
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

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@HobbitGamer yea I just thought that's prob what it was. And yes they're really good I've seen some of his stuff ☺. I'll give your level a go tonight, looking forward to it.



@Anti-Matter yep I got it I didn't realize you meant your drawings which are great btw. Keep up the good work dude



Man, it's amazing what a ten degree difference and a higher humidity level in the span of a week can do to you when mowing. I'm beyond exhausted, and my hands have developed a couple of blisters even. XD

@ThanosReXXX Thanks for the resource! I'm not sure if I'll take advantage of it right now as I also have a Booklog of sorts, but I'll bookmark it for future reference.

On the Batman resources: I forgot to mention earlier as I was thinking of series and not one-shot comics, but I did pick up and read The Killing Joke a couple of years ago. The buzz around the animated movie release got me curious. Dark of a read as it was, I found it pretty enjoyable.

The others I've heard of as well minus Knightfall. I'll look into those as well. Thanks again!

Edited on by Tyranexx

Currently playing: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Switch), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations (Switch/AAT)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@morpheel did you move the mm2 level Sharing thread to another place? If so let me know where please. Made a new level 😁

Edit: nevermind it for some reason didn't show any notifications so it drifted away into my older threads I'm following. Sorry about that

Edited on by NintendoByNature



@Tyranexx You're welcome. As for the recommendations I made: most of them are not one-shots at all, except for The Killing Joke. The Dark Knight Returns and Kingdom Come are 4 part mini-series, but Knightfall and Year One are complete story arcs, spanning many months worth of comics.

They've simply collected them in trade paperbacks, for easier reading, seeing as some stuff is spread across all the various comics labels that Batman is featured in, such as the Batman comic, Detective Comics, and so on.

Knightfall is the Batman vs Bane story arc. Not the lame Bane version from the movies, but a really dangerous arch-nemesis, and probably one of his toughest adversaries to date. It's quite the roller coaster ride, as far as story, impact and emotions go.

If and when you'll get to using the resource, and you have any questions on the how and what, you'll know where to find me.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


Not gonna lie, I’m starting to have some regret over my decision to skip MM2. Liked the first one, but there’s just so many gamessszss! I’ve been trying to hold out on major purchases until LOZ in September, but Astral Chain is looking better every time I see it.

Been having a great weekend so far. Lots of yard work and playing with the kids. We have some out of state friends coming by tomorrow for a 24 hour visit, which will be a lot of fun. I have a gift certificate to a nice local meat market, so I think we have ribeye steaks in our near future. So good. Hope everyone is well.

@ThanosReXXX - I’ve never heard of Evil Ernie, but he looks great! Killing Joke is one of my favorite books. Clearly an influence for Ledger’s movie Joker. Did you ever read Alan Moore’s Saga of the Swamp Thing? It’s just beautiful.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


@bimmy-lee I never had mm1 on Wii u since I'm a relatively new adopter of the Wii u. But I can tell im pleasantly surprised by how much fun it is. Didnt think I'd have fun building my own levels as much. But that's been the most fun for me. And playing all the people's levels from NL has been some fun too. It was def worth the $50 with the voucher



Even if you skip MM2 now, you can wait for more updates or until the community starts weeding out the good courses from the bad. The game will probably be an evergreen title.
Plus as you said, this second half of the year is insane. You have Fire Emblem, Astral Chain, Luigi’s Mansion, Zelda, Pokemon....

I have a chronic lack of time, for everything.

Now playing: Okami HD, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8536-9884-6679 | 3DS Friend Code: 0877-2091-1186 | Nintendo Network ID: Luna_cs


@bimmy-lee Yes, I have read Alan Moore's Saga of the Swamp Thing. Alan Moore is one of my all-time favorite comic authors. I also own his Watchmen graphic novel.

As for Evil Ernie: he's originally from Chaos Comics, and he's basically the representative of that universe's Lady Death on Earth, preparing our busy little mud ball for her pending return.

