
Topic: Coronavirus outbreak

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darkfenrir wrote:

Well some studies seems to show that widespread use of masks can help for the pandemic.

I don't think I needed studies to know this.

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@kkslider5552000 considering I had to argue some months ago about wearing masks, finally having something like this is good for me.

Man, march 2020 had washingtonpost or something making article about how wearing a mask is just like a superstition of throwing salt behind your shoulder



darkfenrir wrote:

@kkslider5552000 considering I had to argue some months ago about wearing masks, finally having something like this is good for me.

Man, march 2020 had washingtonpost or something making article about how wearing a mask is just like a superstition of throwing salt behind your shoulder

It is certainly some form of deterrent, if not the warding sigil people think it is. Where I can some what empathize with the article. Like any situation involving contagions you have certain preventative measures which can help, but you're not going to see the average citizen with a haz-mat suit. So all those folks elbow-to-elbow out on the streets, with nothing but some cotton between their noses, are not practicing any form of safe protocols lol.

Edited on by OptometristLime

You are what you eat from your head to your feet.


Steve Mnuchin, just a couple days ago regarding reopening restaurants, "This distinction between indoor & outdoor seems a bit random". - It's not random. It's a higher infection rate. Enclosed spaces are infection multipliers compared outdoors, because micro droplets hang in the air & accumulate higher concentrations indoors. When the air has nowhere go to, social distancing becomes less effective.

See NHK Wolrd demo below regarding micro droplets, showing the advantage of ventilated areas vs non-ventilated; It also serves as a demonstration of indoor vs outdoor. (outdoor air movent disperses & moves microdroplets away, lowering the risk of spreading infection)

NHK World News

Caution in night district

The officials are particularly concerned about infections at bars and night clubs. About one third of the 90 cases confirmed in Tokyo over the past week have been linked to nightlife establishments.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
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ok so
i was somewhere yesterday with a mask on. this guy walks up to me getting closer so i back up.
he tells me "i already had it in march, you should get closer to me because i took an antibiotic"
i said no.
thats not how that works.
so he had corona, beat it, and yet him and his family still have no mask on.
this is part of the reason this is still around.
what an idiot

the_shpydar wrote:
As @ogo79 said, the SNS-RZ-USA is a prime giveaway that it's not a legit retail cart.
And yes, he is (usually) always right, and he is (almost) the sexiest gamer out there (not counting me) ;)


I haven't been wearing a mask this entire time and haven't gotten sick once. I've been around all kinds of people and probably less than six feet apart. What gets me is why are people that you see just walking down the sidewalk and no where near another living person wearing masks? How are you gonna catch this thing if there isn't anyone around you for miles? It just makes you look paranoid. That's probably the biggest reason for all the fear. The news tells you how horribly you're gonna die and since the general public don't understand they just walk around with their masks like sheep.

Sorry if you think I'm the stupid one but i figure if it's your time it's your time and i refuse to constantly live in fear for my life. If you're gonna live like that how are you even brave enough to go for a drive in your car or even step outside your house? You never know, something or someone might kill you! I also don't get this use of the term social distancing. Isn't it physical distancing that is more likely to prevent infection? Social is like when you're ignoring someone.

Anyway yeah the mask thing seems really germophobic and silly to me. It's nuts how every public place you go everybody looks like doctors and Ninjas. Remember when wearing a mask in public used to get the cops called on you? Suddenly now it's the hip thing to do. Whatever people! I haven't been wearing one and i ain't gonna start now.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" Optimus Prime


@Zeldafan79 You don't seem to understand the primary purpose of a mask. While yes, it does reduce your chance of getting infected to a certain extent, it's primary purpose is prevent someone who is ALREADY infected from spreading it to others. It's now becoming the norm that those who refuse to wear a mask are regarded as inconsiderate scumbags and I have to agree with that sentiment. Show respect to your fellow man and wear a mask in public places like stores. It's a small sacrifice to make. Doctors and nurses have been wearing those things for hours at a time on their shifts for years and years.

I agree that physical distancing is the correct term, but really, who cares? That's just nitpicking.

Edited on by vio

"Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!"



