
Topic: Least Favorite Book

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I've never fully read a book a didn't like, so I can't really say what my least favorite book is. Unless you're talking about the last of my favorites, which would have to be one of the more boring books in the Cirque Du Freak series, like Vampire Mountain.


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Dan Browns The Lost Symbol. I know his previous novels are not works of master literature but they are good thrillers, real page turners if you allow yourself to get caught up in the silliness of it all. However the Lost Symbol is just dull, it follows the same formula of Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons (both books I enjoyed) and is set in Washington DC, a place I'd love to visit but it took me two attempts to try and read that book, the second time I did manage to finish it but the 'twist' of the book had me throwing it across the room. I started Inferno last year and it was a improvement on TLS although I did end up leaving that book for another.

Another one is Lord of the Rings, I've tried several times to read the book and I just can't struggle through it, I love the story, enjoy the films and the BBC radio play which is fantastic. I even like to read Wiki articles on the events and lore of Middle Earth, I just can't read them books.



While it's not my least favorite, Master of Many Treasures is the only time I've ever been absolutely enraged by a book. Spoilers below, so don't click if you don't want to ruin it.

The last few chapters of the book essentially destroys everything the previous book in the series and the first half of this one set up. She loses her friends, powers, lover, and arguably life (though a hasty epilogue was added to make the last part seem ambiguous. Did not like one bit. Which is a shame, because the first book was really good in a classical fairy tale sort of way. Sadly, the book that came after was just as much a mess.

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^I have a tab open on my iPad where someone went on a long rant about a Planeswalker book that did something just like that, apparently...

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


At one point I thought it was 1984 because of how depressed it made me feel when I read it in high school. But now, looking back, I do acknowledge that it's actually well-written and the words do a good job sucking you in (even though, yeah, it's actually pretty dated since 1984 was three decades ago). My feelings towards it have soften as the years went by and while I still don't feel highly about I do acknowledge it as a solid read (it's just not my cup of tea, but it's far from the worst thing that I read).

Then there was The Queen Thief's Daughter. Okay, long story short: one time I went awhile without reading a book years ago, so in a library I found a book that caught my eye, The Floating Island (which the first in the "Lost Journals of Ven Polypheme" lineup) and at the time I thought it was intriguing and I wanted to see more of its world. I wish I just stopped at the first book because once I got to the second iteration (The Queen Thief's Daughter) it just riled me up; I did not like it, but the third book (The Dragon's Lair) I thought was better but not by much (though, looking back, they're actually really crap novels, with incoherent tones and cases of misspellings that I'm surprised were not noticed, not to mention they are very derivative). Basically in the second novel the main character Ven is still secretive and a bit emo about himself, his curiosity gets the best of him, he drags his friends along, one of the friends gets separated, the Gated City closes down (as it's only open once a week), Ven and others get captured by the Thief Queen's guards, she forces her eleven-year old daughter to marry someone who's very older than her, Ven and two of his friends are sent to deep dark hole, and (here's the part that frustrates me) they're there for four straight days without any food provided to them! ......... Did I mention that Ven and his two friends were 12-13 year olds? You starting to see the problem there? Yeah, that's not going to give them stomach problems in the future. So they manage to escape after being summoned for some crap reason, and they managed to run and do certain things even though they were starving. I'm sorry, but if someone really did starve for four days then I'm pretty sure they would not be able to go at fast speeds (I don't know if they had any water); there's a fine line between strength of will and strength coming out of nowhere. In the third book, which takes place the day after the second one finishes, Ven and friends escape from the clutches of the Queen Thief's forces because they managed to escape much to her rage. And here's what gets to me: their time in the dark dungeon with no food is not mentioned once, and there's a moment when they eat at someone's palace and get full. They went FOUR DAYS without food, one does not recover from that trauma that quickly (in just a day or two that they were on the run). It enrages me because for one I'm protective about children, and for another it's a fantasy series generally aimed at (reads age group on the back of the book) 10-14 year olds! 10-14 year olds. If it was something based on a true story, then it would be really sad to read these accounts; but it's not based on a true story, it's a work of fiction. Fantasy fiction, this series of which rips off Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and whatever else it copied from. No kid wants to read a book where characters are imprisoned without any food for a long time; that's something that would give nightmares to much younger imaginations. sigh I'm not reading the fourth book; for me the series has run its course in the third book. lol I'm done! BEEP that BEEP, she's worse than Lucy van Pelt in It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown, uggggggh!!!!

But that's not the worst novel I read, for earlier this year I found a new contender: Allegiant, the third and final book of the Divergent trilogy. I liked Divergent a lot, I thought it was really interesting and good (the movie version's not so bad, as I thought it was good not great; but there were a lot of changes made). But then it went a little downhill but I still liked a touch bit in Insurgent; but then I got to Allegiant, and it was at a certain point later on that I began to grow distasteful towards it. Tris and Tobias have got their own chapters, which; okay, that's cool I guess, to read accounts from two different characters. But here's where it failed for me:

