
Topic: ~music that means something to you~

Posts 21 to 27 of 27


Radiohead/The Smile
Sigur Ros
My Bloody Valentine



I was a kid at a festival having spent the weekend dancing, drinking, moshing, singing and all around partying decided to ditch my mates who wanted to see a metal band on one of the other stages so I could go to the main stage see Nine Inch Nails. I knew of them but I wouldn’t call myself a fan of them at that point. This was on the tour to promote Year Zero so I knew the singles from that album plus the I Want To Cuddle You Like An Animal song and a few others and I was blown away with them in general but one song in particular, Hurt (before Johnny Cash did a cover of it), manage to get me to cry for the first time seeing live music. Just an insanely raw and vulnerable song magnified by Trent Reznor’s powerful performance of it.

@Late I’ve always found Billy Talent an odd band, in the UK they play relatively small venues like less than 1k, then over in Germany they are huge and will play arenas. It’s so odd how some bands gain fans in one country but not the other.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


I've got to post some Deerhoof here

I feel like my taste in music has had several "eras". Before around 2002 I don't think I really had much of a specific "taste" in music, not one that was that well defined anyways. The CDs I had were all just top 40 stuff, although I mostly just listened to the tracks from Gorillaz, Spiderbait, Live, Regurgitator. Into from mid high school and into Uni I was really into Silverchair, The Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Powderfinger, The Vines etc

2008 I kinda flipped a switch and started to listen to a bunch of different artists entirely. I just outright deleted Silverchair and Smashing Pumpkins from my computer to force myself to listen to something else. So I got into Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine, Sigur Ros, Deerhunter. But Deerhoof was well and truly on the top of that list. And also one of a handful of artists I listen to when it comes on shuffle people ask "who the **** is that?", and often not in a nice way!

edit: also if I was to guess my other "eras" would be
2014-2019: Starting with Drones, Tame Impala, Pond ending with COVID hitting
2020-now: Not entirely sure but, my music listening habits changed significantly during lockdown

[Edited by skywake]

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


@jump I've listened to Billy Talent all my life. My older brother was my gateway to music and while my music taste has evolved since, Billy Talent has always stayed on top. I feel like they're relatively well known here. They have couple of songs that still play on radio every now and then.

Germany seems to be more open towards foreign music in general. At least that's what I've heard. I know German-speaking countries make up the largest export market for Finnish music. I think it originates from our mutual love for metal music.

I listen to quite a bit of Japanese music as well and I know Japan's music market is completely different from anywhere else. Last time I checked, physical CDs were still outperforming streaming. Their market is very self-contained. They don't see the need to market their music outside of Japan and I don't think they listen to music outside of their country that much either. They live in their own bubble. Though that's true for many things when it comes to Japan.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


Every now and then someone ask me what’s the best gig I’ve ever been to and I just say that’s a stupid question. There is one gig I like to nostalgically remember though, it was seeing Prodigy at Wembley. It wasn’t the first or last time I saw them but they were coming off the red hot Invaders album and there was a group of 5 of us going but with Prodigy attracting the liveliest of crowds we all separated instantly when they started. I’m in the pit sweating, moshing and dancing away and then Firestarter plays and the 100% energy output of the crowd increases to 120%, a girl jumps at me and asks to block some of eruption coming towards her and puts her sunglasses on me only to disappears into the crowd without taking them back. The gig finishes and I find my group again, rather than rushing home we sit around outside the venue chatting and drinking, the same girl comes up to me. I give the sunglasses back in exchange for her number, we met up a few times afterwards and had a bit of fun but it wasn’t meant to be.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Throughout junior high and high school I was involved with choir. Having performed at the Ordway a number of times as a part of Honors Choir is a personal highlight of my life that I will cherish until I die. As a child of the 80's I grew up listening mostly to hip-hop, pop, and classic rock. I'll listen to just about anything, but I usually gravitate towards highly produced or sampled stuff.

Although I consider myself fortunate to have seen Foo Fighters live before Taylor Hawkins died.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,292 games (as of September 16th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


@Magician Taylor Hawkins was an interesting death that hit me in a different way than I would have thought. With Keith Flint, Mark Lanegan, Amy Winehouse, David Bowie, Lemmy I was a big fan of them so I had an “OH FUDGE” reaction. Then there are people like Chester Bennington, Tom Petty, Eddie Van Halen etc who I was kinda in between sad and indifferent towards. Taylor was different as it made me realise I didn’t appreciate Foo Fighters enough, they are so heavy on the festival circuit I’ve seen them multiple times without seeking them out, I enjoyed their music without ever anticipating their new albums etc so it made me appreciate them and Taylor more.

Ever since David Bowie’s death I ask myself “when they die would I say I wish I had seen them?” so I’ve seen a few people now I can’t say I was a big fan of but do appreciate. There’s even been a few cases of me becoming a massive fan ever since seeing them from only a mild interest like Alice Cooper.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251

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