
Topic: Everything Star Wars discussion thread| How you doing, you old pirate?

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KaiserGX wrote:

I have a question about Ep 5. When Yoda says there is another. Who the hell was he talking about.



Actually I'm assuming it's Leia

[Edited by Whopper744]

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KaiserGX wrote:

I have a question about Ep 5. When Yoda says there is another. Who the hell was he talking about.

It's Leia.
I always thought that was pretty clear (at least assuming you've seen RotJ).

The Shpydarloggery
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Was that originally Leia though? Because in New Hope Anakin and Vader were two separate characters at the time. Lucas started tweaking stuff between the movies. So I wanted to know if he ment Leia, originally, Anakin (Vader) or someone else... Yeah it's clear though from Return that they meant there is another Skywalker.

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Switch Friend Code: SW-3625-8025-1230 | My Nintendo: KaiserGX | Nintendo Network ID: KaiserGX


KaiserGX wrote:

Was that originally Leia though? Because in New Hope Anakin and Vader were two separate characters at the time. Lucas started tweaking stuff between the movies. So I wanted to know if he ment Leia, originally, Anakin (Vader) or someone else... Yeah it's clear though from Return that they meant there is another Skywalker.

While GL did tweak the stories along the way, Anakin and Vader were never two separate characters by the time Empire came around (in the original "The Star Wars" drafts of the story, they were different characters). Obviously, we as the audience believed they were until the end of Empire, but GL meant for them to be the same person, even back in the original film (though obviously nothing would have come from the story-idea had the first film not been such a success).

From what I understand, the "there is another" was always meant to be Leia, as by that time GL had already developed (in his head, if not on paper) the Anakin-Luke-Leia family deal.

The Shpydarloggery
She-Ra is awesome. If you believe otherwise, you are clearly wrong.
Urban Champion is GLORIOUS.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5973-1398-6394 | 3DS Friend Code: 2578-3211-9319 | My Nintendo: theShpydar | Nintendo Network ID: theShpydar


GamecubeLad wrote:

Wait, is Star Wars going to be on Disney Channel now? >:3

The new animated series in development (Clone Wars is done; they are currently developing a series that is set during the "Dark Times" — i.e., the 19-year period between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope — that will probably be based on what they originally were developing as a live-action series) will I expect end up on Disney XD. That would be the most logical Disney channel for them to throw it on (it's the same channel they air the Marvel stuff on), unless they end up re-branding another one of their stations.

As for the movies, i'm not sure for how long SpikeTV has signed the broadcast rights, but they have it for now. Given the money that can be made from licensing out the broadcast/syndication rights, I doubt that even after that deal expires that the films would be Disney-station exclusive.

[Edited by the_shpydar]

The Shpydarloggery
She-Ra is awesome. If you believe otherwise, you are clearly wrong.
Urban Champion is GLORIOUS.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5973-1398-6394 | 3DS Friend Code: 2578-3211-9319 | My Nintendo: theShpydar | Nintendo Network ID: theShpydar


poor GL is in a fetal position, crying that the world was mean to him for not liking his 'tweaking'. imho, it is a matter of ego overriding the brain. give me the original trilogy any day.

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k8sMum wrote:

poor GL is in a fetal position, crying that the world was mean to him for not liking his 'tweaking'. imho, it is a matter of ego overriding the brain. give me the original trilogy any day.

I generally agree. While I love all things Star Wars — to which my overflowing EU collection and two lightsabers certainly attest — and I respect GL for wanting to tweak his films (after all, you can't begrudge someone too much for painting their house an ugly color, even if you feel it's an eyesore), nothing will ever match the original, unaltered trilogy for me. I'm so glad I snatched up the dvd releases a few years back that included bonus discs with the original unaltered versions of the films.

[Edited by the_shpydar]

The Shpydarloggery
She-Ra is awesome. If you believe otherwise, you are clearly wrong.
Urban Champion is GLORIOUS.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5973-1398-6394 | 3DS Friend Code: 2578-3211-9319 | My Nintendo: theShpydar | Nintendo Network ID: theShpydar


I wouldn't even mind if only the original trilogy existed. I don't think the Prequels were needed. They were pretty much perfect. I don't care if GL tweaked the effects a bit (like explosions) but the things like changing who shot first, the extra CGI characters... it's kinda like a kick in the ace for those who worked on the original movie. It looked AMAZING for it's time! No it STILL does but that added CGI made it look really dated.

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Switch Friend Code: SW-3625-8025-1230 | My Nintendo: KaiserGX | Nintendo Network ID: KaiserGX


Star Wars deserves this bump.

@KaiserGX You're absolutely right. We didn't need the PT. But, after the countless good things that have come thanks to the PT, I think I speak for a large portion of the Star Wars fanbase when I say: it'd suck if we didn't have the PT.

Formerly MickeyTheGreat and MickMick. Now I'm Mickey again!