The series grows grittier and grittier, and for awhile it doesn't seem like much is happening until we discover that the district that they stay in has got ulterior motives and want to spread a disease erasing peoples' memories (even outright murdering around the world) even though their failed experiment, well, failed. Tris' brother Caleb is a still a douche, the kind that doesn't realize that he is a douche; we never find out why he sold his own flesh and blood out to Jeanine Matthews in Insurgent (maybe the movie adaptation will concoct something up) and what motive that he had. Tris manages to survive a deadly gas even though she wasn't injected with an immunization needle trying to reach something to stop them from spreading the disease, the mastermind behind it all shows his true colors, Tris' mother did a good job at not staying in this nuthouse, Tris gets shot numerous times with bullets, she sees the soul of her dead mother, she joins her, and she's dead. An... wait, WHAT??? Tris Prior is dead!??! The main protagonist we've been rooting for since Book 1 is dead?!?!? You killed off the character everyone cared about, Veronica Roth?!? And then Tobias is all sad and moping that his on again off again girlfriend is dead and finds it hard to move on in life without her. BEEP that, I don't care about Tobias, I care about Tris! Are you telling that all this time I've been reading the first person accounts of a DEAD PERSON?!?!? RAGES BULLBEEP, THAT IS INEXCUSABLE!!! Even Mockingjay did not have the BALLS to kill off Katniss Everdeen, and I didn't mind how that trilogy closer ended, even though most had a problem with it. This is a new low, for me personally. This novel made me mad the most; I don't think the two movie adaptations of Allegiant will be worth a watch by me; maybe Insurgent (though, with apologies to one of the critics that reviewed Divergent, it will not be less and less grittier than its predecessor but it'll be much better than freakin' Allegiant Parts I & II I can tell you that much!)

...............My God; I've found a few threads to express my inner rage in the past few days. I don't its good for my health; I need to step aside from these negative threads before there's something that will provoke a rage from me that becomes worse and uncontrollable.................. But yeah, for me personally, Allegiant is the worst novel I have yet read. Goodbye, and good riddance third in the Divergent series; may you never be read by me again!

To each their own

Edited on by StarBoy91

To each their own


I haven't read Divergent, but the problem I had with the movie version was that it' Dystopian teen fiction 101. It's kinda the Gundam AGE of Dystopia, actually, where it felt like it was going through the motions, checking off the basic common plot points and tropes, and what little effort there was to make it unique didn't go over too well with me...that doesn't make it bad per se, just painfully mediocre, but sometimes that's worse. I don't know if the book is better, though. The movie kinda had a bad screenwriter, and the director tends to do better when he's written the work himself...

Edited on by CanisWolfred

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


ok you guys will probably hate me for this bad joke but:

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
my Backloggery

3DS Friend Code: 3995-7085-4333 | Nintendo Network ID: GustavoSF


GuSolarFlare wrote:

ok you guys will probably hate me for this bad joke but:

Pfft, you've told plenty of bad jokes before, how bad could this possibly-

GuSolarFlare wrote:



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I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


A Wrinkle in Time by Madeliene L' Engle. It had a very rushed plot, from begginging to end, average characters, It tried to explain things too much, and it was very scattered. I was forced to read this book twice and I don't even know what to think about it.


3DS Friend Code: 2337-3746-2563 | Nintendo Network ID: epicmatt12302


The Hunger Games' last book Mockingjay.
How do you screw up a series where the first two books were gripping page-turners? By making the book boring. I understand the book takes turns and the events aren't that much similar to the first two books. But goodness! The first half is basically just two sides throwing propaganda at eachother with Katniss reacting emotionally to it. The ending is disappointing at best as well.
I don't see how Lionsgate can split this last book into two movies, while still being considered a good watch. But who knows, they made Catching Fire a good watch, and I would even consider the movie slightly better than the book.


3DS Friend Code: 4897-5952-1236 | Nintendo Network ID: Kyloctopus | Twitter:


The Grapes of Wrath. Absolutely dreadful. Even worse, I didn't read it as part of a school curriculum. I read it on my own, and it gave me cancer.

Of Mice and Men was almost as bad, but at least it was only like 100 pages.

God, I hate Steinbeck's books.

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


~The Fault In Our Stars cause:
1.they only fell in love cause they both have cancer

2.Augustus is way to smart for someone who is 17

3.Kissing at the anne frank house is and always be inappropriate

4.The mom is too care free to be a normal mom(this just irritates me)

(I have too say the meaning behind the book overall is amazing and has lots of famous quotes but its too unbelievable to be realistic fiction and im not a fan of love storys)

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3DS Friend Code: 3136-7674-9891 | Nintendo Network ID: lionel1 | Twitter:


That reminds me, I really should read For Whom The Bell Tolls and A Farwell to Arms someday, if I can ever get myself to pick up a book again...

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Probably one of the self-help books my dad was constantly reading and giving to me as a teenager. Just so annoying having other people give you self-help books like they think they're so enlightened by reading them and you're so in need of help.

I didn't know anyone hated Catcher in the Rye, as I thought it was quite popular. The character I found interesting, because he actually hasn't had a completely sheltered life and is going through a bit of a struggle, which makes me sympathetic to him. Yet the actual events of the story aren't particularly interesting, which disappointed me a bit.

3DS Friend Code: 1504-5686-7557 | Nintendo Network ID: iphys_eh


Extras by Scott Westerfield.
Spoilers for the series it comes from up ahead.
The series started out good with Pretties. Basically: you are an "Ugly" until you are 16, when you get cosmetic surgery to make you "Pretty", after which you live a life of luxury. Someone leaves the system, and the protagonist discovers a society outside pretty/ ugly life. It is revealed the surgery to make you "Pretty" puts tumors in your head. So that a cure could be tested on her, the protagonist turns pretty. End of Book 1
The next 2 books are mediocre, and I don't remember that much about them, other than hating Prettyspeak.
Anyway, as for the worst I have ever read, that would be the 4th in the trilogy (Screw Logic) Extras. I will tell you why in my next post here, but I just need to compose my rage about it.



There's been plenty of books I found boring and couldn't read so I'll choose one I actually did make it through and ended up hating: The Chocolate War.

I can't remember the book that well but I remember clearly being up late on a school night when I finished it and had to restrain myself from throwing it against a wall.

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Hopeless permanent resident of Idol Hell.

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