
Topic: Your favorite Nintendo Life user?

Posts 581 to 600 of 3,363


Throw starboy91 in as one of my favorites. He's polite to a fault, and you can't help but love him for it.

I guess Adam is also one of my favorites...I guess. He stands out, anyways.

Did I mention PheonixSage and lz2009 yet? I certainly hope I did.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Nintendork wrote:

Oh boy. This could be fun

Favs: Chicken Brutus, Corbie, Stuffgamer, Iz, PhoenixSage, Gabegreens, bboy, Machu, Adam, etc.

Not so Favs (mostly because of clash of opinion):

DarkG (still has that "work for Microsoft" feeling in his posts)
Windows Fanboys (you know who you are.......... )
Alexsays (couldn't be Nintendolife without him though )

I don't think that adding your least favorites are necessary. It isn't what the thread is asking and it could offend the people that you mention.

The Game.

Is it after 9PM EST? You should probably ignore the above post.


........................oh.................................. embarrassed laugh

That's why you're still a kid.
ADD ME ON PSN: xnintendorkx
Youtube account: xNintendorkx


"Work for Microsoft" feeling? What does that even MEAN? I ask because Chatham DOES work for Microsoft, and yet he hates the company with a passion equal to any Sony Fanboy. I guess the difference must be that he works in testing, and the vibe you speak of would fit a marketing jerkwad, huh?

Either way, I agree that this is STILL not the place for "least favorite" or similarly-styled listings.
But I must admit that DarkG annoys me sometimes, too.

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P

Nintendo Network ID: Stuffgamer1


Dark G's ok man, he is a fact machine, we need them.



I agree with Feenie and Randoms, adding the least favorite users are not necessary. It seems meanspirited.

To each their own


RandomWiiPlayer wrote:

Nintendork wrote:

Oh boy. This could be fun

Favs: Chicken Brutus, Corbie, Stuffgamer, Iz, PhoenixSage, Gabegreens, bboy, Machu, Adam, etc.

Not so Favs (mostly because of clash of opinion):

DarkG (still has that "work for Microsoft" feeling in his posts)
Windows Fanboys (you know who you are.......... )
Alexsays (couldn't be Nintendolife without him though )

I don't think that adding your least favorites are necessary. It isn't what the thread is asking and it could offend the people that you mention.

He's right, no need to be offensive here, kid. We all gotta try to get along here, and going around picking out all the people you don't like just creates an atmosphere of hostility. If you don't like somebody, just ignore them.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


mickey's right. If you dislike someone, just ignore that someone you dislike.

To each their own


Okay, fixed. Sorry

Let's say it didn't exist

[Edited by Nintendork]

That's why you're still a kid.
ADD ME ON PSN: xnintendorkx
Youtube account: xNintendorkx


Machu wrote:

irken004 wrote:

My number of fans here is pathetic

You have a fan here, I remember you since the Sonic Rush days, dude!

Haha! Ah the good old days before becoming a Decepticon


@Machu: Actually, I've seen DarkG state at least one non-fact. But then, nobody's perfect...not even me.

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P

Nintendo Network ID: Stuffgamer1


OK, I'll pay closer attention from now on.

seriously, NO 'least' favourite choices people, I mean, like cereal n stuff



I like DarkG, he is such a Microsoft Fanboy, but a cool one and man there are so few of them. Honeslty I dont think there is anyone on here I dislike!

3DS FC: 4382-2029-8015
All my News and Reviews in One convenient place!

My Nintendo: Slapshot82 | Nintendo Network ID: Slapshot82 | Twitter:


Oh we all have to revive this one, dont we. I guess Ill choose all of those who have mics in tinychat and USE them. Feenie, As much as I want to say you, you are banned from this list till you get a mic. Get one. Now.



@TheLonelyGamer - You're new? I'm sorry I haven't noticed that earlier. Happy belated welcome to NIntendoLife, TLG. From what I've noticed, you're cool and nice.

To each their own


Starkiller is nice.

To each their own


Xkhaoz wrote:

I like you. gives Toon Link pudding

Thanks Xkhaos! gives Xkhaoz cake

[Edited by Toon_Link]



Stuffgamer1 wrote:

@GabeGreens: Tinychat? You've lost me. I'm on Skype, though...if you're interested.

Every Saturday, I open a Tinychat for fellow NLifers gather together to voice chat and sing karaoke live. It all started with me and Adam singing September when the forums are down. Its now a tradition



GabeGreens wrote:

Feenie, As much as I want to say you, you are banned from this list till you get a mic. Get one. Now.

Bwahahaha nice try, you. I already have more votes than I know what to do with...Thanks to everyone who gave me a shout-out this second round (and to everyone else, but mostly to the people who like me ). I really appreciate it, it helps make me feel welcome and appreciated, which I don't feel very often. This place is just great.

Lieutenant Commander of the Lesbian Love Brigade
There can only be one, like in that foreign movie where there could only be one, and in the end there is only one dude left, because that was the point.

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