He may be an undead, and the story is WAY over the top, but the underlying story is actually quite human, and something that's sadly still actual: kids being bullied. Unfortunately for the bullies, and the rest of the Earth, Ernie finds the means to fight back and take revenge...

I've recently found they've revamped/rebooted the series, but in all honesty, I prefer the original art style and origin story over this new one, even though in and of itself, it isn't really that bad or anything. But Chaos Comics is no more, so all the various characters (and they had lots of cool ones), are unfortunately all spread out across various other publishers, and "reinvented" for a new audience. I liked the various original series far more, when they were still published by a small, independent comics label.

I don't know if you're much of a comics man, but I can easily recommend the entire range of the Chaos Comics classic stories to you. You can find either the entire bundle, or any of the separate series here:
You'll need this nifty little program, to be able to read/view those files on a PC, laptop or tablet:

If you scroll down the page, I'm pretty sure that you'll also find a series concerning a couple of characters, that you as a wrestling fan may be all too familiar with...

But as for that reboot: to me, it feels a bit like they took an art house movie, and they made a Hollywood blockbuster from it, to be able to address a bigger, newer audience, in the process of which, the story and ambiance of it all kinda lost what made it so special in the first place.

Speaking of art house movies: have you ever had one of these days, when you had nothing to watch on TV, or any other service you use, and you kinda just stumble upon an obscure movie being broadcasted by your local network, and decided to stick around for a bit, to see if it's up your street, and then end up watching the entire movie?

Well, that's what happened to me last Friday. After having watched the evening match of the Women's World Cup, there wasn't anything interesting on any of the other channels, and I didn't feel like playing video games, so I just kept the TV on the same channel that it already was on, and after the match and the subsequent commercial break, a movie called "The Diary of a Teenage Girl" started. It's a semi-autobiographic set piece taking place in the 70's, about a girl who (weirdly on-topic with our current discussion) wants to be a comic book artist, but who also wants to find love (edit: or rather, wants to BE loved).

And without giving away any spoilers, I'll just say that, probably also because it takes place in the 70's, there's lots of drugs, free love and other time period-appropriate things happening. I found it to be a weird, sometimes quite hallucinatory (probably because of the drugs and the girl's wild imagination) but still kind of engrossing little movie.

Very art housey, independent, quaint or whatever other label you might want to give it, depending on your personal view. Might be an interesting watch for you as well. It got a 94% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, so that oughta tell you something. They're like the Metacritic of movies and series.

If I've intrigued you enough, then you'll probably be able to find the movie on Netflix, Hulu, Google Movies, or any other on demand service that you might use.

Edited on by ThanosReXXX

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


@Joeynator3000 Well, sure seems like you had a busy afternoon on here...

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


...Not really. lol

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

Discord server:
Keep it PG-13-ish.



@Joeynator3000 Eh, you know what I mean. Had some stuff to do around the house, came back to the site, and saw at least 5 forum threads that you have closed, most of them involving some new wannabe member with an apparent learning disability...

Edited on by ThanosReXXX

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX

Joeynator3000 least he stopped, lol

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

Discord server:
Keep it PG-13-ish.



@Joeynator3000 Mission Accomplished, then.
So weird, though. Of late, a lot of these new members are apparently too lazy to read the rules before they sign up. Could have saved them a heck of a lot of trouble.

Edited on by ThanosReXXX

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


Eh, it has always been like this. lol

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

Discord server:
Keep it PG-13-ish.



@Joeynator3000 I am under the impression that it's happening more often, nowadays. I've been a member since 2012, and I haven't seen so many friend code beggars and what not before, so maybe it's the same overall, or maybe I wasn't noticing before, but it's at least my personal perception that it's happening more often.

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


I've only been a member for a year or so now but always lurking for a few years and I'll admit the odd threads being created are happening alot more. Same with users creating accounts


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