
Topic: Comic Discussion Thread

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Thank you for updating this. Have you read Lost at Sea and is it any good? I'm reading Scott Pilgrim, and just noticed that he wrote a new GN when I looked on the back.

EDIT: and I keep forgetting to look into "I Kill Giants". Thanks for the reminder.

Edited on by CanisWolfred

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I also need to get around to buying this:



3DS Friend Code: 0001-3326-9455 | Nintendo Network ID: Demmi-Alpha


Lost at Sea was okay... "Not much happens" in a sense. Hmm. It's hard to explain, but the Scott Pilgrim series is great.

Edited on by Demmi-Alpha


3DS Friend Code: 0001-3326-9455 | Nintendo Network ID: Demmi-Alpha


Ordered the first trade of love and rockets and strangers in paradise. Need to branch outside of the capes more often.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


I've been going through to try to find web comics that might interest me. I'll get this out the way right now: I've been filtering it by ones that have a Thumbnail that gives an idea of the level of quality of the art. Unfortunately, less than half of the comics have such a thumbnail. Not only that, but since they usually don't seem to update these thumbnails, a lot of them may not be accurate representations of the artist's current style. Couple that with poorly written synopsis' (and the obvious fact that not every comic needs to be beautiful to be good...), and I could be missing out on a lot of good comics. Plus, a lot of comics seem to die out quickly, or disappear from the internet for being too old. It's frustrating. I'm halfway through the T's, and I've only come up with 15 or so comics to try...I'm sure many of them will be dropped pretty quickly, too...

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Since this is a "general" comic discussion, I'll go ahead and mention that I'm a huge Garfield. Back in middle school, I got a bunch of compilations.

As for comic books, I've only read two (both which I got in middle school). They're both older, so I doubt they'd be spoilerish, but be careful reading this, just in case. One is a compilation telling the story of Superman vs Doomsday, and the other's a Spider-Man compilation (this one was much more kid friendly), and he fought enemies such as Sandman, Doctor Octopus, The Vulture, Dr. Doom (with a Fantastic 4 cameo), and strangest of all, some alien disguised as an old man running an electronics repair shop.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Book's I've read this week.

Teen Titans #17 - The book has been bogged down after a boring Wonder Girl focused arc and the past Joker crossover with the batbooks. This issue was decent setting a new status quo and setting up the next major story arc. Not the biggest fan of Edd Barrows on art as I find his human work to e pretty crappy. Going to give it a few more issues to get its momentum back before I decide to drop it from my pull list or not.

Smallville #35- speeding towards the end of the flash centric story its been good thus far. Not a lot happned this issue with Clark saving some people and fighting the black racer in his new speed force. Was hoping for more time with Bart and Jay. Highlight of the book was the Lois Lane and Barbra Gordon attempting to get info on lex from Otis.

Smallville #36- The third part to Effigy a Batman and Martian Manhunter team up. Just Bruce and John trading quips as they look for the White Martian. We get more backstory on John in this Universe and we get a callback to events from smallville season 8. Not much you an ask from a detective story. The chronology is a bit weird as tis story is taking place concurrent with the main smallville story but this takes place before #35.

After I read the rest of my comics I'll post thoughts on them. Going to post a more detailed review of the smallville stuff by episode this weekend as well.

In news its been announced that the new Larfleeze ongoing starting in June will be Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis reuniting the old JLI creative team with Scott Kolins on art.

The best news is that this book isn't replacing Threshold like was rumored. I like Giffen and have enjoyed the Larfleeeze back ups in threshold but im not sure that he can anchor a whole book. He works great as a side story and I love his sarcastic space butler but im not sure how far one can get with a character who is pretty one note.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


I mentioned this in the Anime/Manga thread, but I figured it'd fit here too.

ScrewAttack has a YouTube series called Death Battle, where they pit two fictional characters against each other, and with scientific analysis & a CGI emulation, they try to figure out who'd win.

They're latest episode is Goku vs Superman, and while I personally didn't care for the end result, it was still a very entertaining video nonetheless, so if your a manga or comic book fan, it's worth checking out.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


So I just read a failed webcomic that I found on DeviantArt known as "Things Will Be Different." It only had about 7 pages before it was cancelled, of which the only detailed reason I could find was that the writer no longer wished to continue with it for some reason. As for the comic itself, it was simply too short to judge, but the 7th page seemed needlessly risque, and what little was told about the characters so far made them come off as generic (The deadbeat, the playboy, and the b****y w****...but who knows, they could've easily have expanded upon them as things went on to make them into genuinely interesting characters). Still, most comics start off pretty lame, so it mostly like would've only gotten better later on. Plus there was one more page on its original website that's gone forever. While it's probably for the best that it ended, and I'm sure the writer had her reasons, I'm still a little disappointed, as I always am when something ends before it was meant to.