Wearing a mask is not to prevent you from getting Coronavirus, masks prevent you from getting others sick. Despite, you may feel well but you may still have Coronavirus but you do not actually know unless you get tested. Not everyone who gets Coronavirus may feel symptoms of illness. You do not need to wear a mask when people are not present or not in close range. I don't wear a mask when I go for a walk in the neighborhood but I do keep my distance from other people walking. I wear a mask when I am at work where I interact with customer. Also, depending on your health; probability of death is very slim. Generally, the ill and elderly are affected the worse to Coronavirus but there is still that slim chance of death at any age of any heath condition. If News media is telling you that everyone is going to die from this virus, stop following such news. Wearing masks is not fashion trend, it is about the safety of others. When you go out to drive, it should be in your best interest to do so safely. Same principle applies here, everyone wears masks and practice social distancing to keep everyone safe. Some select places in the U.S. made it illegal to lack a face covering in public areas and this law could very well expand nationwide as number of cases and deaths continue to rise. That is not to say these safety precautions will last forever but could stick around for a few years until effective antibiotics and vaccines against Coronavirus are created. For the time being, do you part in safety; wear your mask when appropriate and practice social distancing,

Edited on by HistoricKombat



There’s a difference between “living one’s life in fear”, and taking basic, sensible precautions in public settings at little personal cost. It’s a piece of cloth on one’s face, not a boulder leashed to one’s ankle.

Masks are mandatory at my workplace, which means when I get home and take mine off, my face is slightly damp from the moisture in my breath. It’s not ideal. But being in the middle of a pandemic is not ideal, as a slightly damp face at the end of the day isn’t something I can be bother to begrudge. I just wash and dry my face.

Daily life isn’t really greatly affected other than, ‘I have a bit of cloth of my face more of the time’ and ‘I spray sanitiser on my hands when entering a building’.

It’s not germophobia. Getting some exposure to to a decent array of germs is typically preferable to no exposure whatsoever. But this is not germ we’re dealing with; it’s a novel, deadly virus that has spread around the world like wildfire, killings hundreds of thousands and bringing countries to their knees. The idea that we can just rely on our usual, comforting mantras and not change our behaviour or actions is incredibly naive.

Wearing a mask in public places is not a particularly heroic and self-sacrificial act. Nor is it particularly paranoid or extreme. It is just a basic, sensible, and unremarkable response to a very remarkable situation.

Edited on by Maxz

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@Zeldafan79 you have an incredibly selfish attitude to this situation, you're not overcoming fear by refusing to socially distance when buying your fast food. These are simple steps to limit the spread of the virus to protect the most vulnerable in society.

@MortalKombat2007 just being pedantic but antibiotics are for bacteria rather than a virus.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

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@Heavyarms55 I think this article summarizes status here the best:

And as you say, the media that went on about it forever.....the disease isn't even in the headlines anymore. It's as though it's effectively entirely gone. Or never happened at all. The headlines are race war, race war, race war, Bolton's Book, Trump, race war (oh and here's something some healthcare worker did in some sleepy town after some COVID related work.)

There's conflicting data. One source will say how much cases are spiking. Another will show how great it is they're going down down down. One will say that the disease is very hard to spread and really only affects the elderly and ill. Others will go on about how contagious it is. The actual top medical officials are pretty much admitting "we have no idea at all" - it's a chameleon that's constantly behaving different. The media is down to shaping reality for their target audience and it's sowing more confusion and entirely different religious beliefs about how a disease spreads depending on who you are in society. At first it was the country bumpkins unafraid and the urbanites were afraid. But urbanites are fickle, get bored, and are good at rationalizing any whim they now they're joining in. And those that actually understand the threat are forced to play pretend and act as though they're not in absolute terror all the time.

I'm not sure where that leaves those of us who refuse to go anywhere and are even terrified of work, until it's actually been HALTED/treatable/vaccinated, because it doesn't feel safe, because it isn't safe despite that everyone has declared that it's safe based on the hard science of "I don't want to stay indoors anymore."

Hopefully this first batch is a useful guinnea pig. If it really goes away while everyone is being a jerk then maybe there never was a threat....or maybe the science was wrong and it's seasonal like flu and mostly idles in until October after all. Which might be a different crisis. Once everyone gets used to "see it was fine after all" then come October everything collapses worse than March. Hopefully those of us that still don't trust the all clear are allowed to avoid it until the guinnea pigs that just want to have their fun all get sick.

@Zeldafan79 Ahh. So you ARE the people that are the problem. Good to know.

First, do you know you haven't been sick? Did you get tested before making that claim? That's the entire threat of this particular disease is it has a high rate of carriers and asymptomatic spread. You could have had it already, not developed symptoms which occurs much more frequently with this virus than many others, and already spread it to other people, perhaps even killing some. Or you're just lucky.

The absolute jerks such as yourself not wearing masks walking down the sidewalk may indeed not have ever needed one due to not coming into contact with someone. But as I'm reminded every time some walker jogger without a mask comes up out of nowhere while I'm doing yard work, it's a bold statement of "I have no idea who's going to be near me unexpectedly, and I don't care about them so it doesn't matter to me. They can move for ME I won't move for them, because I've decided what their safety threshold is, so long as I'm not on the hook for their medical bills." If you see other people wearing're within range of being near them unexpectedly or otherwise. You are very possibly in range of you or someone else walking in the trail of respiratory droplets hanging in the air behind someone long after they're gone.