The Mousekeloggery

Nintendo Network ID: MickeyTheGreat


Hey a Star Wars thread started without me? NL's resident Jar Jar fan?
(Edit: Oh this thread is 4 years old, no wonder...)

Ep. I came out when I was at the perfect age of 6, knowing of and seen the OT beforehand. I still consider it the most original of the PT, because it didn't rely on the imagrey and beats of the OT, like II and III did. Plus it added the most new content to the saga as a whole. Star Wars wouldn't be as relevant today if it weren't for the PT, IMHO. It shouldn't be as criticised as badly as it has, and for mostly shallow reasons at that. I love the OT but its not perfect either, no movie truly is.

While Initially disliked The Clone Wars show for the longest time, but enjoying some eps. featuring Jar Jar; seriously "Bombad Jedi" is still one of my fav eps. the perfect mix of old and new from the comic-reliefs of both trilogies. But after the fourth and fifth seasons I suddenly became hooked! Its a shame it got canceled, but at least the remaining episodes will be released sometime next year.

Optimistic about Ep. VII, but hoping for the best. Rebels will hopefully be great too, I just hope they don't overuse Vader just because he's Vader; the new Sith Inquisitor is probably good evidence that they won't.

I hope to see Jar Jar in both, because he deserves to be. He's every bit as iconic as any OT character in reality. Letting so-called fans get what they want ("Can't wait to see him die!" "Show his death scene!") is the ultimate form of submission from a company desperate for approval.

I think that covers the basis of what I had to say here.

[Edited by PanicPuppet]



Notice how all of the previous pages have loads of Clone Wars hate because that was before the show had really gotten good.

Questions for @Austroid!

How is it ethical for the Jedi to take force-sensitive children at such a young age (younger than Anakin was, since they initially rejected him because he was 'too old') with probably little to no consent from the parents/parent?

The Jedi have shown that they're not above using mind-tricks to get what they want so, if the parents didn't want to give up their force-sensitive child, how would it be ethical for the Jedi to "force" (pun intended) the parents to give the kid up?

And for the Jedi to force celibacy onto those children?

AND for the Jedi to enlist nuts like Qui-Gon (who have no qualms with ripping off storekeepers via The Force) into The Jedi Order?

I'm posing these questions specifically (since I've already defended the PT so I might as well show the other side of the argument) because I never had to ask these questions before the PT. It's all in fun though.

[Edited by Mickey]

Formerly MickeyTheGreat and MickMick. Now I'm Mickey again!

The Mousekeloggery

Nintendo Network ID: MickeyTheGreat


@Mickey The truth is, 'JEDI' is really an acronym: Justified Evidence Despite Immoral (Activity was left out due to 'JEDIA' not sounding as catchy for buisness.) They're solicitors of the future really.

Jedi have what is called "loop-hole tactics" for those (un)fortunate enough to have a child who happens to be born force-sensitive. Most start by giving parents the guilt trip (Why won't you allow your son to become a warrior who uses combat as a last resort? What's so wrong with teaching a child how to properly slice body parts off? etc.) when that fails, they use a newer tactic that involves (somehow) getting a blood sample from their infant and telling them they have a "high midiclorian count;" this usually confuses the parents so much, that it temporarily clouds their judgement; allowing the Jedi to successfully take the infant.

Hiring nuts like Qui-Gonn, who take their jobs to the Nth degree by using the force to their advantage, only helps speed up the process. (JEDI isn't responsible for its individual members activities, because -waves hand- )



@Austroid Impressive. Most impressive. But I'm still waiting on your answer for the forced celibacy issue.

Formerly MickeyTheGreat and MickMick. Now I'm Mickey again!

The Mousekeloggery

Nintendo Network ID: MickeyTheGreat


@Mickey Ah, the reason for JEDI's forced celibacy is due to the increasing rate of the soft-spoken "two rights make a wrong" issue. It seems that should two JEDI members engage in personal affairs with each other, that there's an 86% chance of them bearing a non-force child. Less force children, less JEDI recruits.

As for marriage, JEDI pretends to not know about it, but allows it anyways; despite their brochures stating the opposite.

Our head council member, Master [Name withheld] had this to say: "Come back to bite us later, this issue will not!"

[Edited by PanicPuppet]



Guess what just changed therefore it sucks now? The universe of Star Wars thanks to the brand new series coming Fall of 2014 titled "Star Wars Rebels". Check out this brand new video (released last Saturday) featuring a Cowboy telling us all about it!

It takes place in-between Episodes III-IV so it's possible that we might see Starkiller from The Force Unleashed if we're lucky!

A lot of people from The Clone Wars are coming back, and it appears to be going for a more realistic approach with its CG rather than the cartoony look that The Clone Wars went with. I have nothing but high hopes for this series.

What are your thoughts on this new part of a series that's been pronounced dead several times since 1983?

[Edited by Mickey]

Formerly MickeyTheGreat and MickMick. Now I'm Mickey again!

The Mousekeloggery

Nintendo Network ID: MickeyTheGreat

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