At least it isn't like Running Wild, which ended with about the same number of strips and hosted on the same website, but this time it was ended because of funding issues (it tried to do crowd funding before Kickstarter was popular...). It's a shame, because I remember that one having genuine potentential.

Oh yeah, and to follow up on what I wrote last time, I finished sorting through a list of several hundred webcomics, and now have 17 comics to add to my list of ones to try, making the overall total 35. Again, I'm sure while many of these will be dropped very quickly, it's possible I'll be busy for a long time.

Edited on by CanisWolfred

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I'm planning to build a shelf mainly for Comics and Graphic Novels. As of now, the only books I have are the Megaman comics, the Scott Pilgrim series and Watchmen. Lately, I've been yearning for a Graphic novel that's heavy on the Fantasy Adventure Genre containing charming visuals and characters. Something like Bone by Jeff Smith. Any recommendations?

Fancy a Karrot Cake?
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^Just to let people know, I'd love something like that, too. That's not manga, at least. Because there are tons of Manga like that, but I'd love to see a western one done like that without it purposely trying to be a western manga. The closest I got is Tellos, which I kept forgetting to talk about, but that's a comic rather than a graphic novel (unless you count the two-volume collections).

Also, just thought I'd mention that I love what I've read of Usagi Yojimbo so far, though I'll admit that that isn't much.

Edited on by CanisWolfred

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Onikato wrote:

I'm planning to build a shelf mainly for Comics and Graphic Novels. As of now, the only books I have are the Megaman comics, the Scott Pilgrim series and Watchmen. Lately, I've been yearning for a Graphic novel that's heavy on the Fantasy Adventure Genre containing charming visuals and characters. Something like Bone by Jeff Smith. Any recommendations?

Demon Knights


Dungeons and Dragons

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Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


...Have you started Homestuck yet?

Anyways, The Amulet's pretty good, but yeah it's pretty childish. It's at least worth a try.

You don't die until you're dead!

3DS Friend Code: 4854-6436-0663 | Nintendo Network ID: TysonOfTime


TysonOfTime wrote:

...Have you started Homestuck yet?

Anyways, The Amulet's pretty good, but yeah it's pretty childish. It's at least worth a try.

Nope. Today was the first day in weeks that I've had some time to devote to reading webcomics. Thanks for your thoughts on Amulet. I guess it's worth checking out, though I don't have high hopes for it. Plus, I remembered that I once wanted to make a comic that kids could enjoy, so I guess I should check out some stuff like that so I can see if I still want to persue that route.

Edited on by CanisWolfred

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt



Now's the perfect time to start Homestuck, just after the 4 year anniversary yesterday Hussie declared a mega hiatus, so he can work on the game, the updates leading to the end, and the end itself.

I'm serious. It's the perfect time to start. I think I'm gonna reread it myself...

You don't die until you're dead!

3DS Friend Code: 4854-6436-0663 | Nintendo Network ID: TysonOfTime


TysonOfTime wrote:


Now's the perfect time to start Homestuck, just after the 4 year anniversary yesterday Hussie declared a mega hiatus, so he can work on the game, the updates leading to the end, and the end itself.

I'm serious. It's the perfect time to start. I think I'm gonna reread it myself...

Crap, I wish I'd read that sooner...My week is full again, so very little time to start reading. Plus, I found a good source for great webcomics of my preferred style, thanks to a wikia, so I think I'll spend any time I do get with comics sampling those first. Hopefully I'll get around to Homestuck sooner than later, though. I'm assuming by Mega-Haitus, it might mean up to a full year? If so, that'll give me plenty of time to start...though finishing might still be a problem, should I get into it.

Edited on by CanisWolfred

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


If we're talking Webcomics, then Invisible Bread is a really good one.
Here's the link:

There are new comics every Tuesday and Thursday, and they are clean, but yet really funny!

Do you truly look at things positively? For example, do you look at the glass like it's always full? (Half water, half air.) Or when someone "lets the cat out of the bag," do you think it's because the person felt sorry for the cat stuck in the bag? There is a positive side to almost everythin...

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