That's great if you are carefree and accept whatever fate whenever someone else decided it for you. But you have no right to decide that for others. It's great you don't want to live in fear and are ok with the risks, but you have no right to decide that for others. You don't live their lives, you don't pay their bills, you don't have their worries, and you don't have their biology. You don't know what straw is the one that is going to break them. It's a disease with little hard science, little proven knowledge of exactly what it does, who it affects, all the methods it spreads. It's not like standing in fear of HIV by breathing it in in 2020 when we have the science that tells us it's direct fluid transfer only. It's a new disease with unknown behaviors, unknown transmission vectors, and unknown reasons for it's severity in some but not all cases. You may not be afraid, you may find the odds acceptable, but you honestly don't know if you, or someone in your family or contacts happens to be someone with the "wrong" chemistry that it becomes bad, just as you don't know if you've been an asymptomatic carrier at any point.

Odds are that you and your family aren't going to die from it even if you're a selfish, reckless jerk. But would you really play at a roulette table in Vegas that said "odds of death: 1:8 odds of immense misery and suffering including potential permanent lung damage: 1:5 odds of causing either of the above to any of the other people in the room: 2:3"? If I placed a big bowl of M&Ms in front of you and said "I only laced 2% of these with cyanide, and another 3% with botulism from which you'll probably survive at the ER and another 2 weeks in ICU" are you seriously going to grab a handful because odds favor it being fine? I mean only 5 of each hundred are going to kill you or send you to the why not grab some chocolate and hope you don't get one of those 5? That's literally the risk your taking by being cavalier. Only unlike the M&Ms you have an almost certain guarantee of then sharing that risk with everyone else you are in contact with as's like the M&M example except you also choose to stuff a handful in the mouth of everyone you are in contact with, family or stranger.

The only place I'll agree with you here is on the "coined for slogans" term "social distancing" which seems like a soft sell to make avoiding proximity to people friendly and "social"

But that is the only place. "I haven't been wearing a mask and I ain't gonna start now" is a bold statement that only slightly paraphrases "I'm a selfish, arrogant jerk, I care about nobody but myself, and apparently I don't even care about myself very much. I've decided odds are more important than centuries of medical science in infectious disease and that I'll increase my risk of infection, and I've decided that since I don't like being inconvenienced, I'm going to expose you to all risk I've undertaken as well."

Horray for not being afraid. It's like wearing your superhero cape and waving a loaded gun around in the middle of the street.

It's an airborne disease spread through respiratory droplets. You don't need direct contact with people to spread it. You only need to be in contact with microscopic droplets of moisture from their breath that linger in the air, possibly for hours in indoor environments without the air moving. 6 feet is actually not NEARLY far enough as numerous studies have since demonstrated. It's really about not even walking through the same space as someone else that has it until those droplets have been dislodged from the air - which happens faster in the moving outdoor air than stagnant indoor air. And recirculated indoor air simply moves those particles from the air and aerosolizes it through the HVAC. Anyone not wearing a mask, for any minute, is putting those particles in the air. Now they're finding urine may carry it, so public bathrooms are a risk vector as well. You seem awfully confident that you aren't going to get it through many still unknown vectors before you gallantly spread your respiratory droplets in the air for others, masked or not, to inhale. The mask doesn't protect the wearer. It protects everyone else FROM the wearer.

Also, as this is a Nintendo site, you do realize masks have been worn by the sick as a standard practice in Asia since the Spanish Flu, right? Highly dense populations can't even afford the common cold to spread like wildfire, so it's the responsibility of the sick to protect everyone from them as a standard cultural practice. One I fully expect will be adopted here as a standard practice even post-COVID19 as more people will be aware that blatantly spreading germs is just bad decision making. Haven't' you ever seen all the masks worn by E3 attendees from Asia? Because doing so is normal there if you're sick. The problem is, with COVID, ANYONE can be the sick, even the seemingly healthy. So everyone needs to assume they may be a carrier of the disease even when they are healthy. Additionally some research showed the disease is most infectious the 2 days before symptoms begin even in those with symptomatic illness from it. So it's the healthy - not wearing masks - that represent the greatest threat of all.

