
Topic: When are user reviews coming out?

Posts 21 to 40 of 40


@Mickeymac: Is there not an ad at the top of the page you are looking at. And if no one was reading what you said you're gonna tell me you are going to keep going to a forum to have your voice not heard. Sorry that doesn't make sense to you.

[Edited by y2josh]



If I were a Nintendolife grunt, I wouldn't let anyone do reviews except for me! HAH-HAH-HAH-HACK... cough... cough... I just did an Emperor Palpatine.


3DS Friend Code: 0061-3403-4305 | Nintendo Network ID: AlexTheGrayt | Twitter:


ToadFan wrote:

Can't you just post your review in a thread?

I am not sure but I dont think the Mods like that too much but I can be wrong. I think the main reason is cause they dont want people to confuse user reviews with thier own staff reviews. The safest bet is just to maybe review the game in your own blog and have the blog site in your signature so others can go to your blog and see the review.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Why? Forums have the Thread: Thing remember?



Guys if we can keep this on-topic and at least semi-serious, that'd be much appreciated.

We do not allow user reviews in the forums. That's just the way it is.

I don't know if an ignore user function for the forums is on the way but we're looking into it for chat.


Nintendo Network ID: DaddyNewtsUK


James wrote:

Guys if we can keep this on-topic and at least semi-serious, that'd be much appreciated.

My apologies.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


I know this isn't really the same thing, but instead of complaining and waiting for a user review system to be implemented, couldn't you instead leave a mini review in the comments section of an existing review for games that have reviews available? You could sum up your own ideas on the game into a single short paragraph and leave a score you find fitting out of 10. Then, when the user review system is up, you could just port your mini reviews over and expand on them in excruciating detail if that is what you wish.

For example:

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (3DS) Review

Then, in the comments section:

This is a phenomenal port of Super Street Fighter IV for the 3DS and a great first effort by Capcom! The game plays exactly as it should, but the backgrounds are curiously lifeless. Streetpass mode is a largely useless diversion. 3D is gimmicky as expected, but you can play the game at a silky smooth 60 frames per second when you disable the 3D via the in game menus. Online is mostly lag free and fun when playing with friends, but playing against random players often results in being paired with noobs who will ruin your experience via broken projectile spam (a result of easy mode touch screen controls), but nothing a seasoned pro can't handle...until your opponent rage disconnects.

I rate this a 7/10 on the sykometer
Suggested buy price $29.99 or less

Edit: Fixed.

[Edited by sykotek]

What is the meaning of life? That's so easy, the answer is TETRIS.


We don't think it's a good idea to have user reviews below our own, official review — we like to keep discussion related to the site's review, whereas with user reviews in the mix it'd just get out of control. Of course we encourage users to make thoughtful and well-written posts, and your comment would be totally acceptable without the score at the end


Nintendo Network ID: DaddyNewtsUK


What ever happened to freedom of speech, huh?? Or would it be freedom of the press? Anyway, let us write whatever we want or we'll sue you!
Oh wait, it's a British site...

Lots of censorship here...
3DS: 1676-4603-1823
Dragon friend safari

Nintendo Network ID: Dylan1


We need to be able to rate things like on the e-shop, grading things out of 5 stars. BTW this is a function your website had years ago, before taking it away (and promising it would come back in an improved fashion, whish it never did).

We also need to be able to 'Rec' comments so that the best comments are highlighted. I hate sifting through hundreds of posts looking for the interesting ones.



Ugh I agree it would be a big mass of reviews in the comments section and the forums. Everyone thinks their a reviewer these days. It's also a huge slap to the face and disrespectful of the person who put the time into making the review.



GuardianAcorn wrote:

What ever happened to freedom of speech, huh?? Or would it be freedom of the press? Anyway, let us write whatever we want or we'll sue you!
Oh wait, it's a British site...

Right, because Britain doesn't have freedom of speech laws does it? In fact Milton, Locke and John Stuart Mill never existed did they? 'Freedoms' never existed until Americans invented them.



Kainard wrote:

Ugh I agree it would be a big mass of reviews in the comments section and the forums. Everyone thinks their a reviewer these days. It's also a huge slap to the face and disrespectful of the person who put the time into making the review.

