
Topic: Movie thread.

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fudgenuts wrote:

irken004 wrote:

@fudgenuts meh, it looks too foreign to do well here but it might have a chance

I don't care how foreign is it as I love all of Hayo Miyazaki's movies. I think it's gonna do pretty well.

Me too!

Tomena Sanner: Because dancing businessmen are awesome.


Ridley Scott. Alien. Prequel.

The best movie news I've heard in a very very long time. YES!



Just watch the normal Alien 3, but Aliens you must watch the extended version if you already haven't. One of my all time faves. Kick ass!

"Coming around for a seven-zero-niner"



I'm definitely seeing Ponyo this weekend!

Tomena Sanner: Because dancing businessmen are awesome.


@Terra: Resurrection was a silly film. Glad you liked Metropolis that's one of my favourite anime movies ever, the ending is beautiful and amazes me every time.

[Edited by Machu]



I agree Alien's is one of the best Sci-fi movies ever,I'm not a huge fan of the genre and find most of it way to cliched ,I mean why is everything in the future so godamn clean? I do like it when it's done in a gritty,dark way like Alien's ,Bladerunner,Star Wars etc. Best films I've seen recently would be Old Boy, Gran Torino and The Dark Knight.

What's this bit for again?


Old Boy wtf! That was a great film, I couldn't believe the plot behind that one, that's one twisted revenge movie, I felt for him so much. And that scene in the corridor with the hammer was classic. Not seen Torino yet. But the Dark knight is just perfection, I've never seen anything so fantastic, yet realistic.



@Luigi78: Check out the trailer for Moon, i posted somewhere in this here thread. Can't wait for that one.



Machu wrote:

Old Boy wtf! That was a great film, I couldn't believe the plot behind that one, that's one twisted revenge movie, I felt for him so much. And that scene in the corridor with the hammer was classic. Not seen Torino yet. But the Dark knight is just perfection, I've never seen anything so fantastic, yet realistic.

Ha Ha glad you enjoyed Old boy,amazing film ,that scene in the corridor was all one take as well.And the scene where he eats the live squid he did for real too. It's a shame a lot of people won't watch it as I know subtitles put a lot of people off, guess they'll have to wait for the w***y American remake as seems to be the fate of a lot of eastern films these days Hey if you like films like that have you seen Battle Royale?

EDIT: Seems the trailer you put up has since been removed on you tube.I'll check it out somewhere though. I'm looking forward to 2012 myself mainly because I have an unhealthy intrest in the Maya and the disruption of the human races comfort zone LOL.

[Edited by OldBoy]

What's this bit for again?


"Hey if you like films like that have you seen Battle Royale?" About 12 times. It's Takeshi's Castle, with blood!

I love my asian movies and won't watched anything dubbed or any crap like the Ring remakes. Brotherhood was one I watched recently, really visceral war movie but excellently done. 2012 I'm looking forward to, but y'know there gonna find the skull and fix it before the end. I want destruction, like total!

Have you watched The Mist?



I can't bring myself to watch BR2, I have issues with sequels. Never read the original novel, but i may do now, ty.



@terranigma I'm gonna check out the novel now thanks
@machu not seen the mist yet but it's on my list.Someone lent me Brotherhood the other day so I'll watch that one soon

What's this bit for again?


@themonkey: Enjoy dude! And let me know how you find The Mist, great film with one of the best endings EVER. imho blah blah



Has any of you American dudes seen or going to see District 9? I know it's getting good reviews but I can't allow myself to read any of them. Anyone seen it? Is it as good as I am hoping?

I have to wait another 2 weeks but I can't wait! Aagh!



I don't even know what District 9 is! I am going see Ponyo soon. Other than that, the only new movie I have on my radar for this year is The Road, which isn't til October.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Cheers dude, for not helping and stuff. Enjoy Ponyo whatever that is (googles... Miyazaki and Disney, a wha..), oh sweet, enjoy!

[Edited by Machu]



I did go see District 9! it was very well made however it was non stop intense in a sort of uncomfortable way. If you are planning on taking kids to see it I would say don't. There are some pretty disturbing parts. With all that being said the movie was AWESOME and the story was fresh and different.



I would also suggest to anyone to see the movie City Of God. It's subtitles but it's a dope dope movie!



I wanna see Ponyo and District 9. Yes, very different films

[21:14] pixelman: I blame fheblackdragon
[21:15] pixelman: That's not an f by the way, it's a fancy t.
[21:15] Objection: Tales of Graces "fancy t"
[21:15] Objection: Tinal Tantasy
[21:15] theblackdragon: lol OB
[21:15] pixelman: OB knows what he's asking about.

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0835-3789


@ProfDocMF: "non stop intense in a sort of uncomfortable way" That's all I needed to hear thanks. And I hope no kids see it, it's a 15. Looks like the best sci-fi in years, I've got to stay away from any info for two weeks, ug!


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