

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


@Socar: At no point did I say you could win in five minutes. I said you could take a turn or two in that time, suspend it for a bit and come back later. Plenty of time there to think about what you're going to do.

Like say you're playing Fire Emblem on 3DS, but you have to put it down in the middle of the game. You could easily put the 3DS on sleep mode then when you're back you can pick it up exactly where you left off.

[Edited by GrizzlyArctos]

Yes, I like bears.


@DarthNocturnal: Ok pal. You seem to claim that TRPGs can be finished in short bursts. Ok, I'll show you maps from Final Fantasy tactics where many of them are short bursts.

This is a very small map but the enemy here is overpowered because not only you have to beat him twice, but his second form is deadly and he can easily swipe off all your units. Unless you don't act fast, you're pretty much screwed here.

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


@GrizzlyArctos: And why do that when you can rather have quick saves instead of suspending? Its not the lack of will here but again coming to the lack of time.

Anyways, is it confirmed that Intelligent Systems will be working on this?

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


i wouldn't mind there being a card version of Fire Emblem. although, people may disagree. but still that would be pretty cool (if done right though)

[Edited by Aozz101x]

My Top 9 Favorite Games of All time.
1. Judgement
2. Baldur's Gate 3
3. Bully (Rockstar)
4. Person 4 / Golden
5. Sonic Adventure 2
6. Xenoblade X
7. Ape Escape 2
8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
9. James Bond 007 Nightfire

Switch Friend Code: SW-5070-3616-4044 | 3DS Friend Code: 4828-8466-0472 | My Nintendo: Aozz101x | Twitter:


MysteryAozz wrote:

i wouldn't mind there being a card version of Fire Emblem. although, people may disagree. but still that would be pretty cool (if done right though)

Yeah, totally agree. I think it could be a very fun way to bring Fire Emblem to mobile while still retaining a lot of the gameplay's charm from the main series.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


@DarthNocturnal: It requires strategy and strategy is a genre that requires the player to think.

Play chess on phone, there is no way you can play that on a bus because you only have 30 minutes to win the game and 30 minutes of thinking isn't something people do when in buses. Maybe trains or ships but hell no in buses.

You keep saying that strategy games don't require thinking. Have you played a strategy game that didn't make you think once?

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why

Nintendo Network ID: ArtwarkSwark | Twitter:


@Socar: Are you reading the same post I am... this seems like you are wanting to have a different conversation than what other people are saying.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2786-9784 | Nintendo Network ID: DefHalan


@Socar: Lets take this back to basics. You said that Fire Emblem levels take 30 minutes to finish, and as such it isn't suited to mobile.

My argument is that you can break those 30 minutes up and play through the level in mulitple shorter sessions rather than all at once by suspending (or quick saving which is literally the same thing but with a different name, but whatever). Same amount of time just spread out. Hell, with Fire Emblem Awakening I found myself doing this when I had a few spare minutes rather than an hour or so to play a game.

You aren't beating the level in five minutes and you have plenty of time to think out your moves for the turn.

[Edited by GrizzlyArctos]

Yes, I like bears.


I'll just say this. About 75% of the time I've spent playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown (and Enemy Within) has been on a bus, in roughly 15-20 minute intervals (and I've clocked well over 100 hours playing the game). There's also a port of said game to iOS and Android. XCOM plays fine in this manner, I can imagine (modern) Fire Emblem could play equally fine. We're talking about a series of game that have primarily been on portables, which can easily be suspended, and does not require complex, real-time input. By all standards (especially now), Fire Emblem is a shoe-in for mobile.

[Edited by SomeBitTripFan]

Just Someloggery
You have the right to disagree with me and the ability to consider anything valid that I say; Please exercise both.

Nintendo Network ID: SomeBitTripFan


Yeah, I can't wait to see more of this.

It may be what finally rips me away from Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle (the F2P game I've been playing bit by bit every day since it released back in September).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Socar wrote:

I know I'm double posting here and I know I posted this in another thread.....But I don't care so pardon the irritation.

Let's see how they can screw this up.