I just want to point out that I personally have no interest in making user reviews, but I don't think that adding a mini review type comment to an existing review's comment section is a bad thing as long as it pertains to the content in question. Also, it is my opinion that anyone that plays a game should be allowed to write about their experience if they choose to, whether they are professionally employed as a reviewer or not.

In regards to clutter, people could just remove their mini reviews from the comment section after user reviews get implemented then add a user score and expand on it if that's what they choose to do. Despite not caring for user reviews myself, I think varying points of view on a product would be nice for other users. As far as I am concerned, the alternative would likely be users cluttering up the message boards which will lead to tons of locked topics and it wouldn't serve the purpose it should because no one bothers reading the message boards for reviews.

Lastly, I don't see how it would be in any way disrespectful to anyone making reviews professionally as the comment sections are there to supplement the review and generate discussion of the game in question and not expressly there to stroke the reviewer's ego or for figuring out who posted first.

Edited: To make more sense grammatically.

[Edited by sykotek]

What is the meaning of life? That's so easy, the answer is TETRIS.


I don't see what's wrong with people just writing their opinions in the comments sections under a review. I usually have a browse through them the see what other peoples opinions are of the game in question.

Fuzzy, Backloggery.


We will get them when Backloggery gets them.

a user review race!

sykotek wrote:

In regards to clutter, people could just remove their mini reviews from the comment section after user reviews get implemented then add a user score and expand on it if that's what they choose to do. Despite not caring for user reviews myself, I think varying points of view on a product would be nice for other users.

I think that would be more disrespectful to the reviewer, than having an opinion listed in the comment section. If the reviewer gave the game a good/bad score, and the user score is higher/lower than the score, you would get the "What's wrong with this reviewer, What do you mean this game is awful, etc.

If people really want to review games, then they are free to set up a gaming blog, and post them there. It doesn't bother me, as most people post the views on games in the respective threads established here.

[Edited by Aviator]


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


If you want to review that badly, start your own review site or blog.

Plain old gamer :)



[Edited by Aviator]


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


I would find it useful and interesting if any registered user can choose a game and determine a user score. This is because I'm not so much interested in only one person's opinion (and often don't agree with the scores given here) but everyone's generally opinion. Usually when a new game is released I read the review on Ninteno Life without looking at the review score and then immediately jump to GameFAQs to check the three different ratings given there (Reader Review Average, GameFAQs Rating Average and GameRankings Average).



Aviator wrote:

We will get them when Backloggery gets them.

a user review race!

sykotek wrote:

In regards to clutter, people could just remove their mini reviews from the comment section after user reviews get implemented then add a user score and expand on it if that's what they choose to do. Despite not caring for user reviews myself, I think varying points of view on a product would be nice for other users.

I think that would be more disrespectful to the reviewer, than having an opinion listed in the comment section. If the reviewer gave the game a good/bad score, and the user score is higher/lower than the score, you would get the "What's wrong with this reviewer, What do you mean this game is awful, etc.

If people really want to review games, then they are free to set up a gaming blog, and post them there. It doesn't bother me, as most people post the views on games in the respective threads established here.

I didn't mean to leave the score in the comments, I meant to add the score when the user reviews sections opened, if they opened. ...but yea, you're totally right, people could always set up their own gaming blogs. I'm just offering a workable solution as opposed to the barrage of complaining and disappointment. Did I already mention I personally don't care about user reviews? =D

What is the meaning of life? That's so easy, the answer is TETRIS.


guys, the user reviews function is still in the works. until then, if you'd like to review games and have users here check them out, please feel free to post them to your own webspace (a blog, a site of your own, a youtube channel, etc.) and then put a link to such into your signature. this is a long-standing rule that was handed down straight from the head honchos, and if you don't like it, you are more than welcome to let them know via the Contact Form.

as it stands, this topic is going nowhere. hopefully we'll all see progress on tne user reviews feature soon! :3

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!

3DS Friend Code: 3136-6802-7042 | Nintendo Network ID: gentlemen_cat | Twitter:

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