
Topic: Atlus Fan Club

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This is a thread for member to come together and talk about their favorite games that were developed and/or plublished by Atlus, a game company known for publishing great yet obscure games that few others would ever put out. Along with publishing, they've also developed a long line of great games, such as the Shin Megami Tensei series (particularly the Persona spin-off series), Etrian Odyssey, and Trauma Center games, among many other games over the course of their long history in the gaming industry. Feel free to talk about any games concerning them, whether you liked or disliked them, etc.

If you're not sure what games where made/published by them, feel free to check their Wikipedia page.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I love Atlus.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Use the URL tags instead of IMG tags. The forum automatically recognizes that the links are images and will pop up when you click on them.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Adam wrote:

Use the URL tags instead of IMG tags. The forum automatically recognizes that the links are images and will pop up when you click on them.

Ah, Thank you so much! That looks much better.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Devil Survivor is freaking awesome!

[Edited by JayArr]

[insert 25 Cents here to play]


No problem.

I particularly enjoyed Etrian Odyssey and Shiren, but what I'd like most is for them to remake or sequelize Jack Bros, not that it'd ever happen.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Any opportunity to mention a little-known classic, Pieces! The anime style, quality music, and excellent gamplay and control make this the best jigsaw puzzle video game I've ever played. It falls into the category of "games I want on VC but will never come due to licence issues."

Of note: The PS1 Classic "Jigsaw Madness" is very similar in a number of ways, leading me to believe it may have shared developers, even though the developer listings online suggest otherwise. Perhaps NIS bought Hori Electronics? Anyway, it's good, but lacking in charm by comparison and overall inferior, IMO. Still worth $6, though.

Pieces was the first Atlus game I ever played, long before I came to know them for localizing niche JRPG's. When I eventually became familiar with their current and recent work, I found it funny to learn that I had previous experience with the company in such a different form.

[Edited by Stuffgamer1]

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P

Nintendo Network ID: Stuffgamer1



Yeah, Devil Survivor is pretty great. I really should get back into it. I took a break during Day 2 and forgot to go back. If I'm ever in a strategy-gaming mood, I'll be sure to play that one instead of wasting more time with Front Mission.


Never played Jack Bros. before. It's a Virtual Boy game, right? I'm sure they wouldn't miss the chance to release a remake/sequel of their own mascot's game on the 3DS. Shiren's pretty good, too, some of the best Rogue-likes out there. I hope they bring Shiren The Wanderer 4 to the U.S. as well. And I've always wanted to play an Entrian Odyssey game, it seems right up my alley.


Pieces sounds pretty fun, actually. I'd get it in a heartbeat if it came to the VC, though the cart is pretty cheap. I really wish Atlus would reconsider their position towards the Virtual Console in NA. They had to some good stuff back in the day, even if it wasn't much. Plus, I'm sure tons of people would scramble for an affordable copy of Cusader of Centy.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


@Mickeymac I imported devil survivor and I was just like that. I'm on the second day too and have been taking a long break from it. I'm excited about the persona series coming to 3ds. It looks awesome and I only own nintendo consoles. The persona games are the games on non-nintendo consoles that I most want to play. I hope that the persona 3ds game is persona 4, that looks like the best. Persona 3 looks awesome as well and persona 2 looks pretty good but I hope it's not the first persona game because I don't like first-person rpgs.


RiverCity Ransom

For you, the day LordJumpMad graced your threads, was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.

3DS Friend Code: 4167-4592-9402 | Twitter:


mariofanatic128 wrote:

@Mickeymac I imported devil survivor and I was just like that. I'm on the second day too and have been taking a long break from it. I'm excited about the persona series coming to 3ds. It looks awesome and I only own nintendo consoles. The persona games are the games on non-nintendo consoles that I most want to play. I hope that the persona 3ds game is persona 4, that looks like the best. Persona 3 looks awesome as well and persona 2 looks pretty good but I hope it's not the first persona game because I don't like first-person rpgs.

