
Topic: Do you Read Movie Reviews and why?

Posts 21 to 28 of 28


WaltzElf wrote:

Superficially. But really, a review is no more than a document analysing a film. A good review is a great deal more than a black and white "good/ bad" statement.

But who would want to read that, though? I mean this seriously, Whatever type of person it is, it's not one I've ever encountered. In fact, you've just given me an idea for what my next thread should be.

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I read them every now and then. I personally enjoyed Roger Ebert's review of the last Transformers more than the movie itself .



Mickeymac wrote:

WaltzElf wrote:

Superficially. But really, a review is no more than a document analysing a film. A good review is a great deal more than a black and white "good/ bad" statement.

But who would want to read that, though? I mean this seriously, Whatever type of person it is, it's not one I've ever encountered. In fact, you've just given me an idea for what my next thread should be.

Anyone interested in films as something more than entertainment?

That's like asking who would ever buy a book written by Stephen Hawking, Jung, Marx, Derrida, Foucault or any other academic. There's a place for high level criticism. There's a place for distilling high level criticism into an easy-to-read format. That place is "reviews," as far as I'm concerned.


I don't exactly love the Transformers movies but I don't hate them either. I've seen far worse.
I watched the Sixth sense once and I literally fell asleep. Bored me half to death. I bet Ebert thought it was a classic.
I saw dead people all right. Dead from boredom.

Anyone want to give an example of a well written movie with good acting? I can't think of too many.
Maybe Ghostbusters or Back to the Future? The originals I mean.
That's probably just based on nostalgia but that's all I can think of.

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If I want to watch movie, I'll go see one regardless of some dumb review written by someone I don't even know.

[Edited by Saber]

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Mickeymac wrote:

In fact, you've just given me an idea for what my next thread should be.

i was wondering where all these odd threads of yours were coming from, lol. :3

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[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

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I did film studies at uni, and reviewing movies is something I really enjoy.

I think everyone has valid points here to an extent, purely because I am of the belief that every film has something unique it can offer its audience (except Irish Jam. Shame on you Eddie Griffin). A good thing to do is to find someone whose review scores and insights match your own... and then use it as a guide.

Film is such a subjective medium and due to the sheer variety of films there are always going to be so many different opinions, so best to find someone you think is reliable (in accordance with your own thoughts) and run with it.

I always caught the ire of lecturers and snobby students because I used to say that I enjoyed Stallone movies most of all. That's not to say that I don't enjoy more serious fare though (Rififi, Mon Oncle, etc...). People should just watch what they want. - Find us on facebook too!


Never read them, like to avoid spoilers as much as possible.


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