
Topic: What are your favorite games per console, and how good are those games?

Posts 21 to 39 of 39


Sony systems:
PS1 - Metal Gear Solid 1 (9.5/10)
PS2 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (10/10)
PS3 - Grand Theft Auto 5/The Last of Us (both 10/10)
PS4 - Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (9/10)
PSP - Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (9/10)
PS Vita - Gravity Rush (9.5/10)

Nintendo systems:
NES - Punch-Out!! (9/10)
SNES - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (10/10)
N64 - Goldeneye 007 (9.5/10)
Gamecube - Resident Evil Remake (9/10)
Wii - Super Mario Galaxy 2 (10/10)
Wii U - Super Mario 3D World (9/10)
Gameboy - Tetris (9/10)
Gameboy Color - Super Mario Bros. Deluxe (8.5/10)
Gameboy Advance - Mario Kart Super Circuit (9.5/10)
DS - Mario Kart DS (9.5/10)
3DS - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (10/10)

Microsoft systems:
Xbox - Halo: Combat Evolved (9.5/10)
Xbox 360 - Bioshock: Infinite (10/10)

Sega systems:
Genesis - Sonic The Hedgehog 1 (9/10)
Sega CD - Sonic CD (9/10)
Dreamcast - Resident Evil: Code Veronica (9/10)
GameGear - Sonic Chaos (8.5/10)



Nes- Mega Man (1-6)
Snes- Super Metroid
N64- Ocarina of Time
Gamecube- Metroid Prime
Wii- Monster Hunter Trii
Game boy- Pokemon Blue
Game boy Color- Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel
Game Boy Advanced- Metroid Fusion
Nintendo DS- Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
Nintendo 3DS- Shin Megami Tensei 4
PlayStation- Xenogears
PlayStation 2- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
PlayStation 3- Dead Space 1
PSP- Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
Sega Genesis- Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie

Edited on by MikeDanger

Fan of: Shin Megami Tensei/ (Classic) Mega Man/ Pokemon/ Batman Arkham/ Metal Gear Solid/Peanuts/ DBZ/ Regular Show/ Power Rangers/The Walking Dead/ Invincible/ Detective Comics/ Secret Six/ Immortal Iron Fist/ Lobo/ Green Lantern
Colors 3D:


Odyssey 2 - Quest for the Rings (7/10)
NES - Clash at Demonhead (9/10)
SMS - Shinobi (8/10)
Genesis - Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (10/10)
SNES - LoZ: A Link to the Past (10/10
Sega CD - Eternal Champions (9/10)
Sega 32X - Knuckles Chaotix (8/10)
Jaguar - Tempest 2000 (6/10)
Saturn - Xmen: Children of the Atom (9/10)
PS1 - King's Field 2 (9/10)
N64 - Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (8/10)
Dreamcast - Jet Set Radio (10/10)
PS2 - Dark Cloud (8/10)
Gamecube - LoZ: Wind Waker (10/10)
Xbox - Jet Set Radio Future (10/10)
Wii - Battalion Wars 2 (8/10)
Xbox 360 - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (10/10)
PC - Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis (10/10) - Dayman
Steam - RancidVomit86
PSN - RancidVomit86

Where my friends and I usually get stupid: - Come by hang and visit our Discord. The link for Discord is on the Twitch page.

Let's Go Buffalo!


BinaryFragger wrote:

Klimbatize wrote:

Atari 2600 - Combat (I still play this with old friends and my brother from time to time)

I recently played Combat for the first time in ages with some friends on my Atari Flashback, and we had an absolute blast (Invisible Tanks was especially fun). We usually play the latest Halo or CoD but we ended up playing with a 35-year old game and had a great time.

Those Atari Flashbacks are so great. I have a lot of the original carts, but I like to play on my Flashbacks to preserve them. There is a lot of multiplayer fun to be had on those.

A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.

3DS FC: 1332 7785 4494


My five year old loves the Flashback. Some timeless games on there.

A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.

3DS FC: 1332 7785 4494


Klimbatize wrote:

My five year old loves the Flashback. Some timeless games on there.

Is that one of those "Plug N' Play" controllers that has like 5-10 games pre-installed onto it?

I have both an Atari one & a Namco one, but it's been awhile since I last played them.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


GameCube - Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Game Boy Advance - WarioWare, Inc.
Nintendo DS - The World Ends with You
Wii - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
3DS - Fire Emblem Awakening


Console Usernames: Rc


"The world is not beautiful, therefore it is."

My Anime List

Nintendo Network ID: Ages97


Gamecube - Super Smash Bros. Melee
Wii - Super Mario Galaxy 2 / The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
Wii U - The Wonderful 101
3DS - Animal Crossing New Leaf
Nintendo Network ID: Mr.WalkieTalkie
3DS Friend Code: 4382-2073-7299



SNES: Super Mario Kart 9/10 (still the best Mario Kart)
N64: Pokemon Snap 10/10 (still waiting on that sequel)
GCN: Sonic Mega Collection 10/10 (the best version of the best collection released for Sonic. And I don't care that it's technically a port, it deserves to be listed for the shear amount of content and fine work put into it. I remember the shear disappointment with the inferior PS2 version we got after pawning our GCN games)
GBA: Hamtaro's Ham-Ham Heartbreak 9/10 (it's simple and it's based off a preschool series but eff all that, it's a good, charming game and I adore it to pieces)
DS: Harvest Moon DS Cute 8.5/10 (took a couple attempts to get into it but once I did, I was converted into a HM fan)
3DS: Pokemon X and Rhythm Thief and The Emperor's Stone 8.5/10 (both of these games are tied for me since both have great things about them that have me singing praises but also some flaws that prevent me from rating them too highly)