None of the Persona games outside of the first had First-Person dungeons. Also, Persona is coming to the 3DS? Where did you hear that? I know a Devil Survivor game and a Main series game are both coming to the 3DS, but I heard nothing about a Persona game. It would be awesome, though, especially if it's a remake of Persona 2.

Still, I do recommend picking up a PS2 at some point, even if it's only to grab a few games. I mean heck, it's cheap enough, so why not? Trust me, it's worth it.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Played and loved both Persona 3 and 4.
Tried SMT: Digital Devil Saga and SMT: Srange Journey but they didn't click in the same way.
Also love the Trauma Center series and looking to get both 3D Dot Heroes and Demon's Souls.

[21:14] pixelman: I blame fheblackdragon
[21:15] pixelman: That's not an f by the way, it's a fancy t.
[21:15] Objection: Tales of Graces "fancy t"
[21:15] Objection: Tinal Tantasy
[21:15] theblackdragon: lol OB
[21:15] pixelman: OB knows what he's asking about.

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0835-3789


True, if 3DS shows some serious VB love, I might just have to get one, despite how completely uninterested I am in 3D effects. Mario Clash and Wario Land, among others, were some awesome games. Maybe Jack Brothers will return.

Shiren 4 looks good. The only Shiren DS in the West plummeted in price pretty fast, from what I gather. I got mine for $10 or 12, though I forget how long after release it was. After playing the one for Wii and reading up on it, I'm not sure I'm hugely disappointed. I really enjoyed it, but it was so time consuming. The original Shiren is vastly different from all its sequels, and I like its game play style much better. Shiren 4 at least has the advantage of looking much better than Shiren Wii, not that Shiren was hideous on Wii, but it can't compare with their fabulous pixel art.

And Etrian Odyssey is cool. If the new one has an easy mode, I'll be very interested, but otherwise, it's way too hard. I understand Wizardry fans like their games to be as inaccessible as possible, but as long as a brutally unfair and unfun difficulty is an option, I don't see why they can't also include a mode for beginners and casual fans.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Atlus is okay. Shiren Wii left me disappointed at where my 40 bucks went to.




Digital Devil Saga wasn't my thing, either. Strange Journey is my favorite game in the series, though. I really should finish it, but that sub-mission I was stuck on was maddening! Persona 3 was great, though it took me a while to get into it. I wasn't too keen on the idea of having a life sim in my RPG, but it worked out pretty well, and the RPG sections were surprisingly fun, too.

Never played Trauma Center myself, but Trauma Team looks fantastic! I really should pick it up soon. Maybe I'll grab it tomorrow when I'm off looking for a copy of Demon's Souls and 3D Dot Heroes?

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I do love me some Trauma Center. Those games are great. Though you can usually tell it's an Atlus game by how the characters are drawn. When I first saw Persona 3, I was like, "Is this an Atlus game?" checks "Ohohoho I'm right I feel so clever now".

Check out my classy comics.


Starcross64 wrote:

I do love me some Trauma Center. Those games are great. Though you can usually tell it's an Atlus game by how the characters are drawn. When I first saw Persona 3, I was like, "Is this an Atlus game?" checks "Ohohoho I'm right I feel so clever now".

Yes, they have a very Distinct artstyle. I had a similar experience when I picked up Maken X, a game that doesn't even have Atlus' logo on it, and certainly isn't well-known. 'Course, it's easy to tell when you see the cover, they look very much like the characters from Digital Devil Saga, SMT: Nocturne, and Devil Summoner.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Atlus is pretty good. I've been having a blast with Trauma Team lately.

“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” - "Some men are born mediocre, some men achieve mediocrity, and some men have mediocrity thrust upon them."


Love Atlus obviously as my user name on here comes from my favorite PS1 title Brigandine. Only game I have not liked from Atlus so far is Rondo of Swords.


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