
Topic: Ideas for the site

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Hi all. I haven't posted in forever but thought I'd pop in to tell you how to do your jobs.

Something is missing from this site and it's bugging me a bit...

We have forums for Wii U eShop, Wii U Virtual Console, 3DS eShop, 3DS Virtual Console, WiiWare, Wii Virtual Console and DSiWare, yet (you've probably guessed where I'm going with this), don't have a Switch equivalent.

It bugs me because people seem to be posting about new Switch games in The Nintendo Switch Thread, which has over 23,000 comments. As a result, the front page in the Switch forum usually has the same threads from yonks ago and some games are being buried/not talked about much - somebody could think there are no games for the system...

tl;dr Can we have a dedicated Switch eShop forum? Please and thank you.

Edited on by Monkey_Balls


Nintendo Network ID: widdowk


@Monkey_Balls Well, you can just create a thread in the Switch section if you wish. But with several games coming out each week and several announcements each day, I don't think creating a thread for every single game is the way to go. And to be fair, some are posting about literally every single game announcement (which is fine!), but a lot of those games are forgotten as soon as they release. That's just the way it is.

Anyway, the 3DS eShop and Wii U eShop sections were a bit pointless, since a lot of people posted about digital games in the regular 3DS and Wii U sub-forums as well. I'm all for keeping everything Switch related in one sub-forum, especially since digital is starting to play a bigger role, and the lines between digital and physical are less clear than back in the Wii days; games vs WiiWare.

Anyway, I don't get to decide what happens, but this is just my take on it!



@Octane I understand your point but a balance would be nice - keeping everything in one sub-forum is understandable but not all in one thread (23,000+ comments is a bit ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?). I just think a dedicated Switch eShop thread would tidy things up a bit, give certain games a bit more focus, and expand the scope of the forum/conversation. At the very least, couldn't the Nintendo Switch Thread be just about the hardware and not a free-for-all-anything-related-to-Switch thread? A lot of decent conversation and content is being missed due to it all being posted there.

Thanks for your reply.


Nintendo Network ID: widdowk


Pondering if Private Messaging / Direct Message will be in the works... I mean I understand if it won't, but it's just easier to PM/DM people about some stuff, straight in here sometimes.



I'm all for the consolidation of some of the older forums that don't see a lot of activity. I'm not sure if this would be a good move for the 3DS and Wii U related forums as of yet, but combining the DS and DSiWare forums into one and the Wii-related forums into one probably wouldn't be a bad move.

As for the Switch forum, I could see it possibly splitting into multiple sections eventually (especially when the VC service inevitably comes). For now, I think things are fine as is with it.

Private/Direct Messaging would be neat to have here as well, though I can easily see why something like that would raise some red flags as well.

Currently playing: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana (Switch), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations (Switch/AAT)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


Never normally post in here but am curious as to whether NL plans on expanding the detail in the personal profile sections.

I used to use GameSpot forums a lot back in the day and they had some really good features. I know Facebook has changed things a lot for forums but would be cool for people who want to keep there gaming and personal social media separate.



@Monkey_Balls I was literally coming here to post this same comment.

Why do we have 3 Wii U forums, but everything for the Switch is condensed into 1 thread?

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


Meowpheel wrote:

Is still think they should merge all the eshop forums into a single one (and all the virtual console forums too).

If you mean:
Wii U eShop, 3DS eShop, WiiWare, DSiWare, (Switch eShop) > one forum.
3DS Virtual Console, Wii U Virtual Console, Wii Virtual Console, (Switch Virtual Console?) > one forum.

That could become a bit confusing having games for different platforms in one forum.

If you mean:
Wii U eShop, Wii U Virtual Console > one forum.
3DS eShop, 3DS Virtual Console > one forum.
WiiWare, Wii Virtual Console > one forum.
Switch eShop, Switch Virtual Console(?) > one forum.