SEGA CD: Sonic CD 9.5/10 (second best Sonic game for me)
Genesis: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 11/10 (all time favorite game, S3&K is good but can't come close to touching this for me)

PS1: Tekken 3 9/10 (introduction to one of my favorite game series and to my main: Ling Xiaoyu. Also some of the best VG music I've ever heard)
PS2: Tekken 5 9.5/10 (still my favorite entry in the series, pitch perfect, it got everything right... then Namco preceded to get everything wrong afterwards)
PS3: Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 9.5/10 (yep, just got this game last week and can comfortably say it's my favorite PS3 game. Very hard to beat the novelty of playing my favorite Miku songs without having to import. Beautiful visuals, great music videos, and though I normally don't like playing things too difficult, the high difficulty of this title manages to make even getting a Standard rating feel very satisfying. I get giddy as keep playing and literally see myself get better, probably one of the most rewarding experiences I ever had with a game.)
PSP: AKB 1/149 Love Election 8.5/10 (the reason I even own a PSP and also the reason I want more dating sims for the 3DS Also a novelty for me that's difficult to ignore, how many games allow you to "date" your favorite girl band members? Exactly.)

360: Dead or Alive 4 9.5/10 (the only game that ever made me seriously consider getting a 360. I can still remember the hours of pure fun I got out of playing this at my aunt's house during the summer... though I'm still not sure how she even got the game... or DOA: Volleyball... but meh, worked out for me lol)

Also owned the Wii and NES but haven't played any games from both that particularly stood out for me. That could change however as I go eventually back to play all the games I've missed (that goes for all the consoles listed actually).

Current Playlist: Age of Calamity, Stardew Valley, ACNH

Hopeless permanent resident of Idol Hell.

3DS Friend Code: 4184-2503-1604 | Nintendo Network ID: sasamitails


I forgot some more!
Sega CD - Prince of Persia (8/10)
Sega 32X - Mortal Kombat II (8/10)

New PS4 owner
Yeah, guitars are cool.

My musical project Comet Tail made a couple of recordings.


I would really like to see some more lists!

New PS4 owner
Yeah, guitars are cool.

My musical project Comet Tail made a couple of recordings.


Didn't Own Systems
NES: Metroid - 9/10
SNES: Super Metroid - 9.5/10

Did Own Systems
GB/GBC: Super Mario Land 2 - 9/10
GBA: Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga - 9.5/10
DS: Metroid Prime Hunters - 11/10
3DS: A Link Between Worlds - 9.5/10
N64: Super Mario 64 - 9/10
GCN: Super Mario Sunshine - 9.5/10
PS2: Sly Cooper 2 - 9/10
Wii: Metroid Other M - 9.5/10
Xbox 360: Skyrim - 9/10
Wii U: Super Mario 3D World - 9.5/10

Edited on by I-U

"The secret to ultimate power lies in the Alimbic Cluster."


Spuratis wrote:

@CanisWolfred I think you're the first person I've ever seen mention the game Albert Odyssey before. That is one of my favorite RPG's. I wish Working Designs was still around. They made some great games.

Normally I'd say "They're a publisher!" but Working Designs did always heavily modify the RPGs they worked with, so they really are their games. And yes, Albert Odyssey is very good. Worth the $50+ I had to pay for it (and that was a sale...). Gameplaywise I like the Super Famicom game more, just because "The whole world is one big SRPG map!" was a novel idea that really needed to catch on. Otherwise, they couldn't have picked a better game in the series to bring over.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Guitar Hero for the Wii Console is my most favorite. For the 3DS that's a tough one, there are just a number of games I enjoy playing. I will list some.
Pokemon Diamond
Pokemon Soul Silver
Pokemon Black
Animal Crossing Wild World
Mario Kart 7
Also Thrillville for the Wii is fun too. Water Warfare depends on who the opponents are and how they play.

Butterfly Freckle Outlined Right Arm.


NES - Mario 3
SNES - Donkey Kong Country
N64 - F-Zero X
PS1 - Crash Bandicoot
GB/GBC - Pokemon Crystal
PS2 - Shadow of the Colossus
GC - Metroid Prime
GBA - Pokemon Emerald
PS3 - Uncharted 2
Wii - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
DS - Mario Kart DS
Wii U - Mario 3D World
3DS - Luigi's Mansion



Wii: Super Smash Bros. Brawl - I have played that too, yet if my disk is lost I'd have to find it. That's a great game! =) This comment is to RR529.

Butterfly Freckle Outlined Right Arm.


Wow I honestly didn't expect to get that many replies! Thanks, and keep it up!

New PS4 owner
Yeah, guitars are cool.

My musical project Comet Tail made a couple of recordings.


NES: Super Mario Bros. 3
SNES: Super Metroid
N64: Banjo Tooie
GC: Pikmin / Animal Crossing
Wii: Metroid Prime Trilogy / Super Mario Galaxy 1&2
WiiU: Super Mario 3D World

GB: Pokémon Red
GBC: Shantae
GBA: Metroid Fusion
DS: Sola to Robo
3DS: Animal Crossing New Leaf

Sometimes I just can't decide... Sorry ! ^^"

My most anticipated games : DK Tropical Freeze / Shantae (both games) / MK8 / SSB

3DS Friend Code: 1848-1667-4247

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