1. Not allowing players to reset the game when a unit dies. If you want the unit alive, use microtransactions.

2. Have a certain turn limit where if you want more turns, use microtransactions.

3. If you want specific weapons, use Microtransactions.

4. If you want to develop relationships or the "waifu" mechanic, get more maps through microtransactions.

5. Forge your weapons with microtransactions.

6. Reclassing can work through microtransactions.

7. Getting skills now needs microtransactions.

8. Unlocking more stories requires microtransactions. (Fates is better than what this one will ever be btw!)

9. Treasure chests can only open through microtransactions.

10. And lastly, Units can only be recruited with Microtransactions.

Then comes the look of the game. How on earth are Fates movie graphics gonna work on a phone?

I mean, look at Sakura Wars on Mobile now!

Sad how true this is.

I own a Wii U and 3DS. I also own a PS4!

Master of the Hype Train

3DS Friend Code: 2921-9690-6053 | Nintendo Network ID: Mediking9


Socar wrote:

@DarthNocturnal: It requires strategy and strategy is a genre that requires the player to think.

Play chess on phone, there is no way you can play that on a bus because you only have 30 minutes to win the game and 30 minutes of thinking isn't something people do when in buses. Maybe trains or ships but hell no in buses.

You keep saying that strategy games don't require thinking. Have you played a strategy game that didn't make you think once?

It is quite simple really, you do two rounds, then you save (probably automatically, for convenience). The next time you check the map and see what moves you have available and choose your play. Have you never just closed the lid on the 3ds in the middle of a fight in for example Awakening? Same thing really. Turn based games are very suitable for mobiles, being able to stop at any time makes them perfekt for it, and since it is basically point-and-click, it maps to the controls really well. And the same goes for chess.

As someone said earlier in the thread, Xcom Enemy within works on mobile. I would say that game is much harder to convert to mobile than FE is. Xcom has things like isometric views with different heights and floors. And it did remarkable well. FE has also always felt much easier on the tactical side. Positioning has always felt very straight forward in FE. You don't need to think about flanking, line-of-sight and cover.

It seems you paint a picture in your head and then you have a really hard time changing it. We have been through this before with advance wars, and the controls for both games are basically the same, click on a unit and move it to another space and attack. It is not much more to it.

Why I chose Advance War in the last thread you disagreed with me was because It would be easier to split into chunks, since they usually don't have such a deep story, and it would be easy to just add map packs as additional content. Of course, you can do that with FE too, it is just harder to have a detailed overarching story. But they did something like that in fates already, so it might be that route they take.



Blast wrote:

Socar wrote:

I know I'm double posting here and I know I posted this in another thread.....But I don't care so pardon the irritation.

Let's see how they can screw this up.

1. Not allowing players to reset the game when a unit dies. If you want the unit alive, use microtransactions.

2. Have a certain turn limit where if you want more turns, use microtransactions.

3. If you want specific weapons, use Microtransactions.

4. If you want to develop relationships or the "waifu" mechanic, get more maps through microtransactions.

5. Forge your weapons with microtransactions.

6. Reclassing can work through microtransactions.

7. Getting skills now needs microtransactions.

8. Unlocking more stories requires microtransactions. (Fates is better than what this one will ever be btw!)

9. Treasure chests can only open through microtransactions.

10. And lastly, Units can only be recruited with Microtransactions.

Then comes the look of the game. How on earth are Fates movie graphics gonna work on a phone?

I mean, look at Sakura Wars on Mobile now!

Sad how true this is.

Let's see what they do before we announce they have an evil microtransaction plan.



People are going to be so disapointed to find out the mobile game is just face rubbing FE characters over and over again.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


DefHalan wrote:

Are you reading the same post I am... this seems like you are wanting to have a different conversation than what other people are saying.

The referendum is not a party political issue. It is an opportunity for every voting individual to choose one way or the other for their own reasons.

I felt that Corbyn was speaking through gritted teeth last week when he voiced support for the remain campaign. He didn't come across sincere or heartfelt at all and was at odds with what he has said in the past. I wonder if Field was correct when he said JC might have feared a leadership challenge if he had supported exit?

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251

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