That would be much better. I'm not sure why the Virtual Consoles or Wii/DSi-Ware are separate to their respective eShops anyway...

Heavyarms55 wrote:

@Monkey_Balls I was literally coming here to post this same comment.

Why do we have 3 Wii U forums, but everything for the Switch is condensed into 1 thread?

Yes, it is a bit strange that Nintendo's newest system has the least amount of coverage/exposure on the forums.


Nintendo Network ID: widdowk


@Monkey_Balls Yeah, the second option; a Switch forum, a Wii U forum, a Wii forum, a 3DS forum, a DS forum and a retro forum.



Hi, I was Looking at the options of following topics earlier, very pleased that I could follow Metroid and Super Smash Bros related news, but no Donkey Kong?! Surely our favourite ape family can have their own following, if Star Fox can?! There's definitely more DK related games than Star Fox?!

Food for thought. Thanks.



A suggestion that I want is a heart button for forum posts. The same as it is for comments. The reason for this if you agree with it or just like the post. I specifically want it for the friend code threads so I know who I have added and who I haven't yet, so I won't have to look back at the reply's I gave or search up the friend code to see if it's my friend or not.


Switch Friend Code: SW-4750-8467-7698 | 3DS Friend Code: 0147-3539-2436 | Nintendo Network ID: nobboysbro


I love Nintendo Life's community, but it seems like Nintendo Life itself misses out on posting a lot of news, either as soon as possible or all together, which is something that's been bothering me lately, especially with all the fluff stories that do get posted. As an illustration: GoNintendo and Nintendo Everything have already posted about Hyper Light Drifter and Nidhogg 2 coming to Switch, yet Nintendo Life hasn't, but they have posted a news message about making some game like Pokemon Go.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel I would be missing out on a lot of Nintendo news if I only followed Nintendo Life, which is a problem IMO.



@Monkeido Bear in mind that NL publish a lot more reviews than Nintendo Everything (whose most recent review is 2 weeks old), and Go Nintendo don't seem to do reviews at all (just going by a quick flick through the respective sites). Look at how many reviews NL has published in March...

... I count about 40. Nintendo Everything only seems to have published 1 in the same period.

Reviews are, to varying degrees, original content and to be worth a damn involve significant time investment. The type of articles you get on those sites are mostly bitesize, often copy and paste jobs.

Edited on by gcunit

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


gcunit wrote:

@Monkeido Bear in mind that NL publish a lot more reviews than Nintendo Everything (whose most recent review is 2 weeks old), and Go Nintendo don't seem to do reviews at all (just going by a quick flick through the respective sites). Look at how many reviews NL has published in March...

... I count about 40. Nintendo Everything only seems to have published 1 in the same period.

Reviews are, to varying degrees, original content and to be worth a damn involve significant time investment. The type of articles you get on those sites are mostly bitesize, often copy and paste jobs.

That's very true and I do realize Nintendo Life does a great job at writing reviews for a lot of games, even the ones that are 'less important' (like say, Neo Geo rereleases). But it's exactly as you said, news items shouldn't be much more than a copy and paste job, yet for some reason it doesn't get done well enough here, even though it's easy and unoriginal, it's still of importance to readers.

Edited on by Monkeido



To All Moderator here, may i suggest for Hide button for every single Main articles ?
So i can hide all topics that Not appropriate to see for me.
And also i really disturbed to see some Inappropriate articles here whenever i want to find Appropriate Only articles.
Btw, when i said Inappropriate, that means All the 18+ games.
I don't even want to see any of them (again), even just only their titles in words.



@Octane Wash your mouth out!

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


Um... i mean like this.
Not just that title i banned, i mean ALL 18+ games.
There are some Main articles here talking about those games. I wish there is a Button that i can Hide them all from my view if i felt disturbed. It would be great if my little request granted. Please consider something like that. Thank you.

Note: Sorry if i was talking about killing hatred peoples. That was my true confessions from the pain of my heart.


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