While I'd like to think you're simply uninformed and thus making seemingly obnoxious choices, the defiance in your tone on this suggest, even fully informed, you are still going to choose selfishness. Yes, the mask doesn't protect you at all. It protects others from you if you have it and don't know it. If you truly only care about your own outcome, and choose to screw everyone else, then indeed, keep skipping the mask. It doesn't improve your own outcome at all. Just don't be surprised when people act with fear, avoidance or anger toward you every time you point your gun at them. They, and even you, have no way of knowing if it's loaded.



@Zeldafan79 You sound like you're in a rural area, or possibly trolling. If you want to learn, that's up to you.

If you want to say it's the flu, 9,000-15,000 die per year in the US from the flu, on average. While there were 24,000 covid deaths in New York state alone in just 4 months. 118,000 covid deaths in the US so far. The only reason it hasn't spread more is because of distancing & mask wearing, and shutting down indoor businesses - because it spreads via micro droplets that hang in the air from talking, singing, yelling, sneezing coughing.

Edited on by WoomyNNYes

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


I remember some time ago this person went from being mad about the virus and how ridiculous people were being about it, to freaking out because they thought they had it, then to being cautiously accepting of the legitimacy of it.

Seems they went back a few steps.

Edited on by Eel


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Here in Indonesia, wearing a mask during Covid19 pandemic is a MUST or you can be fined or get arrested.
Obey the protocol, please.
This is also for your safety even you haven't experienced with the symptoms.



@Zeldafan79 Well just hope that wherever you live they don't do what my state just did, make it mandatory that you where a mask now whenever you go out in public.

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i had nothing to add but because this immediately ended up on my twitter feed...

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@NEStalgia The virus never went away. End of that discussion. People not talking about it doesn't mean it's not there anymore.

The only conflicting data I've seen is simply a result of regional variance and in some cases, false positives caused by contaminated testing kits. In some areas of the world the numbers have gotten much better, and in others it is very much spiking.

The reason it's not in the headlines anymore is because people have grown used to it. People are numb to it and so it doesn't get the clicks and ad revenue other issues do. Another 800 people died in the US yesterday from the virus? "What else is new?"

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kkslider5552000 wrote:

This is generally my thought as well. I still wear them in stores or in areas where it's 1. hard to social distance and/or 2. there are a ton of people around.

I wear them inside in public areas. I don't often bother with them outside unless I'm in a crowded area, which seldom happens for me anyway. I'm not one for crowds and live in a less populated area, so people are somewhat easy to avoid. I don't see the point of wearing a mask in an outdoor trail area with few people where it's easy to keep your distance, for example.

Some would probably say I should be wearing them at work, and I admittedly do not. However, we're split off from the main work population anyway (as we're a separate division in our own building, though still under the same company), there aren't very many of us, and we're spread far enough apart with other protocols that I highly doubt any of us will catch anything. There is a mandatory stay-at-home policy if you feel ill.

Regulations highly differ depending on where you're at in the company and how much you interact with the public. I feel sorry for those who are visiting customers a lot. Our support is phone-only right now (the company isn't allowing traveling outside of mandatory visits), and we devs are usually shut up behind our monitors and deaf to the world via headphones anyway. Still washing hands frequently (though I did that before the pandemic) and sanitizing surfaces more often.

Edited on by Tyranexx

Currently playing: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Switch), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations (Switch/AAT)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


I also notice that, not only is most English media I come across not talking about the pandemic anymore, but there's been little to no mention of the rapidly rising numbers in Brazil, India and Russia. Brazil looks like it will hit 1 million cases by tomorrow.

I am curious if there are any multi-lingual folks around who've seen reports about it in their respective languages. I've heard mention of it in Japan but not much else. Japanese news tends to be nothing but Japan, America and western Europe.

@Tyranexx That's it exactly. But there's no making rational arguments with people who believe insane conspiracy theories. When people think that COVID-19 is somehow a "Leftist Democratic hoax to hurt President Trump" and that somehow, there is a group with enough power to fake a global pandemic that literally every country on Earth is dealing with... You can't reason with these people.

I've tried to point out that, if a group existed and had so much power, they'd already rule the world - but they just brush that off without even attempting to deal with it and continue spouting their nonsense. Or say they aren't wearing a mask to "own the libs" or whatever.

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For US east coasters, I read that Hatteras Island, NC has their highest summer rental numbers since 2005 - highest number of tourists. They think people are picking Hatteras for the low population density and more isolated beaches, which it is.

@Heavyarms55 Yeah, I'm aware of Brazil, I think, because I watch NHK World. The amount of helpful covid info they provide puts US networks to shame. I'd heard about Russia, but not much in the past two weeks. My friend in Mexico City has also mentioned covid is on the rise, but she didn't say much else, other than the poor can't afford to self quarantine at home.

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
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