
Topic: Advert Decreasing Size of Forums

Posts 1 to 20 of 26


Because of the LCU advert, the forums are significantly smaller now. Is it the same for anyone else? When there's an advert, it doesn't normally affect the forums like this.


Yep; it's affecting me as well.
It's a bit bugging to be honest.

Once a LuigiMan, now a Dreamy representation of the Goddess of Nature.
Retired Palutena Gem Provider.
Mario Maker Levels

Switch Friend Code: SW-6593-3528-8788 | 3DS Friend Code: 0688-5405-0932 | Nintendo Network ID: LuigiMan200


Oh god. Please put the forum back to max width. This is fugly as hell D:


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


Yeah this is really annoying, and I've noticed it overlaps with YouTube videos and large images near the top of forum posts, completely screwing up how they look. Just go the picture reference game thread and see how it looks... I hope they fix this, because right now the site looks plain hideous.

Plus, the menu bar and anything above it aren't in line properly, and that covers up the very top of the ad, which makes it look even worse.

If this doesn't get fixed soon, I'll have to start to adblock here, and I really don't want to do that.

[Edited by SubBronze]

SteamID: bulby1994

3DS Friend Code: 5112-3450-2144 | Nintendo Network ID: Bulbousaur


If anyone uses Firefox and Greasemonkey, this script will set the forum width back to the correct size (but doesn't actually remove the advert - support NL love <3):

// ==UserScript==
// @name NL Size Fix
// @namespace
// @description NL forums width fix
// @include
// @version 1
// ==/UserScript==
document.getElementById('portrait-ad-left-overlay').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('portrait-ad-right-overlay').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('portrait-ad').style.display = 'none';
d = document.getElementsByClassName('main');
d[0].style.width = '960px';

Edit: Holy cow does the code tag not work properly

[Edited by Raylax]


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


I think its a UK (EU?) only advert, everyone here saying they can see the resize is from UK.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


Yeah, I'm in NA and I'm not seeing it at all, guys. Hopefully Ant will be able to take care of it soon :3

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6802-7042 | Nintendo Network ID: gentlemen_cat | Twitter:


I'm from the UK but not noticing any difference. Granted that may just be because I don't pay much attention to the forum layout. In any case either its not affecting me or its not noticeable.


3DS Friend Code: 2277-6645-7215


This is what we're getting in UK

Edit: It's also straight-up broken on forums with wide images - the forum container stretches horizontally underneath the ad sidebar, making threads unreadable.

[Edited by Raylax]


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


Raylax wrote:

This is what we're getting in UK

Edit: It's also straight-up broken on forums with wide images - the forum container stretches horizontally underneath the ad sidebar, making threads unreadable.

I'm not getting that. Jus' sayin'.
And yes, I do have the LCU advert on the site.
As soon as I enter the forums the whole advert to the side goes away.

[Edited by Geonjaha]


3DS Friend Code: 2277-6645-7215


Evening everyone, I wondered how long it would take for a topic to appear on this subject.

We're trailing having some adverts on the forums, just to see if we can make it work as we could really do with making the most of them.

I've hopefully solved any issues around images / youtube being "too wide" for the layout, they should scale down nicely now - if they don't, or anything else looks broken please let me know!

Thanks for your support!

Nintendo Life | Push Square | Pure Xbox | Time Extension

Switch Friend Code: SW-7806-7257-0597 | My Nintendo: antdickens | Nintendo Network ID: anthonyd | Twitter:


Hey ant. Re forum threads with images, it seems they are being resized but they're also forcing the forum container back to its default 960px, and it renders below the ad sidebar, rendering threads unreadable. Example. If ad sidebars are a thing to stay, this'll need fixing

Perhaps a small restyle of posts would be nice too when sidebar ads are running - maybe shrink or remove the author column so then the post column doesn't appear so squashed (put post author info up with the 'posted' info?). Edit: Like so

[Edited by Raylax]


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai


Still getting this:

Also getting some alining errors with the toolbars at the top of the page, they are lower than usual which covers the top of the ad a bit. This is happening all over the site, not just the forums:

Not urgent, but OCD makes me notice it too much and just looks messy.

Text is still compressed for me:

Sorry for all the long urls

[Edited by antdickens]

SteamID: bulby1994

3DS Friend Code: 5112-3450-2144 | Nintendo Network ID: Bulbousaur


YouTube videos have been just about fixed with their window being much smaller, but images are still completely messed up. To be honest, I really hope they don't keep ads in the forums. I realise the wonderful people who work here need money to life and stuff, but the appearance of the forums is a big turnoff for me posting on the forums, even though it is my favourite section of any website just about ever

[Edited by SubBronze]

SteamID: bulby1994

3DS Friend Code: 5112-3450-2144 | Nintendo Network ID: Bulbousaur


Thanks again for your feedback, I've fixed a few more issues that would cause threads to be "pushed out" over the sidebar. Please let me know if any remain (include a link to the thread/page and what browser you are using please)

We're going to run with it like this for this week and see how things go... however I already have something in mind to make them wider again (don't worry) and we'll have the best of both worlds...

Thanks again for the feedback guys!

Nintendo Life | Push Square | Pure Xbox | Time Extension

Switch Friend Code: SW-7806-7257-0597 | My Nintendo: antdickens | Nintendo Network ID: anthonyd | Twitter:


Using Firefox 19.0.2, still getting overlapping with any threads with pictures wider than the thread window. Picture reference game, formatting messages and avatar game are all ones I have seen recently, but I think it is happening on all pages for me...

Thanks a lot for actively trying to fix this though, many websites would just say 'screw you'. This is why I love coming here, because the staff really do care about the user's enjoyment and aren't distant from them like other websites this size

[Edited by SubBronze]

SteamID: bulby1994

3DS Friend Code: 5112-3450-2144 | Nintendo Network ID: Bulbousaur


Think its all sorted now, thanks

SteamID: bulby1994

3DS Friend Code: 5112-3450-2144 | Nintendo Network ID: Bulbousaur

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